Síntesis informativa - 19 de junio 2019


U.S. Navy Says Mine Fragments Point to Iran in Tanker Attack

Fragments recovered from one of two tankers crippled by explosions in the Gulf of Oman last week bear a “striking resemblance” to limpet mines that Iran has previously displayed, United States Navy officials told reporters on Wednesday in the United Arab Emirates.

Navy commander also said during the briefing that fingerprints and other information recovered at the site of the explosions could be used to build a criminal case.


South Korea to Send the North Food Aid for the First Time in 9 Years

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea said on Wednesday that it would provide 50,000 tons of rice to North Korea, in the hope that the humanitarian aid will help persuade the North to return to talks on improving inter-Korean ties and ending its nuclear weapons program.

Kim Yeon-chul, the South Korean unification minister, said the rice shipment would be delivered through the United Nations World Food Program before September to help North Korea during what are traditionally lean months.


2 Rockets Strike Oil Fields in Southern Iraq

BASRA, Iraq — Two rockets struck separate targets on Wednesday in oil fields just outside Basra, not far from the headquarters of many international and domestic oil companies.

Though a bit more frequent in recent weeks, rocket attacks have been rare since the Islamic State was pushed out of Iraq more than 18 months ago, and oil fields generally have not been targets. Basra, in southwestern Iraq just above the Persian Gulf, is one of the richest oil production regions in Iraq.


Number of People Fleeing Conflict Is Highest Since World War II, U.N. Says

GENEVA — The number of people fleeing violence is the highest recorded since World War II, according to figures released Wednesday by the United Nations refugee agency, as old conflicts dragged on and new ones erupted.

The global population of people displaced by conflict reached 70.8 million last year, up from a little over 43 million a decade ago, the report said. Around 80 percent of the world’s refugees have been living in exile for five years, and around one-fifth of them for 20 years, it noted, underscoring the intractable nature of the situation.


Hypersonic Missiles Are Unstoppable. And They’re Starting a New Global Arms Race

On March 6, 2018, the grand ballroom at the Sphinx Club in Washington was packed with aerospace-industry executives waiting to hear from Michael D. Griffin. Weeks earlier, Secretary of Defense James Mattis named the 69-year-old Maryland native the Pentagon’s under secretary for research and engineering, a job that comes with an annual budget of more than $17 billion. The dark-suited attendees at the McAleese/Credit Suisse Defense Programs Conference were eager to learn what type of work he would favor.

The audience was already familiar with Griffin, an unabashed defender of American military and political supremacy who has bragged about being labeled an “unreconstructed cold warrior.” With five master’s degrees and a doctorate in aerospace engineering, he was the chief technology officer for President Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (popularly known as Star Wars), which was supposed to shield the United States against a potential Russian attack by ballistic missiles looping over the North Pole. Over the course of his career that followed, he wrote a book on space vehicle design, ran a technology incubator funded by the C.I.A., directed NASA for four years and was employed as a senior executive at a handful of aerospace firms.


Hundreds of Thousands Flee Congo Violence, in Region Afflicted by Ebola

GENEVA — Hundreds of thousands of people have fled an explosion of ethnic violence in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo in the past two weeks, the United Nations said on Tuesday, creating a new humanitarian emergency in a region where international agencies are struggling to control an outbreak of Ebola.

The United Nations refugee agency said more than 300,000 people had fled in the face of large-scale clashes between two ethnic groups, the Hema and the Lendu, in Ituri province, which borders Uganda and South Sudan. But officials said that the estimate was conservativehttps://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/18/world/africa/congo-ethnic-violence-ebola.html


‘I feel like a target’: US trade war worries tech workers of Chinese descent

Technology workers of Chinese descent say that they are experiencing backlash due to the US-China trade war and fears over Huawei, according to a survey commissioned by the Guardian through Blind, an app allowing anonymous workplace communication.

“With the trade war against China and especially the Huawei case I feel like a target more and more every day,” an anonymous Amazon employee wrote in a comment on the app, which is popular among technology employees and verifies employment through work emails. “I can’t even feel comfortable about being Chinese because so many Americans see China as a threat now.”



Trump revives Monroe Doctrine as warning to China and Russia

Latin American countries long demonised the doctrine which historically gave Washington a blank cheque to intervene.

Lucia Newman.- "It has been the formal policy of our country since President Monroe that we reject the interference of foreign nations in this hemisphere," said Trump.

This time, the reference was taken as a warning to Russia and China not to meddle in what the US once called its back yard, specifically in oil-rich Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, which Trump described as "the troika of tyranny".

"Today we proudly proclaim for all to hear: the Monroe Doctrine is alive and well," said Trump's National Security Adviser John Bolton, in a speech to Cuban Bay of Pigs veterans in Miami in April.

 While the US is looking away from the rest of the world, the Hispanic demographics of the US are giving more electoral power to Latinos. Meanwhile, China and increasingly Russia are projecting their power in the region. And so after years ignoring its neighbours, the White House is taking notice of what it again sees as a region key to its strategic interests.


 Rocket hits site of foreign oil firms in Iraq's Basra, three hurt

Three Iraqi workers wounded as rocket lands on headquarters of several major companies in latest oil attack.

The rocket hit the Burjesia residential and operations headquarters west of Basra, Iraqi police said. The site is home to a number of international oil giants, including US firm ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell PLC, and Italian Eni SpA.

"The oil ministry is saying that oil production in the area has not been affected by this attack," Stratford said, adding the security official described the rocket used as a Katyusha.

No foreign troops in Iraq should use its territory to attack another "foreign presence" or a country in the region, Iraq's Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi told a news conference on Tuesday, adding no local group should work outside of the supervision of the Iraqi armed forces.



Exjuez Moro podría explicar al Senado brasileño sobre intercambio ilegal de mensajes

Según Prensa Latina, la presidenta de la comisión, Simone Tebet, precisó que el exmagistrado fue invitado y decidió comparecer ante el Senado tras ser informado de que la CCJ inevitablemente votaría los requerimientos presentados por los parlamentarios que desean atender sus argumentos.

Es decir, el ministro procuró anticiparse a la convocatoria del Congreso y ponerse a disposición de los senadores en dos fechas posibles: 19 y 26 de junio.

Recientemente el sitio digital The Intercept publicó tres reportajes sobre inéditas conversaciones de Moro con fiscales de la operación anticorrupción Lava Jato para incriminar a Lula.

Las trabajos periodísticos revelan como la Lava Jato no resulta una acción jurídica, sino una operación política fuera de la ley.


Trump consideraría una acción militar contra Irán para evitar que obtenga armas nucleares

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, afirmó durante una entrevista con la revista Time que podría recurrir al uso de la fuerza militar contra Irán para que esa nación no obtenga armas nucleares.

Al ser preguntado sobre si Washington de momento está evaluando la realización de acciones militares contra Teherán, Trump afirmó que "no lo diría". "No puedo decirlo en absoluto", subrayó.


Gobierno de EE.UU. destina monto millonario a subversión contra Cuba

Según el sitio web Cuba Money Project, el Departamento de Estado y la Agencia de Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (Usaid, por siglas en inglés) gastaron con tales fines 22 millones 93 mil 43 dólares.

La cifra total, precisó la fuente, incluye dos millones 762 mil 161 dólares para programas de migrantes en la base naval norteamericana de Guantánamo, un enclave en el oriente cubano contra la voluntad del pueblo y las autoridades de la isla caribeña.

También están dos millones 533 mil 701 y 162 mil 618 dólares para administración y vigilancia, e iniciativas de repoblación en La Habana, respectivamente.

El Departamento de Estado redactó los nombres de organizaciones que recibieron un millón 320 mil 804 dólares de la Fundación Nacional para la Democracia (NED), subrayó Cuba Money Project.


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