Síntesis informativa - 26 de marzo 2019


Pentagon Claims Success in Test of New Tactic to Down Incoming Missiles

The Pentagon said that a test on Monday of a new tactic for intercepting missiles aimed at American cities was a success, in an exercise that appeared intended to simulate how the United States would defend against an adversary like North Korea.

The test, the first in nearly two years, was conducted over the Pacific Ocean. It fired two “interceptors” from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California against a mock warhead launched from Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

“The system worked exactly as it was designed to do,” Air Force Lt. Gen. Samuel A. Greaves, director of the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency, said in a statement. “This test demonstrates that we have a capable, credible deterrent against a very real threat.”


2 Russian Military Planes Land in Venezuela, Exacerbating Political Tension

CARACAS, Venezuela — A visit to Venezuela by two military airplanes from Russia, which landed in broad daylight at the international airport in Caracas, has set off alarms that the Kremlin might be acting more brazenly to protect President Nicolás Maduro from the uprising against him.

Russian and Venezuelan officials have not disputed the arrival of the airplanes, which were first seen at the airport on Saturday. Such flights ordinarily would be sent to a protected military air base beyond the sight of the public. 



Pentagon reallocates $1bn to help fund Trump's border wall

The construction would represent the first new section of Trump’s long-promised border wall, and gives yet another political boost for the president after the special counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.


Tory rebels asked by No 10 if they would back Brexit deal if May quit

Downing Street aides directly asked hard-Brexit Conservatives at Chequers on Sunday whether Theresa May’s resignation as prime minister would be enough to get them to endorse finally the exit deal struck with the European Union, it has emerged.


Spain hits back at Mexico in row over colonial rights abuses

A diplomatic row has broken out between Mexico and Spain after the Mexican president wrote to King Felipe VI demanding he apologise for crimes committed against Mexico’s indigenous people during the conquest 500 years ago.

In a video filmed at the ruins of the indigenous city of Comalcalco, in southern Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador called on Spain and the Vatican to recognise the rights violations committed during the conquest, led by Hernán Cortés. The video was posted on the president’s social media accounts.



Arabia Saudí "rechaza" posición de EE. UU. sobre el Golán

La decisión de Trump es "una clara violación" de las normas de la ONU, de los principios de la ley internacional, así como de las resoluciones del Consejo de Seguridad que tratan del Golán, indicó un comunicado saudí.

Arabia Saudí condenó hoy (26.03.2019) la decisión del presidente de EE. UU., Donald Trump, de reconocer la soberanía de Israel sobre los Altos del Golán y acusó a Washington de violar las leyes internacionales por este motivo.

Arabia Saudí  "expresa su firme rechazo y condena a la declaración de la administración estadounidense de que reconoce la soberanía de Israel sobre los Altos del Golán sirios ocupados", dice el comunicado publicado por SPA.


German export policies threaten European defense projects: French ambassador

Franco-German ventures to make tanks, drones and jets could be at risk due to Berlin's approach to arms exports, the French ambassador warns. As a consequence, ever more companies were developing "German-free" weapons.

France's ambassador to Germany, Anne-Marie Descotes, warned on Monday that German arms export policies and licensing rules threatened future Franco-German defense projects.

The remarks come as the two European nations are seeking to form closer defense cooperation and deepen ties between their parliaments.

In an essay published by the German military's Federal Academy for Security Policy, she said Germany had a tendency to see arms exports as a domestic political issue, but that its policies still "have serious consequences for our bilateral cooperation in the defense sector and the strengthening of European sovereignty.


Thailand election highlights a divided society

Despite optimism for a return to democratic governance in Thailand, the first election since a 2014 coup has forced many Thais to accept that the military will continue to rule. Julian Küng reports from Bangkok.

The final result of Thailand's election may not be official until the end of the week, but both sides are already claiming the right to begin forming a government. The pro-military Palang Pracharat party currently looks to have a slight edge over the Pheu Thai party loyal to exiled former leader Thaksin Shinawatra.

On Monday morning, Thailand's Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha was seen entering the government offices in Bangkok looking relaxed wearing his military uniform and aviator sunglasses. With 94 percent of votes counted, the junta leader's party has earned some 7.6 million votes and seems to be on the path to victory.



Lavrov y Pompeo discuten situación en Venezuela, Altos del Golán y Ucrania

MOSCU, 25 mar (Xinhua) -- El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Rusia, Sergei Lavrov, y el secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Mike Pompeo, discutieron hoy por teléfono la situación en Venezuela, los Altos del Golán y Ucrania.

"Los intentos de Washington para organizar un golpe en Venezuela y las amenazas contra su gobierno legítimo son una violación de la Carta de la ONU e intervención no disimulada en los asuntos internos de un Estado soberano", dijo Lavrov, según la cancillería rusa.

La intención de Estados Unidos de reconocer la soberanía israelí sobre los Altos del Golán conduce a la violación del derecho internacional, impide la solución de la crisis siria y agrava la situación en Medio Oriente en general, dijo.

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, firmó hoy una proclamación que reconoce la soberanía de Israel sobre los disputados Altos del Golán, territorio sirio del que se apropió Israel en 1967


Trump reconoce soberanía israelí sobre Altos del Golán disputados

WASHINGTON, 25 mar (Xinhua) -- El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, firmó hoy una proclamación que reconoce la soberanía de Israel sobre los disputados Altos del Golán, lo que representa un gran giro en la política estadounidense hacia Medio Oriente.

La proclamación dice que es "apropiado reconocer la soberanía israelí sobre los Altos del Golán" por la necesidad de seguridad de Israel.

"Esto ha requerido mucho tiempo", declaró Trump antes de firmar el decreto en la Casa Blanca flanqueado por el primer ministro israelí, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu expresó su beneplácito por la acción de Trump y calificó al reconocimiento como "histórico". "Nunca hemos tenido un mayor amigo que el presidente Trump", dijo.

Trump expresó su pésame a Netanyahu por el ataque con cohete de Gaza y reafirmó el derecho de Israel a defenderse. Los dos líderes también discutieron intereses compartidos en Medio Oriente, según la Casa Blanca.


Exhibición marítima y aeroespacial comienza en Langkawi, Malasia

LANGKAWI, Malasia, 26 mar (Xinhua) -- La 15ª Exposición Internacional Marítima y Aeroespacial de Langkawi (LIMA, siglas en inglés) comenzó hoy, con compañías de defensa de todo el mundo compitiendo por una mayor participación en la industria de defensa asiática.

En su discurso en la ceremonia de apertura, el primer ministro de Malasia, Mahathir Mohamad, dijo que 390 empresas de la industria comercial y de defensa de 31 países y regiones están participando en el evento de cinco días.

Las principales empresas de defensa presentes este año incluyen a Rafale International de Francia y Boeing de Estados Unidos.


Pentágono autoriza un mil millones de dólares para construcción de muro fronterizo

WASHINGTON, 25 mar (Xinhua) -- El Pentágono anunció el lunes que ha autorizado la transferencia de mil millones de dólares para la construcción de un muro a lo largo de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México.

En un boletín de prensa emitido la noche del lunes, el Pentágono dijo que el secretario de Defensa en funciones, Patrick Shanahan, ha autorizado al comandante del Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército estadounidense a comenzar planear y ejecutar una suma de hasta mil millones de dólares en apoyo al Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DSI), y la Patrulla de Aduanas y Frontera.

"Estos fondos serán usados para apoyar el requisito del DSI de construir una barrera de peatones de 57 millas (unos 92 kilómetros) de longitud y 18 pies de altura (cerca de 5,5 metros), a la vez que se mejorarán y contruirán caminos, así como se instalarán luces dentro de las secciones de Yuma y El Paso en la frontera", en apoyo a la declaración del presidente Donald Trump de una emergencia nacional sobre las fronteras en el sur del país, según el boletín.



Trump formally recognises Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights

US president signs proclamation formally recognising Israel's sovereignty over Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

Israel seized much of the Golan Heights from Syria during the 1967 Six-Day War and then effectively annexed it in 1981, a move that was never recognised by the international community.

The Arab League condemned the move saying that "Trump's recognition does not change the area's status."


Pentagon authorises transfer of $1bn for US-Mexico border wall

Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan authorises army engineers to begin planning and constructing 98km wall.

Shanahan authorised the engineers to begin planning and executing the project that would involve building 98 kilometres of five-metre-high fencing, constructing and improving roads, and installing lights within the Yuma and El Paso sections of the US-Mexico border.


Top Chinese leader backs crackdown on Uighurs

Ruling Communist Party's fourth-ranked leader Wang Yang said situation in Xianjiang was "continuing to develop well".

Xinjiang needs to "perfect" stability maintenance measures and crack down on religious extremism, the ruling Communist Party's fourth-ranked leader said on a tour of the Chinese region where members of ethnic Uighur community have been put in internment camps.


Venezuela suffers second blackout within a month

Maduro government blames opposition for power outage that affected half of Venezuela, including Caracas.

President Nicolas Maduro's government blamed the outage on an "attack" targeting the Guri hydroelectric plant. Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez said the latest blackout was a result of "an attack on the charging and transmission centre" at the Guri dam, which supplies 80 percent of the power to the country of 30 million.

Maduro had blamed the previous outage on a cyberattack on the Guri plant, alleging the US role. He went on to order the creation of a new military unit to protect basic installations.



Netanyahu hints at new Gaza invasion amid night of cross-border fire

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has said the Israeli military may launch a full-scale offensive on Gaza in response to missile strikes into its territory, which intensified on Monday, prompting massive retaliatory fire from Israel.

Netanyahu, who was supposed to speak at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference on Tuesday, wrapped up his visit to Washington early due to the reports of rockets being launched from Hamas-controlled Gaza into Israel.

As he was boarding a plane back to Israel on Monday, the Israeli PM made a thinly-veiled threat to stage a full-fledged invasion of Gaza.“We gave a very, very strong response, and Hamas needs to know that we will not hesitate to enter and do all the necessary steps,” he said.


Venezuela regime-change champion John Bolton says US won’t tolerate foreign meddling in the country

Washington abhors the thought of foreign actors intervening in the Western hemisphere, and calls on the Venezuelan military to support the US-backed opposition leader in Caracas, John Bolton has thoughtfully tweeted. Come again?

“The United States will not tolerate hostile foreign military powers meddling with the Western Hemisphere’s shared goals of democracy, security, and the rule of law. The Venezuelan military must stand with the people of Venezuela,” the national security adviser wrote on Monday.

The tweet was clearly directed at Moscow, which sent Russian military personnel to Caracas to discuss defense industry cooperation with Venezuela. The consultations, however, were not related to the political turmoil in the country, and had been scheduled long before Juan Guaido, with full backing from Washington, declared himself Venezuela’s leader in January.


Pentagon signs off on first $1bn for border security, incl. 57 miles of 18ft-high WALL

The Pentagon has formally greenlighted the transfer of up to $1 billion towards the construction of “roads and fences” as well as lighting along the US-Mexico border wall, as part of a crackdown on drug trafficking.

In a memo to Secretary of Homeland Security Kristjen Nielsen, acting defense chief Patrick Shanahan wrote that he authorized the US Army Corps of Engineers to “immediately begin planning and executing up to $1 billion” in support of the range of activities necessary to seal “11 drug-smuggling corridors.” The US military would be coordinating its efforts with the Department of Homeland Security and the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency.

Shanahan wrote that, in order to disrupt the traffic of narcotics into the US, the military would embark on the construction of roads, fences and lighting within the El Paso and Yuma sectors of the border. The works would include building new border security infrastructure, including a construction of “57 miles of 18-foot-high pedestrian fencing.”


‘US decision on Golan Heights is highway to war’: Russian Duma speaker

The US decision to recognize the Golan Heights as Israel's territory was taken bypassing the UN Security Council and ignoring the UN dialogue on the issue, said Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of Russia’s Lower House.

“All members of the international community should voice their stand on the matter,” he said during the meeting with Lebanese President Michel Aoun. Such a development could lead to a situation where “everyone is fighting each other,” he stressed. “The rule of force would dominate. This is a highway to war.”



Rusia reitera condena a la injerencia de EE.UU. en los asuntos internos de Venezuela

En conversación telefónica con el secretario norteamericano de Estado, Michael Pompeo, su homólogo ruso, Serguei Lavrov, aseguró que tales acciones constituyen una flagrante injerencia en los asuntos internos de un Estado soberano.

Caracas denunció en esta jornada que fue víctima de un nuevo ataque cibernético a su red de distribución eléctrica.

En su momento, Rusia señaló que los equipos empleados por Venezuela fueron producidos en Canadá por lo que ese país conoce las vulnerabilidades del sistema energético del país suramericano.



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