Síntesis informativa - 19 de marzo 2019


ISIS Spokesman Ends Silence by Calling for Retaliation Over New Zealand Massacres

The spokesman of the Islamic State emerged from nearly six months of silence on Monday to mock America’s assertion of having defeated the group and to call for retaliation over last week’s mosque attacks in New Zealand.

“The scenes of the massacres in the two mosques should wake up those who were fooled, and should incite the supporters of the caliphate to avenge their religion,” the spokesman, Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, said in a 44-minute audio recording.

Mr. al-Muhajir portrayed the shootings by a white extremist, which killed 50 Muslims as they prayed in the city of Christchurch, as an extension of the campaign against the Islamic State. He likened the mosque attacks to the weekslong battle raging in the last village under ISIS control in Syria.


U.S. Pressures Iraq Over Embrace of Militias Linked to Iran

ABOARD THE UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE’S AIRPLANE TO KUWAIT — The United States’ attempts to isolate Iran, including by punishing Iraqi militias and politicians who are supported by Iranian officials, has deepened tensions not only between Washington and Baghdad but also within the Trump administration.

American military and intelligence officials said the increasing pressure on Iraq risks infuriating its Parliament, including politicians linked to Iran, which could limit the movements of the 5,200 United States troops based in Iraq.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, whose confrontational stand on Iran has already strained ties with European allies, is leading the push for Iraq to confront its fellow Shiite-majority neighbor. He will arrive in the Middle East on Tuesday to speak with officials in Kuwait, Israel and Lebanon about containing Iran.


U.N. Panel Urges Investigation Into Israeli Shootings at Gaza Border a Year Ago

GENEVA — As Israel braces for the first anniversary of deadly protests along the fence separating it from Gaza, a United Nations commission on Monday urged Israeli authorities to step up their inquiries into shootings by Israeli troops of Palestinian demonstrators during the protests, which investigators say may have constituted war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The three-person commission of inquiry made its recommendation on Monday in presenting the United Nations Human Rights Council with its full 252-page report on a deeply divisive issue.

The broad contours of the commission’s report were already known after the release of a summary document last month that reported the deaths of 189 Palestinians, of whom 183 — including 32 children — were killed by live ammunition. The commission said snipers firing such ammunition also injured 6,106 Palestinians, inflicting many life-changing wounds.


Homeland Security Chief Cites Top Threat to U.S. (It’s Not the Border)

WASHINGTON — Kirstjen Nielsen, the homeland security secretary, said on Monday that cyberthreats against the United States were a national security crisis that she described as her top priority — not the situation for which President Trump last month declared a national emergency.

“On top of my list of threats, that many of you can guess, the word ‘cyber’ is circled, highlighted and underlined,” Ms. Nielsen said in a speech outlining her department’s focus in the coming year. “The cyberdomain is a target, a weapon and a threat vector all at the same time.”

Mr. Trump has called the increasing flow of immigrants to the southern border one of the most urgent national security issues threatening the United States. Last week, issuing his first veto against legislation that would have blocked him from diverting Defense Department funds to build a border wall, the president described a recent spike in migrants crossing the border as an “invasion.”



Mueller suspected Cohen may have been secretly acting as foreign agent in 2017

Legal filings unsealed on Tuesday said investigators working for Mueller were granted access to Cohen’s personal email account on 18 July 2017 on the basis that he may have broken several laws, including those on unregistered foreign agents.

Cohen’s suspected efforts were not detailed in the documents. Cohen, one of Trump’s closest advisers for a decade, was paid in early 2017 for consulting work by a state-controlled South Korean aviation company and a private bank in Kazakhstan.


Kazakhstan president Nazarbayev steps down after 30 years in power

Nursultan Nazarbayev has led the oil-rich country since the fall of the Soviet Union, first as its Communist leader and then as president. He made the announcement in a surprise public address on national television on Tuesday evening.

“I have taken a decision, which was not easy for me, to resign as president,” Nazarbayev said. “This year it will be 30 years since I took on [the country’s] highest post. The people gave me the opportunity to be the first president of independent Kazakhstan.”



Armas: más víctimas civiles que militares

Las masacres perpetradas con armas de fuego son cada vez más frecuentes. Episodios recientes han ocurrido en los Países Bajos y Nueva Zelanda. En el centro del debate público están las leyes de control de armas.

Según un estudio de la Universidad de Seattle, entre 1996 y 2016 murieron más personas a causa de heridas con armas de fuego en el contexto civil que en el marco de conflictos militares. Debido a estas cifras dramáticas, se plantea cada vez más la necesidad de endurecer las leyes de control de armas.

En ningún lugar en el mundo mueren más personas a causa de la violencia con armas que en Estados Unidos. Solo en el año 2018, 14.717 personas murieron producto de heridas con arma de fuego, según la organización "Gun Violence Archive”. Como reacción, a finales de febrero, la Cámara de Representantes del país aprobó un endurecimiento de la ley de armas. La entidad legislativa, controlada por los opositores demócratas, condicionó la venta de prácticamente todos los tipos de armas a un análisis de antecedentes del comprador. Hasta ahora los clientes solo debían certificar no haber sido condenados penalmente. Quienes se decidiesen por una compra a través de internet o durante eventos, no tenían esta restricción.


Merkel aboga por reglas "justas" y "recíprocas" con potencias como China

Durante el foro "Soluciones globales", en Berlín, la canciller alemana subrayó que la respuesta a la "competencia sistémica" con China "no puede ser la de combatir a aquellos que también son fuertes".

La canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, abogó por reglas "justas" y "recíprocas" en las relaciones con competidores como China y, en un futuro, también India.

En un discurso durante el foro "Soluciones globales" que cierra hoy en Berlín, Merkel subrayó el "gran desafío" que constituye encontrarse en una "competencia sistémica" con China y señaló que "la respuesta no puede ser la de combatir a aquellos que también son fuertes".


Italy blocks NGO ship carrying rescued migrants from docking

Italy's hard-line interior minister, Matteo Salvini, has once again refused to allow a ship carrying rescued migrants from docking. More than 40 people were rescued in the Mediterranean Sea on Monday.

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has refused to allow an Italian-flagged ship carrying 49 migrants rescued off the coast of Libya to dock in Italy.

Salvini told Italian radio that migrants aboard the Mare Jonio "can be treated, dressed and fed. We can give them every manner of comfort, but they will not set foot in Italy."



Georgia y la OTAN realizan ejercicio conjunto 2019 cerca de Tiflis

TIFLIS, 18 mar (Xinhua) -- Georgia inició el lunes un ejercicio conjunto que durará 11 días, con países miembros de la OTAN cerca de Tiflis, la capital del país.

Según un comunicado dado a conocer por el Ministerio de Defensa georgiano, el "Ejercicio OTAN-Georgia 2019" se celebra en el Centro de Entrenamiento Conjunto y Evaluación OTAN-Georgia cerca de Tiflis.


Ataques aéreos de EEUU causan 10 muertes en este de Siria

DAMASCO, 17 mar (Xinhua) -- Al menos 10 personas murieron hoy por los renovados ataques aéreos estadounidenses en el este de Siria, informó la agencia estatal de noticias SANA.

Los ataques aéreos estuvieron dirigidos contra el área Baghouz, donde se localiza el último bastión del grupo Estado Islámico (EI) en la zona rural oriental de la provincia Deir al-Zour.

Entre los muertos en el ataque aéreo se encuentran niños, dijo SANA.

Los ataques son los más recientes contra áreas del EI en la región oriental del río Éufrates en Deir al-Zour.


Enviado especial de EEUU viajará a Reino Unido por desnuclearización en península coreana

WASHINGTON, 18 mar (Xinhua) -- El enviado especial de Estados Unidos para la República Popular Democrática de Corea (RPDC), Stephen Biegun, viajará este martes al Reino Unido para abordar la desnuclearización en la península coreana, informó el lunes el Departamento de Estado.

"Biegun viajará a Londres el 19 de marzo para reunirse con homólogos de Reino Unido, Francia y Alemania para analizar los esfuerzos coordinados para avanzar en la desnuclearización final y plenamente verificada de Corea del Norte (la RPDC)", dijo el departamento en un breve comunicado.


China y UE deben profundizar asociación estratégica integral, dice consejero de Estado chino

BRUSELAS, 19 mar (Xinhua) - China y la Unión Europea (UE) deben continuar fortaleciendo su asociación estratégica integral y mejorar la comunicación estratégica y el diálogo, dijo este lunes aquí el consejero de Estado y Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de China, Wang Yi.

Wang hizo el comentario al reunirse con los ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de los 28 estados miembros de la UE.


China pide a Reino Unido promover "era dorada" de relaciones bilaterales

BRUSELAS, 18 mar (Xinhua) -- China espera que Reino Unido haga grandes esfuerzos para promover la "era dorada de relaciones" con Beijing y que maneje adecuadamente los problemas que afectan el desarrollo saludable de las relaciones bilaterales, dijo este lunes el consejero de Estado y ministro de Relaciones Exteriores chino, Wang Yi.

Wang hizo las declaraciones cuando se reunió brevemente con el secretario de Relaciones Exteriores británico, Jeremy Hunt, en el marco de la novena ronda del Diálogo Estratégico de Alto Nivel entre China y la Unión Europea.


Jefes de Defensa de EEUU y Francia se reúnen en medio de dudas sobre compromiso estadounidense con la OTAN

WASHINGTON, 19 mar (Xinhua) -- El secretario interino de Defensa de Estados Unidos, Patrick Shanahan, se reunió este lunes con la ministra de Defensa francesa, Florence Parly, en medio de las crecientes dudas sobre el compromiso de Estados Unidos con la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN).

Según una declaración emitida por Charles E. Summers Jr., portavoz interino del Pentágono, Shanahan y Parly se reunieron en el Pentágono para reafirmar la relación de defensa y discutir "una amplia gama de temas de defensa", incluido el compromiso de Estados Unidos con la destrucción a largo plazo del grupo Estado Islámico (IS, siglas en inglés) y "el continuo compromiso de liderar la coalición global D-ISIS".

"Acordaron seguir trabajando juntos como socios de la coalición para abordar la seguridad y la estabilidad en el noreste de Siria", explica el comunicado.



Turkey announces joint raids with Iran against Kurdish rebels

Interior minister says Turkey and Iran launched joint operation against PKK, a claim state media in Tehran denies.

Andrew Wilks.- However, Iran's official news agency IRNA - citing an anonymous army source - said Iranian forces were not involved in the offensive. 

On Monday Iran's chief of staff, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, travelled to Damascus to discuss combating "terrorism" with his Syrian and Iraqi counterparts, according to local media. 

Meanwhile, on Sunday, the Iraqi army also clashed with PKK fighters in Sinjar, near the country's border with Syria, while the Kurdistan24 news outlet reported that unidentified fighters carried out attacks on Iranian border guards in Iran's Kurdish region. 


'No talks with the system': Algeria's trade unions snub new PM

Prominent workers' groups turn down talks with new PM, as Bouteflika again defies mass protests for his resignation.

The discussions, which were set to begin on Monday, are part of the ruling National Liberation Front's (FLN) efforts to form a new "technocratic government" that Bouteflika said would support a "national conference" to approve a new constitution and an election date. 

But defying the demands, Bouteflika on Monday insisted on his plan to step down only after the national conference approved a new charter. 

The announcement that trade unions would not take part in Monday's meeting comes on the back of several defections by members of the ruling FLN and the main workers' union, the General Union of Algerian Workers (UGTT), whose secretary-general, Abdelmadjid Sidi Said, is a supporter of Bouteflika. 



India’s aircraft carrier & nuclear subs deployment a ‘no-nonsense’ message to China, not Pakistan?

China is using Pakistan as a tool to contain India, so the redeployment of an aircraft carrier, warships and nuclear-powered submarines to North Arabian Sea is a clear signal to Beijing, rather than Islamabad, analysts told RT.

Despite the heated tensions around the Kashmir region, “India does not base its defense preparedness on what Pakistan does or does not do,” Gopalaswami Parthasarathy, former Indian envoy to Pakistan, said. The country is much more concerned about “what China does to contain Indian influence in the Indian Ocean,” he told RT.


‘NATO solidarity clause is called Article 5, not article F-35’ – French defense minister

Europe must move away from full dependency on American weapon supplies, the French defense minister stressed, slamming President Donald Trump’s “conditional” approach towards NATO and his European allies.

Expressing concern that Trump’s idea of NATO’s solidarity is “conditional on allies buying this or that equipment,” the French Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, wondered if the US commitment to the military block will continue to be “perennial.”


Russia, US set to search for LIFE TRACES on Venus – scientist

There is a good chance that simple bacteria populate the atmosphere of Venus, a Russian scientist told local media. A joint US-Russian space mission planned for 2026 is expected to look for life traces in the planet’s clouds. Clouds on Venus are mostly made of sulfuric acid but there’s also 15-20 percent of water in them, the scientist said, adding that temperature and atmospheric pressure in the lower layer of the cloud cover is similar to those on Earth.

Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system as temperatures on its surface can reach a staggering 465 degrees Celsius (870 degrees Fahrenheit). However, simple forms of life may still have survived in the atmosphere, according toLudmila Zasova, co-chair of the joint Russian-US ‘Venera-D’ (“Venus-D”) project.


Germany ‘committed’ to increasing defense budget, but nowhere near US expectations

While Angela Merkel says Berlin is “committed“ to boosting military expenses, figures from the budget draft proposal suggest Germany’s efforts are still way below what NATO expects.

German military expenses are in the public eye this week as a budget draft proposal is due to be presented on Wednesday. Alongside the other 28 NATO members, Berlin pledged to spend a minimum of 2% of GDP on defense back in 2014, but so far failed to exceed the 1.24% mark.

A reluctance to comply with NATO standards prompted heavy criticism from US President Donald Trump and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who expect a bigger contribution from Europe. Prior to the budget talks Chancellor Merkel said that Germany is “committed to increasing its defense budget towards the NATO target.” Figures, however tell a different story.


Moscow rules out destroying new missiles in response to 'groundless' US request

Russia will not destroy its 9M729 missile complexes, which the US claims to be violating the terms of the INF Treaty, the country’s Foreign Ministry has announced.

“We cannot go for destroying our 9M729 missile that Washington groundlessly believes to violate the treaty,” the ministry said in a statement. It added that the US side didn’t show “any readiness for dialogue,” but had become “fixated on the unacceptable ultimatum” for Russia.

In February, the US announced its unilateral withdrawal from the INF Treaty. It claimed that Russia’s testing of the 9M729 missile breached the terms of the landmark 1987 deal, which bans ground-based missiles with a range of between 500km and 5,500km. In response, Russia also suspended the country’s participation in the treaty.


Roscosmos ‘ready to help’ NASA if construction of Soyuz alternative is delayed

Soyuz rockets stand ready to deliver astronauts to space if US manned spacecraft development is delayed, Roscosmos said, after NASA announced plans to purchase additional seats onboard the Russian spacecraft.

“We are ready to help American partners in case trials of their new manned spacecraft are delayed,” chief of the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin said on Twitter. “We agree with NASA's proposal to use both US and Russian spacecraft for delivering mixed international crews to the [International Space Station] ISS in the future.”


No long-range bombers in Crimea, earlier statement was an error – Moscow

Defense committees in the Russian parliament have denied earlier reports that strategic bombers and Iskander missile systems had been deployed to Crimea, while confirming the peninsula has been turned into a well-defended bastion.

Earlier statements about the deployment of Tu-22M3 long-range bombers and nuclear-capable Iskander-M ballistic missile systems were an error, the Russian Federation Council’s Defense and Security Committee told the media. The statement was initially made by committee head Viktor Bondarev and has since made rounds in the media.


Nostalgia for coups past? Brazil’s Bolsonaro visits CIA before Trump on first US trip

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has made his geopolitical priorities clear, dropping by CIA headquarters for a clandestine chat on his first visit to the US before even meeting with President Donald Trump.

Bolsonaro’s visit was not published on his agenda and members of the press were barred at the door while the president and his justice minister, Sergio Moro, hobnobbed with the spooks at the agency’s Langley HQ.



Gobierno de Venezuela denuncia ocupación forzosa e ilegal de sus sedes diplomáticas en EE.UU.

"Tolerar o promover cualquier amenaza o intimidación contra los agentes diplomáticos venezolanos por parte de ciudadanos residenciados en EE.UU., constituye una gravísima violación de las obligaciones internacionales del Gobierno estadounidense", refiere el texto, citado por TeleSUR.

Asimismo, reiteraron que las sedes diplomáticas solo deben ser utilizadas por los agentes diplomáticos oficiales que hayan sido designados y representen al Gobierno democrático del presidente Nicolás Maduro.


Rouhani: Demandaremos a los funcionarios de EE.UU. por imponer sanciones que son crímenes de lesa humanidad

El presidente iraní dijo, después de la reunión del gabinete, que su país presentaría una demanda contra los funcionarios estadounidenses por imponer sanciones contra Irán que constituyen crímenes de lesa humanidad. Destacó que el gobierno "no se ha rendido y no está cansado y está buscando todo lo que ayude a resolver los problemas económicos del país".



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