Síntesis informativa - 7 de febrero 2022


Macron and Putin to Meet in Russia: Live Ukraine News

President Emmanuel Macron of France, who has positioned himself at the center of Europe’s furious diplomatic maneuvering over Ukraine, landed in Russia on Monday to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin amid growing fears over the Kremlin’s military buildup.



Macron Tries to Avert a European War and Reshape European Security

PARIS — The standoff with Russia over Ukraine enters a critical phase this week. The United States has snapped NATO to attention and moved forces east. Moscow has readied still more forces on the Ukraine border. But beneath those tensions, diplomatic avenues are being feverishly explored and the outlines of potential solutions, still amorphous, may be taking form.



Taiwan and China Are Both Closely Watching Ukraine Crisis

BEIJING — With Russia massing troops along Ukraine’s borders, President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan felt compelled to act. She ordered the creation of a task force to study how the confrontation thousands of miles away in Europe could affect Taiwan’s longstanding conflict with its larger, vastly more powerful neighbor.



Biden Will Press German Chancellor on Russia Sanctions and Pipeline

WASHINGTON — President Biden will meet with Olaf Scholz, the new chancellor of Germany, at the White House on Monday, a visit designed to publicly shore up a key link in the Western alliance amid concerns that Germany has not been a forceful enough partner in calming tensions between Russia and Ukraine.



The Crisis That Defined Blinken’s First Year

WASHINGTON — The arc of Antony J. Blinken’s first year as secretary of state could be broken down into two distinct eras: before and after Afghanistan.



Haiti Opposition Group Calls on U.S. to End Support for Current Government

A powerful Haitian opposition group is demanding the United States withdraw its support for the government of Prime Minister Ariel Henry in Haiti, saying the administration’s legitimacy is tarnished by delayed elections and Mr. Henry’s potential connection to the assassination of the country’s president.



Turkey’s Doctors Are Leaving, the Latest Casualty of Spiraling Inflation

Doctors, worn down by grueling hours and violence, are emigrating in rising numbers, undermining one of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s signature achievements.




Ukraine crisis: Macron heads for talks with Putin, while Scholz and Biden meet in DC

Today looks set to be dominated by diplomacy, as the French president, Emmanuel Macron, heads to Moscow for talks with Vladimir Putin, and the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, holds talks in Washington with Joe Biden.

The EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and the bloc’s energy commissioner Kadri Simson are in Washington to discuss energy security with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other top officials.



Ottawa declares state of emergency as Canada trucker protest paralyses city

The mayor of Canada’s capital declared a state of emergency Sunday and a former US ambassador to Canada said groups in the US must stop interfering in the domestic affairs of America’s neighbour as protesters opposed to Covid-19 restrictions continued to paralyse Ottawa’s downtown.

The “freedom truck convoy” has attracted support from many US Republicans including former president Donald Trump, who called the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, a “far-left lunatic” who has “destroyed Canada with insane Covid mandates”.




Iván Duque: “Guste o no, mi Gobierno deja la mayor inversión social en la historia de Colombia”

El presidente colombiano recibe a EL PAÍS en la recta final de su mandato. Defiende su legado, habla de Uribe y analiza la fragmentación política. Ante un posible atentado que interfiera la campaña electoral, sentencia: “Si el terrorismo pretende manchar la elección, será primero golpeado contundentemente”



El expresidente Figueres gana la primera vuelta de las elecciones en Costa Rica

El expresidente de Costa Rica José María Figueres se ha impuesto este domingo en las elecciones presidenciales de Costa Rica, al sumar el 27,3% de los votos con el 79% del conteo. El exmandatario, del histórico Partido Liberación Nacional (PLN), se batirá en la segunda vuelta, que se celebrará el 3 de abril, con el exministro de Hacienda Rodrigo Chaves, que ha cosechado el 16,7% de los votos. El predicador evangélico Fabricio Alvarado, con el 15,4%, y que ya pasó a la segunda vuelta hace cuatro años, es el tercer contendiente más votado. Los comicios registraron la mayor abstención en 60 años, con más del 40%.



Extorsión y asesinatos en la Riviera Maya: el lado oscuro de la joya turística de México

El crimen organizado acecha en primera línea de playa. Los focos rojos se han desplazado de Cancún al corredor sur, donde los empresarios denuncian el asedio de sus negocios por las mafias del narcotráfico.

El goteo de sucesos en primera línea de playa —asesinatos a quemarropa, tiroteos, balas perdidas— desde el año pasado no parece haber afectado a la llegada del turismo, que tras un 2020 aciago por la pandemia se ha recuperado mejor que el resto de grandes destinos del turismo global. Cancún cerró el año pasado como el segundo aeropuerto con más llegadas internacionales, solo detrás de Dubai.



Tipo de contenido geopolítica