Síntesis informativa - 31 de agosto 2022


U.N. Inspectors Set Out for Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant: Russia-Ukraine War News

A group of experts with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations nuclear watchdog, departed from Kyiv, Ukraine, headed to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. The team intends to establish a permanent monitoring mission at the Russian-occupied nuclear facility.CreditCredit...Jim Huylebroek for The New York Times



Mikhail Gorbachev, Who Oversaw the End of the Soviet Union, Is Dead at 91

Adopting principles of glasnost and perestroika, he weighed the legacy of seven decades of Communist rule and set a new course, presiding over the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the U.S.S.R.



After Clashes Kill 24, Iraq Cleric Works to Defuse Tension in Baghdad

With no functioning government and no common ground, tensions among Shiite political factions have become a deadly matter in Baghdad this week.



Typhoon Hinnamnor Brings High Winds to Japanese Islands

Forecasters say the storm is the Northern Hemisphere’s strongest tropical cyclone of the year. It was expected to bypass Taiwan and head toward the Korean Peninsula later this week.



Mexico’s Leader Vowed ‘Hugs Not Bullets,’ but the Carnage Continues

The president disbanded the Federal Police and created the National Guard to tackle soaring violence, but three years later, criminal cartels have expanded their reach.




Papua New Guinea hopes to have Australia security deal signed by end of year

Papua New Guinea hopes to sign a security deal with Australia, as well as possibly New Zealand and the US, by the end of the year, the country’s foreign minister Justin Tkatchenko has said.

Tkatchenko said the security treaty with Australia has been in the works since 2019, but that the recent security deal struck between China and Solomon Islands would require Australia and Papua New Guinea to strengthen the treaty.



Nord Stream 1: Russia switches off gas pipeline citing maintenance

Russia has stopped the flow of gas via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Europe, citing the need to carry out repairs, in a move that has heightened already acute nervousness over the reliability of winter energy supplies.

The halt on the Baltic Sea pipeline at 5am on Wednesday would last for three days, Gazprom, the Russian state energy company said. It had warned two weeks ago that the outage was due but the German government said it had not been formally told, receiving the information instead via social media after it was posted on Gazprom’s Telegram channel.



Taiwan fires warning shots at Chinese drone

Taiwan fired warning shots at a Chinese drone that buzzed an offshore islet shortly after President Tsai Ing-wen said she had ordered Taiwan’s military to take “strong countermeasures” against what she termed Chinese provocations.

It was the first time warning shots have been fired in such an incident amid a period of heightened tension between China and Taiwan, which Beijing views as its own territory. Taiwan strongly disputes China’s sovereignty claims




Hong Kong leader cancels China trip in blow to reopening hopes

Hong Kong leader John Lee has cancelled a trip to mainland China aimed at resuming cross-border travel, illustrating the quagmire facing the financial hub as it struggles to exit nearly three years of economically devastating isolation. Lee said on Wednesday he would discuss the border situation with mainland Chinese officials online instead of face to face due to rising COVID-19 cases on both sides of the border.



US governor visits Taiwan in trip focused on semiconductors

The governor of the US state of Arizona has begun a trip to Taiwan focused on securing critical chips that are at the centre of the heated tech rivalry between the United States and China. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey is expected to meet Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen as well as business leaders and university representatives in the semiconductor industry during his three-day visit to the self-governing island. Ducey, who arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday, is the latest US politician to visit the self-ruled island. 



Crisis pushes more Sri Lankans into poverty

Hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, rising oil prices and economic mismanagement under previous governments, the island nation is in the throes of its starkest crisis since independence from Britain in 1948. Millions of Sri Lankans are battling a calamitous decline in living standards, as they find themselves forced to skip meals, ration medicines and turn to firewood in place of cooking gas.




Cristina Kirchner sobre la represión del sábado: "Los responsables son los mismos que en 2001"

La vicepresidenta Cristina Kirchner mantuvo en la tarde del martes una reunión con senadores y diputados que integran los bloques del Frente de Todos en el Congreso de la Nación, del que participaron los jefes de bancada y la mayoría de sus integrantes. En la cumbre, la presidenta del Senado insistió en marcarle a Juntos por el Cambio que no resuelva su interna en base a la represión policial: "No tenemos gente racional frente a nosotros", comentó a los cientos de legisladores que la acompañaron en el Salón Azul del Congreso y les recordó que los que empujaron la represión fueron también los responsables del desastre de 2001.



La Comunidad Andina busca nuevos miembros

Los presidentes de los países miembros de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN) postularon este martes en Lima el regreso de Chile y Venezuela al grupo, la incorporación de la Argentina y un mayor acercamiento con el Mercosur, en la primera cumbre presencial en tres años.



Medios hegemónicos contra el cambio constitucional en Chile 

La reforma constitucional que se votará en Chile el próximo 4 de septiembre alcanzó un relieve internacional como tal vez no se llegó a prever en los prolegómenos de la convocatoria para la convención constituyente, todavía durante los conflictivos días del decadente gobierno de Sebastián Piñera.




Recibirá Sedena denuncias por los narcobloqueos en Zacatecas

La Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena) lanzó en redes sociales una campaña en la que invita a los ciudadanos de Zacatecas a interponer en la comandancia de la 11 Zona Militar denuncias por el robo y quema de vehículos el pasado fin de semana.



Taiwán lanza disparos de advertencia contra un dron chino

Penghu. El ejército de Taiwán realizó ayer disparos de advertencia contra un dron chino que sobrevoló un islote controlado por Taipéi, cerca de la costa china, dijo un portavoz militar, poco después de que la presidenta Tsai Ing-wen informó que ordenó a los militares tomar “fuertes contramedidas” contra lo que calificó de provocaciones de Pekín.



Ofrecen a cocaleros comercialización sin “mucha burocratización”

Montevideo. El ministro de Desarrollo Rural y Tierras de Bolivia, Remmy González, anunció este martes que tiene una propuesta para los dos bloques de cocaleros, que se encuentran en conflicto desde finales de julio, para comercializar la hoja “sin mucha burocratización”.



Aumenta la tensión en Chile tras ataque de la insurgencia mapuche

Santiago. El “conflicto mapuche” se agrava y acapara la agenda en los días previos al plebiscito constitucional del próximo domingo en Chile: la tardenoche del lunes, el ataque a balazos e incendiario a un molino de trigo y las heridas de bala a tres personas que lo resguardaban, le dieron otro impulso a la crisis de seguridad en el sur del país, evidenciando la impotencia de las fuerzas policiales y militares desplegadas.


Tipo de contenido geopolítica