Síntesis informativa - 22 de marzo 2019


E.U. Approves Brexit Extension, but Chaotic Departure Still Looms

BRUSSELS — European Union leaders on Thursday agreed to extend the deadline for Britain’s looming exit from the bloc in order to give Prime Minister Theresa May and the British Parliament more time to get their act together.

Thursday’s agreement effectively averted the possibility of a disorderly and possibly chaotic departure by Britain on March 29. Yet that still remains a possibility just a few weeks later.


The Golan Heights Was Once an Arab Rallying Cry. Not Anymore.

ERBIL, Iraq — In 2010, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria asked President Barack Obama in a private letter to sponsor new peace talks between Syria and Israel, a diplomatic chimera for a string of American presidents.

The major sticking point was control of the Golan Heights, a rocky, strategic plateau at the flammable juncture between the modern states of Syria, Israel, Jordan and Lebanon, which Israel had seized in the Six-Day War of 1967.


Afghan War Casualty Report: March 15-21

The deadliest attack took place in Faryab Province, where a Taliban Red Unit attacked a military base and security outposts in Arkalik village. At least 22 Afghan security forces were killed, eight police officers were wounded and four police officers were taken prisoner. The Taliban captured the military base and four outposts, looting all weapons and equipment. In Badghis Province, the Taliban carried out the biggest known capture of Afghan soldiers of the war, taking 150 prisoners after they chased units into neighboring Turkmenistan and that country forced them back, Afghan officials said on Sunday. The operation took place in Bala Murghab District in the northwestern Afghan province of Badghis. The Taliban later announced that they had released 58 soldiers who promised that they would not rejoin the Afghan security forces.


Two U.S. Service Members Killed in Northern Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan — Two United States service members were killed during a joint operation with Afghan forces in northern Afghanistan on Friday, bringing to four the American combat deaths in Afghanistan so far this year, Afghan and American officials said.

A spokeswoman for the American-led NATO mission in Afghanistan confirmed the two deaths in a brief statement, but it did not release any details of the attack.



Top oil firms spending millions lobbying to block climate change policies, says report

The largest five stock market listed oil and gas companies spend nearly $200m (£153m) a year lobbying to delay, control or block policies to tackle climate change, according to a new report.

Chevron, BP and ExxonMobil were the main companies leading the field in direct lobbying to push against a climate policy to tackle global warming, the report said.

enlace al reporte: https://influencemap.org/report/How-Big-Oil-Continues-to-Oppose-the-Paris-Agreement-38212275958aa21196dae3b76220bddc


Third Brexit vote likely next week, MPs told

The government has conceded it is likely to hold the third meaningful vote on Theresa May’s Brexit deal next week, following intense pressure from MPs for more clarity on the next steps after the extension of the departure date.


Trump provokes global anger by recognising Israel's claim to Golan Heights

The president ended half a century of US foreign policy and broke from post-second world war international consensus that forbids territorial conquest during war with a tweet on Thursday that said it was time “to fully recognise Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights”.

Trump said the territory was “of critical strategic and security importance to the state of Israel and regional stability”.


'Fascist, violent, dangerous': protests planned as Bolsonaro arrives in Chile

Chilean lawmakers have called for him to be declared persona non grata, saying that they were concerned by the visit from “a president who represents the far right and defends the proliferation of hate speech and endorses violations of human rights”.

Gay and antifascist activists have planned protests against the divisive leader, infamous for discriminating against women, LGBT people, Afro-Brazilians and other minorities.



Golan Heights: Why it matters to US, Israel and Syria

President Donald Trump has pledged to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. DW explains why the contested territory matters.

The Golan was Syrian territory until 1967, when Israel occupied it in the Six-day War and later annexed it. The 1981 annexation was not recognized internationally and UN Security Council Resolutions determined Israeli sovereignty over the area to be null and void pending negotiations with Syria.

Syria failed to regain control over the Golan in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, which ended in a 1974 armistice and placement of a UN observer force along the ceasefire line.

The Golan is a hilly, 1,200 square kilometer (460 square mile) plateau overlooking Lebanon, Syria and the Jordan Valley.

The Golan are only 60 km (40 miles) from Damascus and provide Israel with a strong defensive-offensive position and vantage point to observe military movements across the border. On the other hand, Syrian control over the Golan would provide it with strategic heights overlooking Israel.


Kaliningrad gets Moscow energy boost as Baltic states pull plug

Russia has launched a power plant to make its Kaliningrad exclave self-reliant when its EU neighbors unplug their power grid. Home to Russia's Baltic Fleet, old East Prussia is still a prime piece of real estate.

Russian state energy holding InterRAO recently announced the launch of the Pregolsky gas-powered station with a capacity of 455.2 megawatts (MW), the largest of four stations Moscow hopes will make Kaliningrad energy self-sufficient. The stations will have a combined capacity of around 1 gigawatt.


Siria condena comentarios de Trump de reconocer el Golán como israelí

China y Turquía también criticaron la decisión de Trump de reconocer la soberanía israelí sobre los Altos del Golán.

El Gobierno sirio condenó hoy (22.03.2019) la decisión del presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, de reconocer los Altos del Golán, ocupados por Israel, como parte del territorio de ese país y recalcó que esa postura "no tiene efecto legal".

"La posición estadounidense sobre la parte ocupada del Golán sirio refleja claramente el desprecio de Estados Unidos por las reglas internacionales y su violación flagrante del derecho internacional", declaró una fuente del ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores sirio a la agencia de prensa oficial Sana.

Resolución 497 de 1981 del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU

En especial, según indicó el texto, el anuncio de Trump viola la resolución 497 de 1981 del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, adoptada por unanimidad por los miembros del Consejo, incluido Estados Unidos, que rechaza categóricamente la decisión la ocupación israelí.


EU seeks more assertive strategy with China

The "distortive" effects of China's economic policies and growing power top the agenda on the final day of the EU summit. Leaders are looking for ways to counter what they describe as a "systemic rival."

In the face of China's growing economic and political influence Brussels is seeking a "more realistic" and "assertive" approach towards what the bloc describes as both a "partner" and a "systemic rival" due to China's tightly controlled market.


Alemania extiende un año despliegue de tropas en Afganistán

El Parlamento de Alemania ha aprobado este jueves (21.03.2019) una extensión de un año del despliegue de sus tropas en Afganistán, lo que permitirá a las tropas permanecer en el país centroasiático hasta el 31 de marzo de 2020.

La aprobación permite al Ejército, el Bundeswehr, mantener hasta 1.300 soldados desplegados en el país como parte de la operación 'Apoyo Decidido' de la OTAN para dar entrenamiento y apoyo a las fuerzas de seguridad. En la actualidad hay 1.200 militares alemanes en Afganistán.



Canciller ruso preocupado por rechazo de EEUU a hablar sobre militarización del espacio exterior

GINEBRA, 21 mar (Xinhua) -- El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Rusia, Sergei Lavrov, expresó hoy su preocupación por la crisis en torno al Tratado de las Fuerzas Nucleares de Rango Intermedio (INF, siglas en inglés) y la negativa de Estados Unidos a hablar sobre la prevención del despliegue de armas en el espacio exterior.

Durante su asistencia a la Conferencia de Desarme (CD) de dos días en Ginebra, en el foro multilateral de desarme de las Naciones Unidas, Lavrov dijo que Estados Unidos desea reanudar los ensayos nucleares.

Refiriéndose a la "destrucción intencional del Tratado INF" por parte de Estados Unidos, Lavrov dijo que Washington busca contar con una capacidad de misiles sin restricciones en las regiones donde quiere impulsar sus intereses.


Cazas rusos escoltan a bombardero estratégico de EEUU en mar Báltico

MOSCU, 21 mar (Xinhua) -- Dos cazas rusos Su-27 escoltaron a un bombardero estratégico estadounidense B-52H sobre aguas neutrales del mar Báltico hasta que la nave se retiró de la frontera rusa, indicó hoy el Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia.

La aparición de bombarderos estadounidenses cerca de la frontera rusa generó más tensión, dijo hoy el vocero del Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, en una conferencia de prensa.

Los cazas rusos despegaron para identificar y acompañar al bombardero estadounidense después de que el avión fue detectado a "una distancia considerable" de la frontera rusa, publicó el Ministerio de Defensa en Facebook.

Después de que el B-52H cambió su ruta y se alejó de la frontera rusa, los aviones Su-27 regresaron a su base.


Irán condena comentarios de Trump sobre soberanía israelí de los Altos del Golán

TEHERÁN, 22 mar (Xinhua) -- El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Irán condenó hoy los recientes comentarios del presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, relacionados con la soberanía de Israel sobre los ocupados Altos del Golán.

"El régimen de ocupación sionista (Israel) no tiene soberanía sobre ninguna tierra árabe o islámica", dijo el portavoz del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores iraní, Bahram Qasemi, en un comunicado.

"Sobre la base de las resoluciones adoptadas por las Naciones Unidas y el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, los Altos del Golán forman parte de Siria, que ha sido ocupada, y su ocupación debería ser detenida", dijo Qasemi.

Trump dijo el jueves en Twitter que "es hora de que Estados Unidos reconozca la soberanía de Israel sobre los ocupados Altos del Golán"


Comienza en Suiza segunda mesa redonda sobre Sahara Occidental

GINEBRA, 21 mar (Xinhua) -- Una mesa redonda de dos días sobre el Sahara Occidental, organizada de conformidad con la Resolución 2440 del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, comenzó oficialmente hoy en un sitio no dado a conocer cerca de Ginebra.

En una declaración emitida hoy, la Oficina de la ONU en Ginebra (UNOG) dijo que el enviado personal del secretario general de la ONU para el Sahara Occidental, Horst Kohler, recibirá a las delegaciones de Marruecos, el Frente Polisario, Argelia y Mauritania.


RPDC se retira de oficina de enlace conjunto con la República de Corea en Kaesong, según Seúl

SEUL, 22 mar (Xinhua) -- La República Popular Democrática de Corea (RPDC) se retiró de la oficina de enlace conjunto con la República de Corea ubicada en la ciudad fronteriza de Kaesong de la RPDC, informó este viernes el Ministerio de Unificación surcoreano.

El ministerio precisó en un comunicado que la parte de la RPDC avisó hoy por la mañana a la República de Corea de su decisión de retirarse de la oficina de enlace en Kaesong siguiendo órdenes de las autoridades superiores.



Syria condemns Trump's stance on Golan Heights sovereignty

It says Trump's stand shows 'blind bias of the US' towards Israel and vows to recognise sovereignty over Golan Heights.

Syria has condemned US President Donald Trump's statement that it is time to recognise Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights, while its close military ally Russia said changing the status of the territory would violate the United Nations agreements.

Another close Syrian ally, Iran, also upbraided Trump for the comment he made on Thursday, which marks a dramatic shift in the US policy over the status of a disputed area that was captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed in 1981 - a move not recognised internationally.

"We cannot allow the legitimisation of the occupation of the Golan Heights," President Tayyip Erdogan, who is opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, said in a speech at a meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in Istanbul.

Both Iran and Russia have deployed forces in Syria in support of Assad during the Syrian conflict, with Iran sending its own forces and backing regional Shia militias such as Lebanon's Hezbollah that have helped Damascus.


Facebook admits storing millions of passwords without encryption

Security website's report forces social media giant to admit its servers stored millions of passwords in plain text.

"To be clear, these passwords were never visible to anyone outside of Facebook and we have found no evidence to date that anyone internally abused or improperly accessed them," Canahuati (the company's vice president of engineering, security, and privacy) said in a blog post.


Theresa May gets two-week Brexit reprieve from EU

British PM asked to seek parliament approval for the third time on her divorce deal after the EU delayed the deadline.

Despite an extraordinary joint warning from business and trade union leaders that the economic disruptions of a no-deal Brexit would present a "national emergency", May had refused to rule out walking away.

"What the decision today underlines is the importance of the House of Commons passing a Brexit deal next week," she said.

"Tomorrow morning, I am returning to the UK and working hard on building support to get the deal through... I hope we can all agree we are now at the moment of decision."

There is also a growing impatience that the efforts to avoid a messy Brexit are bogging the EU down when it has other priorities, from a weakening economy to rising nationalism.



Bolton says Trump ‘very serious’ about ‘all options’ as Venezuela dismantles ‘terrorist cell’

Donald Trump is not kidding when he says “all options” to topple Maduro are open, National Security Adviser John Bolton said, as the Venezuelan government busted wannabe president Juan Guaido’s aide for running a terrorist cell.

“President Trump himself has been clear on this point on any number of occasions when he says all options are on the table. I think people need to understand and believe that; he’s very serious about it,” Bolton told Breitbart.

While refusing to explicitly confirm or deny whether the US is willing to arm the opposition or is mulling an all-out invasion of the country, Bolton did stress that the US has “no higher duty internationally” than to protect up to 50,000 Americans living in Venezuela from “violence and intimidation.”


Scientists deploy robot ‘translators’ for interspecies communication & behavioral control

Fish and bees have been able to communicate for the first time, courtesy of a few talented robots mimicking and controlling their actions, in an unusual experiment that translated behavioral cues across species lines.

“The robots acted as if they were negotiators and interpreters in an international conference. Through the various information exchanges, the two groups of animals gradually came to a shared decision,” said Francesco Mondada of the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, one of the researchers on the cleverly-named ASSISIbf experiment.


Washington targets Chinese firms in new round of North Korea-related sanctions

The US has slapped a fresh batch of sanctions on China over an alleged violation of the US embargo against North Korea. It happened less than a month after Trump hailed Beijing for being “very helpful” in dealing with DRPK.

Two Chinese shipping companies –Dalian Haibo and Liaoning Danxing– were added to the US Treasury’s blacklist on Thursday, over what was called using “deceptive practices” to help Pyongyang procure certain goods. The Treasury’s statement did not provide any details on the nature of the goods in question but said that one company had cooperated with a North Korean trading firm while another was operating in the DRPK’s transportation industry.


WATCH Su-35S fighter jet shoot flares in TRAINING SORTIE over Syria

Footage of a training exercise conducted by Russian military pilots over Syria was released by a defense TV channel. Onboard cameras captured evasive maneuvers and the moment a Su-35S fighter jet fired flares during the drill.

The video, published by Zvezda TV, the television channel of the Russian Defense Ministry, shows Russian pilots practicing with advanced Sukhoi war machines, which are deployed to Khmeimim Air Base near Latakia, Syria. The aircraft are seen flying over Syrian land and coastal waters.


Los Angeles bans Monsanto’s Roundup after latest jury ruling in cancer trial

Los Angeles county authorities have banned all use of notorious weed killer glyphosate – the herbicide better known by its Monsanto/Bayer trade name, Roundup – after a second court ruling linking it to a man’s cancer.

“I am asking county departments to stop the use of this herbicide until public health and environmental professionals can determine if it’s safe for further use in L.A. County and explore alternative methods for vegetation management,” Kathryn Barger of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors said.


Pouring $6 bn into tank factory, Trump says the M1 Abrams is ‘best in the world.’ Is it really?

US President Donald Trump pledged a hefty sum of $6 billion to upgrade America’s M1 Abrams tanks, lauding them as the best tanks ever built. The statement has more PR value than truth to it, military experts have told RT.

“America does not need conflict. But if conflict comes, and you know the story – you’ve got to be strong if conflict comes – we will dominate the battlefield, and we will win, win, win. We’re now set up to win, win, win,” Trump said on Wednesday, as he appeared at the Lima Army Tank plant in Ohio.

The facility used to produce the M1 Abrams main battle tanks, and now it will be busy again, as Trump has pledged to pour $6 billion into it over the next three years in order to upgrade the ageing war machines. The US president praised the plant, its workers, himself and, naturally, the tank, describing it as a true “warhorse” of the US ground forces and dubbing it “the most effective, reliable, and lethal battle tank in the history of war.”



Informe: EE.UU. ha decretato 22 sanciones contra Venezuela desde el 2014

Según un estudio elaborado por la asociación civil Sures, desde el año 2014 hasta marzo de 2019 Venezuela ha sido objeto de 35 medidas coercitivas unilaterales por parte de EE.UU, Canadá, Reino Unido, la Unión Europea (UE), Suiza, el denominado Grupo de Lima y Panamá.

Sures relacionó que desde la convocatoria, elección e instalación de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, en 2017, las sanciones y el bloqueo económico se incrementaron.


Ansar Allah: Yemen es víctima de una agresión que involucra a EE.UU., Reino Unido e Israel

“Yemen es blanco de una agresión mundial que involucra a Estados Unidos, el Reino Unido e Israel”, aseguró Ali al-Qahum, miembro del Consejo Político del Movimiento de Ansar Allah.

Señaló que en realidad Arabia Saudita y Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU) no son, en su coalición contra Yemen, “más que herramientas sucias” utilizadas para llevar a cabo los planes de Washington, Londres y el régimen sionista.


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