Síntesis informativa - 21 de marzo 2023


Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates: Xi and Putin Pledge to ‘Cooperate Closely’

China’s leader, Xi Jinping, and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia on Tuesday made wide-ranging pledges to expand their bilateral partnership, drawing a sharper division between their nations and the West on the second day of Mr. Xi’s state visit to Moscow.



As War in Ukraine Grinds on, China Helps Refill Russian Drone Supplies

The Biden administration vowed last month to crack down on companies that sell critical technologies to Russia as part of its efforts to curtail the country’s war against Ukraine. But the continued flow of Chinese drones to the country explains why that will be hard.



Macron Plots Next Move in French Pensions Dispute

President Emmanuel Macron vowed to stay the course on Tuesday after his government barely survived a no-confidence vote in Parliament that ensured the passage of his unpopular pension overhaul but did little to quell the swirling political uncertainty about the future of his second term.



Israel Votes to Scrap Law Barring Settlers at Four Evacuated West Bank Sites

Israel’s Parliament on Tuesday repealed legislation that barred settlers from four Jewish communities in the occupied West Bank that were evacuated in 2005, a preliminary move for now, but one that comes as tensions rise over government efforts to assert greater control over Palestinian territories.



U.S. Is Ready to Protect Smaller Banks if Necessary, Yellen Says

WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen expressed confidence in the nation’s banks on Tuesday but said she was prepared to take additional action to safeguard smaller financial institutions as the Biden administration and federal regulators worked to contain fallout from fears over the stability of the banking system.



Trump’s Potential Indictment Could Alienate Some G.O.P. Voters in 2024

The former president strengthened his political position in recent weeks, but an impetuous response to his potential indictment could alienate voters he will need to win back the White House.




Trump posts late-night video to supporters

Former US President Donald Trump rallied his supporters with a video posted on Monday night to his Truth Social platform, condemning the “four horrible, radical left Democratic investigations” that have not yet managed to sink his political career. 



Ukraine given EU and NATO membership ultimatum

Ukraine will not be allowed to join the EU or NATO until it restores the rights of ethnic Hungarians living in its Transcarpathian Region, Hungary’s Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, warned on Tuesday.



The Pentagon's decision on ICC cooperation is a critical juncture for US imperialism

The Pentagon has blocked attempts by the federal government to share alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, Netherlands, According to a March 8 report by the New York Times.



Russia reacts to Canadian ‘regime change’ policy

The Russian Foreign Ministry has summoned Canada’s top diplomat in Moscow to lodge a formal complaint, after the Canadian foreign minister made “inadmissible remarks” earlier this month.



The US shouldn’t be surprised Latin America is turning to Russian news sources

In his 2005 Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Harold Pinter spent a good deal of his time detailing the crimes of the US in the world, but especially in Latin America. He spoke about how most people have been lulled into forgetting about these crimes, if they ever knew about them at all, thanks to Washington’s sophisticated propaganda machine:




Russia-Ukraine war live: Xi Jinping arrives at Kremlin for start of formal talks with Putin; Japan’s PM in Kyiv for surprise visit

Reuters reports the Kremlin said on Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping had held a “thorough” exchange of views during their first day of talks and had discussed China’s peace plan for Ukraine, without elaborating further.

Japan’s prime minister, Fumio Kishida, has arrived in Kyiv for a surprise visit to meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, broadcaster NHK said.



‘War crimes’ committed by all sides in Ethiopia, says US secretary of state

The United States has concluded that Ethiopian and Eritrean troops as well as rebels committed war crimes during the brutal two-year conflict, secretary of state Antony Blinken has said after visiting Addis Ababa.

Blinken, who had sounded upbeat in Ethiopia about the prospects for peace after a breakthrough 2 November accord, made a forceful call for accountability on his return to Washington.



Biden orders release of intelligence on potential links between Covid and Wuhan lab

A bill requiring the release of intelligence materials on potential links between the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan has been signed into law by US president Joe Biden.

“We need to get to the bottom of Covid-19’s origins … including potential links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Biden said in a statement. “In implementing this legislation, my administration will declassify and share as much of that information as possible.



UK and Israel to sign deal strengthening tech, trade and security ties

The UK and Israel will sign a document on Tuesday strengthening ties in the fields of defence, security and technology following plans announced last year to put relations between the two countries on an elevated footing.

The timing of the agreement is controversial since it will be seen as a mark of approval for Israel’s far-right government, which has put settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank at the top of its agenda, and faces a massive backlash over plans to neuter the role of the judiciary.



US calls conditions in Rwanda’s detention centres harsh to life-threatening

Britain’s closest ally, the US, has criticised Rwanda’s dire human rights record, describing conditions in the country’s detention centres as harsh to life-threatening.

The British home secretary, Suella Braverman, took a group of journalists on a trip last week to reveal details of her £120m scheme to send all migrants arriving in the UK through irregular means to Rwanda whether they claim asylum or not. The legality of the scheme is due to be tested shortly in the UK court of appeal.




La seguridad alimentaria, el medio ambiente y la ciudadanía digital, retos de la Cumbre Iberoamericana

La cita, que reunirá en República Dominicana a los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de los países de habla castellano y portuguesa de América y Europa, se propone también intensificar las relaciones entre ambos continentes



Amazon anuncia el despido de otros 9.000 trabajadores, hasta un récord de 27.000

El consejero delegado de Amazon, Andy Jassy, ha anunciado este lunes el despido de 9.000 trabajadores más. La supresión de estos puestos se suma a los 18.000 empleos que la compañía ya anunció que iba a reducir. “Ha sido una decisión difícil, pero creemos que es lo mejor para la empresa a largo plazo”, ha dicho Jassy en una comunicación pública a la plantilla. Los nuevos despidos se concentrarán en las divisiones de computación en la nube, recursos humanos, publicidad y Twitch.



La gran revisión científica sobre la crisis climática: “La ventana para asegurar un futuro habitable se cierra”

El cambio climático es “una amenaza para el bienestar humano y la salud del planeta” y la “ventana de oportunidad” que la humanidad tiene para asegurarse “un futuro habitable y sostenible para todos” se “cierra rápidamente”. Es el aviso, con regusto a ultimátum, que contiene el informe de síntesis aprobado este fin de semana tras muchas horas de negociación en el seno del IPCC, el Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos en Cambio Climático.



La UE enviará hasta un millón de proyectiles a Ucrania en los próximos 12 meses

Al menos 18 países se comprometen a comprar armas de forma conjunta a través de la Agencia Europea de Defensa, en el marco del plan de Borrell para acelerar la entrega de munición a Kiev. España se unirá al acuerdo “en días”




AMLO y Kerry revisarán proyectos conjuntos de energías renovables

Oaxaca, Oax. En la reunión que esta tarde tendrá el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador con el enviado especial para el Clima de la Casa Blanca, John Kerry, se revisarán proyectos conjuntos en energías renovables, aunque también se dialogará en torno a los diferendos en esta materia.



Subsidios fiscales a inversores en proyecto del corredor del Istmo: AMLO

Oaxaca, Oax. Desde esta capital, el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador destacó las acciones que se realizan en el estado “en beneficio del pueblo”, como el proyecto del corredor del Istmo o la pronta inauguración de varias carreteras que unirán diferentes regiones de la entidad.



Reporta ONU más de 530 asesinatos en Haití desde enero

Ginebra. Unas 530 personas fueron asesinadas, muchas de ellas por francotiradores, y cerca de 280 secuestradas por pandillas que operan con impunidad en Haití, declaró el martes la ONU, que pidió el despliegue de una fuerza de apoyo especializada.



Envían a periodistas cinco sobres con explosivos en Ecuador

Quito. Al menos cinco sobres con pendrives cargados con explosivos fueron enviados a periodistas en Ecuador, y uno de ellos sufrió la detonación del artilugio aunque sin causarle heridas graves, informó el ministro del Interior, Juan Zapata.



Anuncia Nicolás Maduro la restructuración de PDVSA por casos de corrupción

Caracas., El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, anunció ayer la restructuración de la estatal Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), tras los recientes casos de corrupción que llavaron a la renuncia del ministro de Petróleo, Tareck el Aissami.



Pobreza e inestabilidad política en Irak, a 20 años de la invasión de EU

Bagdad. Irak recordó ayer el 20 aniversario de la invasión que, sin autorización de la Organización de Naciones Unidas y liderada por Estados Unidos, derrocó a Saddam Hussein con el falso argumento de que tenía armas de destrucción masiva, pero no hubo ninguna celebración en una nación que, pese a dar una apariencia de normalidad, ve el futuro con temor.



Sequía en el Cuerno de África puede provocar 135 muertes diarias: estudio

Mogadiscio. La sequía sin precedente que golpea el Cuerno de África puede generar hasta 135 muertes diarias en Somalia entre enero y junio de este año, advirtieron la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y el Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef) en un estudio publicado ayer.



Gobierno argentino interviene empresa Edesur tras reiterados cortes de energía

El ministro argentino de Economía, Sergio Massa, anunció la noche del lunes la intervención “transitoria” de la empresa distribuidora de energía Edesur, controlada por la italiana Enel, tras prolongados cortes de luz en medio de una agobiante ola de calor.



Defiende Luis Arce soberanía para industrializar litio

El presidente de Bolivia, Luis Arce, defendió este lunes la transición soberana que encara su país hacia la industrialización del litio y rechazó la amenaza que lanzó Estados Unidos en torno al futuro del metal blanco.


Tipo de contenido geopolítica