The Operational National Guard: A Unique and Capable Component of the Joint Force


El papel de la Guardia Nacional en la seguridad interior y en las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos.


Lengyel, Joseph L. 2017 “The Operational National Guard: A Unique and Capable Component of the Joint Force” Joint Force Quarterly 87 (octubre) (Washington: National Defense University Press)  pp. 13-17.

Desarrollar la misión de la Guardia Nacional, consistente en la guerra, la seguridad interior y en construir alianzas duraderas. Esto servirá para asegurar una respuesta ante cualquier amenaza hacia Estados Unidos, incluyendo el peor escenario. Igualmente, se sostiene que la Guardia Nacional es decisiva para sostener la superioridad estadounidense:

Innovation is inherently in the DNA of the National Guard because the scientists, engineers, and computer experts we see in the private sector—developing the game-changing innovations that ensure America maintains its military superiority—are the same individuals who have a military life serving in the Guard. As we look for ways to make our military more agile and technologically superior, the Guard’s citizen-warriors will lend their skills and talents and play a critical role in developing the force of the future. (Lengyel, 2017: 17).

Palabras clave: Guardia Nacional, Homeland Security.

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