Síntesis informativa - 7 de octubre 2020


U.S. Economy Is at Risk With Stimulus Still Uncertain: Live Updates

American households and businesses have gone two months without the enhanced unemployment benefits, low-interest loans and other programs that helped prop up the economy in the spring. And now, after President Trump’s announcement Tuesday that he was cutting off stimulus negotiations until after the election, the wait will go on at least another month — and very likely until the next presidential term starts in 2021.



Venezuela, Once an Oil Giant, Reaches the End of an Era

CABIMAS, Venezuela — For the first time in a century, there are no rigs searching for oil in Venezuela. Wells that once tapped the world’s largest crude reserves are abandoned or left to flare toxic gases that cast an orange glow over depressed oil towns. Refineries that once processed oil for export are rusting hulks, leaking crude that blackens shorelines and coats the water in an oily sheen.



‘We Need to Take Away Children,’ No Matter How Young, Justice Dept. Officials Said

WASHINGTON — The five U.S. attorneys along the border with Mexico, including three appointed by President Trump, recoiled in May 2018 against an order to prosecute all undocumented immigrants even if it meant separating children from their parents. They told top Justice Department officials they were “deeply concerned” about the children’s welfare.




China accuses Pompeo of creating political confrontation, urges US to drop ‘Cold War’ mentality

Beijing urged the United States to stop its “unprovoked attacks,” after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lashed out at China during a meeting with Australia, India, and Japan aimed at countering China’s growing regional influence.



Iran’s President decries sending of Syrian ‘terrorists’ to Nagorno-Karabakh, warns fighting could spark REGIONAL WAR

Tehran can’t tolerate deploying militants from Syria to the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, where fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia affects Iran’s borders and may evolve into a regional conflict, President Rouhani warned.



Billionaires’ wealth tops $10.2 TRILLION as millions struggle amid pandemic

A new report by UBS and PwC reveals that the world’s super-rich “did extremely well” during the coronavirus crisis this year, increasing their already-huge fortunes by more than a quarter.



Pro-Israel lobby AIPAC frets over US elections after Twitter bans 130 alleged 'Iranian accounts'

AIPAC, the powerful pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington, is raising concerns that Iranian leader Ali Khamenei is trying to influence US elections after Twitter banned about 130 accounts that allegedly originated in Iran.




Russia successfully tests new hypersonic Tsirkon missile

Russia says it has successfully tested a new hypersonic anti-ship cruise missile in a move hailed by President Vladimir Putin as a “great event” for the country.

The military said on Wednesday that the Tsirkon missile was fired from the Admiral Gorshkov frigate in the White Sea on Tuesday morning in the Russian Arctic and successfully hit its target.

Valery Gerasimov, chief of the Russian military’s General Staff, told Putin – who turned 68 on Wednesday – that it was the first time the missile had successfully struck a target at sea.



Libya’s rival groups agree on choosing sovereign positions

Delegates from Libya’s two rival administrations have announced that the second round of talks culminated on criteria to select the heads of sovereign positions in the country.

The dialogue, which began in the Moroccan city of Bouznika in September, has five participants from the internationally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) based in Tripoli, and five from the House of Representatives (HoR) based in the eastern city of Tobruk.



Azerbaijan says Armenia-backed troops targeted a strategic pipeline

Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry says Armenian forces attempted to hit a pipeline that goes from its capital to Georgia and Turkey.

The international community is concerned about the prospect of an all-out war because Nagorno-Karabakh serves as a corridor for pipelines taking oil and gas to world markets.



39 countries condemn China over policies in Xinjiang, Hong Kong

Germany has led dozens of countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan, urging China to respect the rights of its minority Muslim Uighurs, and expressing their concern about the political situation in Hong Kong, in a move that drew a quick and angry response from Beijing.



Kyrgyzstan prime minister resigns amid election protests

Tashkent, Uzbekistan – Kyrgyzstan’s Prime Minister Kubatbek Boronov has stepped down after the Central Electoral Commission annulled the results of Sunday’s parliamentary elections in response to accusations of vote-rigging.

Boronov and Dastan Jumabekov, the speaker of the country’s parliament, presented their resignation letters at a meeting of legislators in the capital Bishkek on Tuesday.




Negative views of China soar in western countries, poll finds

The survey, conducted between June and August this year and released on Tuesday, found that a majority in each of the countries polled had an unfavourable opinion of China. In all, 14,276 adults were polled by telephone.In Australia, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United States, South Korea, Spain and Canada, negative views reached their highest points since Pew began polling on the topic more than a decade ago.



Turkey and UAE openly flouting UN arms embargo to fuel war in Libya

Turkey and the United Arab Emirates are carrying out regular and increasingly blatant violations of the UN arms embargo on Libya, fuelling a proxy war that is evading political solutions, a joint investigation by the Guardian has found.

Flight data and satellite images show both nations using large-scale military cargo planes to funnel in goods and fighters to forces or proxies inside Libya, routinely violating the 2011 UN arms embargo despite political promises to abstain.



UK remains second biggest arms exporter with £11bn of orders

British manufacturers exported £11bn worth of arms during 2019 – the second highest figure on record – despite a court order that the UK must halt any sales to Saudi Arabia that could be used in Yemen.

UK exports also exceeded those of Russia and France for the second year in a row, according to official figures released by the Department for International Trade (DIT), placing Britain number two in the global rankings behind the US.No figure for the value of UK arms exports to Riyadh alone is included in the data, although the unstable Middle East remains the largest destination for British arms. The region accounted for just short of 60% of all arms exports during 2019, down from nearly 80% the year before.



How Honduras became one of the most dangerous countries to defend natural resources

Honduras became one of the most dangerous countries in the world to defend natural resources and land rights after the 2009 coup ushered in an autocratic pro-business government – which remains in power despite multiple allegations of corruption, electoral fraud and links to international drug trafficking networks.

According to a recent report by the UN Working Group on business and human rights, the “root cause of most social conflicts [in Honduras] is the systematic lack of transparency and meaningful participation” of communities affected by the exploitation of natural resources.

enlace al reporte: https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_44_43_Add.2_E.pdf





En visite à Tokyo, Mike Pompeo cherche à conforter un front antichinois

Le chef de la diplomatie américaine voudrait institutionnaliser le « Quad », format qui rapproche Etats-Unis, Japon, Inde et Australie dans leur méfiance envers Pékin.

Philippe Mesmer

Egalement consacrée à la cybersécurité, au terrorisme et à la Corée du Nord, la rencontre était une priorité pour Mike Pompeo. Sa tournée en Asie devait le conduire en Corée du Sud et en Mongolie. Ayant choisi de l’écourter en raison des inquiétudes sur la santé de M. Trump, il n’a conservé que l’étape japonaise. « Les États-Unis sont déterminés à promouvoir le Quad, une tentative manifeste de contrer l’influence croissante de la Chine », estime Katsuji Nakagawa, éditorialiste du quotidien Nihon Keizai.



La nouvelle complexité de la crise du Haut-Karabakh

Editorial. L’intervention de la Turquie et la retenue de la Russie compliquent encore la résolution du conflit qui oppose l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan dans la région.

Plusieurs incendies, de nature différente, menacent aux portes de la Russie. En dehors du Haut-Karabakh, un conflit gelé s’installe dans le Donbass ukrainien. En Biélorussie, la révolution pacifique et civique contre le régime s’installe dans la durée, sans parvenir à renverser Loukachenko. Là encore, Moscou est pris entre deux feux, la continuité sans enthousiasme ou le saut dans un inconnu à maîtriser. Enfin, au Kirghizistan, les affrontements entre manifestants et forces de l’ordre, après le scrutin législatif de dimanche, ont conduit à des scènes ravivant, aux yeux russes, le spectre des « révolutions de couleur ». On prête souvent un grand pouvoir nocif à la Russie. Mais ses fragilités sont aussi exposées, ces jours-ci.



Après trois ans d’insurrection djihadiste, le nord du Mozambique assiégé

Le gouvernement et l’armée ont rapidement été dépassés pour lutter contre la multiplication des attaques dans la province gazière de Cabo Delgado.

C’est en réalité le début d’une sanglante insurrection djihadiste qui ravage la province de Cabo Delgado, gagnant chaque jour du terrain. Trois ans plus tard, elle a déjà fait plus de 2 000 morts, selon l’ONU et des ONG, dans une zone stratégique pour l’exploitation d’immenses réserves de gaz naturel liquéfié. Les assauts portent d’abord sur des villages isolés, le long de la côte de l’océan Indien. Des attaques espacées au cours desquelles une dizaine d’assaillants sème la panique, coupant des têtes, incendiant les maisons.




Las razones oficiales para el voto sobre Venezuela en la ONU

Argentina votó una resolución de las Naciones Unidas que condena la situación de los derechos humanos en Venezuela, en sintonía con el informe elaborado por la alta comisionada Michelle Bachelet. En un comunicado, la Cancillería detalló que las posiciones adoptadas durante la reunión de este martes del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU en Ginebra fueron por instrucción expresa del presidente Alberto Fernández, como para despejar cualquier duda. Además de votar a favor de la instalación de una misión permanente de Naciones Unidas en Caracas y de investigar las denuncias de las presuntas víctimas, Argentina también expresó su rechazo a los "bloqueos y sanciones" que "agreden especialmente al pueblo venezolano". Pese a esta salvedad, el voto argentino generó críticas dentro del oficialismo como las que expresó la designada embajadora en Rusia, Alicia Castro.



"Te invito a debatir sobre el gobierno de Dios": el desafío de Chi a Camacho

A pocos días de las elecciones generales en Bolivia, el candidato a la presidencia por el Frente Para la Victoria, el médico y pastor evangélico Chi Hyun Chung, desafió al candidato de ultraderecha Luis Fernando Camacho a un debate sobre el "gobierno de Dios". Camacho, quien como líder cívico fue un factor fundamental en el golpe contra Evo Morales, había desafiado previamente al candidato del Movimiento al Socialismo Luis Arce y al expresidente Carlos Mesa a debatir con un "árbitro imparcial". Chi, cuyas propuestas de campaña se basan en la Biblia, había alcanzado un sorprendente tercer puesto en los comicios de 2019, arañando el nueve por ciento de intención de voto. 




Parlamento Europeo rechaza enmienda y continúa tratado con Colombia

El Parlamento Europeo rechazó este martes la enmienda que pedía la suspensión del tratado comercial entre la Unión Europa y Colombia en una contundente votación de 541 votos rechazando esta enmienda y 136 aceptándola, por lo cual continuará la relación comercial entre Colombia y la Unión Europea y la "cooperación en DD. HH seguirá afianzándose", según advirtió la Cancillería, que celebró esta decisión.



'Reconstrucción de alianza con Colombia será una de mis prioridades'

El exvicepresidente de EE. UU. Joe Biden escribió en exclusiva para EL TIEMPO sobre el país.

“Nunca olvidaré el momento cuando vi en las noticias la toma del Palacio de Justicia de Colombia por guerrilleros del M-19, en 1985. La injusticia de matar jueces a sangre fría y con impunidad. La cobardía de los criminales que temían su extradición para ser juzgados en los Estados Unidos.”




Se iniciará en 2021 construcción de nuevo aeropuerto en Tulum

A partir de 2021 se iniciará la construcción de un nuevo aeropuerto en Tulum, Quintana Roo cuya obra será encargada al Ejército, anunció el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador quien precisó que se pretende inaugurar en el 2023, conjuntamente con el Tren Maya. Se trata de todo un proyecto para desarrollar el sureste del país.



Hasta 2025, recuperación de México a nivel previo a pandema: Cepal

Ciudad de México. México verá una recuperación total de la economía a niveles previos a la pandemia hasta 2025, reportó Alicia Bárcena, secretaria ejecutiva de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal).


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