Síntesis informativa - 31 de julio 2020


Drugmakers Win $2.1 Billion Vaccine Deal With U.S.

The French drug maker Sanofi said on Friday that it had secured an agreement of up to $2.1 billion to supply the United States government with 100 million doses of its experimental coronavirus vaccine, the largest such deal announced to date. The arrangement brings the Trump administration’s investment in coronavirus vaccine projects to more than $8 billion.



With Security Law as a Cudgel, Beijing Cracks Down on Hong Kong

BEIJING — For weeks, as Beijing quickly drafted and imposed a stringent new national security law for Hong Kong, many in the territory feared the rules would be used to intimidate the opposition, but hoped they would not presage a broad crackdown.



Hong Kong Delays Election, Citing Coronavirus. The Opposition Isn’t Buying It.

HONG KONG — The Hong Kong government said on Friday that it would postpone the city’s September legislative election by one year because of the coronavirus pandemic, a decision seen by the pro-democracy opposition as a brazen attempt to thwart its electoral momentum and avoid the defeat of pro-Beijing candidates.



European Economy Shrinks by Historic Margin

The European economy tumbled into its worst recession on record in the second quarter, as quarantines in countries across the continent brought business, trade and consumer spending to a grinding halt. On an annualized basis, European Union economies shrank by 14.4 percent, and eurozone economies by 15 percent, the sharpest contractions since statistics started being kept in 1995.


Oil Companies on Tumbling Prices: ‘Disastrous, Devastating’

With the coronavirus pandemic all but eliminating travel and commutes, demand for energy is tumbling, and oil companies from Algeria to West Texas are slashing budgets. Refineries are cutting production of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Pipeline operators are telling producers that they can ship crude only if there is a buyer willing to take the fuel because storage tanks are filling up fast. And American oil companies are dropping rigs, dismissing fracking crews and beginning to shut down wells. As much as 20 percent, or 20 million barrels a day, of oil demand may be lost as the global economy slows, according to the International Energy Agency.



Rising Seas Could Menace Millions Beyond Shorelines, Study Finds

The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, calculated that up to 171 million people living today face at least some risk of coastal flooding from extreme high tides or storm surges, created when strong winds from hurricanes or other storms pile up ocean water and push it onshore. While many people are currently protected by sea walls or other defenses, such as those in the Netherlands, not everyone is.



U.K. Officials’ New Trump Dilemma: What if He Loses?

If Joe Biden wins the November election, Britain would face a president who opposed Brexit, would look out for Ireland, and may have little interest in a trade deal.




AFRICOM confirms HQ is leaving Stuttgart, German defense minister says US withdrawal is 'regrettable'

The US Africa Command will seek to move its headquarters as the Pentagon plans a major reduction of American forces based in Germany. The German Defense Ministry is now considering how to help regions after the US withdrawal.



Dollar crash will topple the entire US ‘house of cards’ economy by year end – Peter Schiff

No one seems to be worried about the falling dollar, veteran stockbroker Peter Schiff writes on Twitter, as the US currency continues to slide versus major rivals amid gold and silver record growth.



Iran won't stop ballistic missile & nuclear programs despite US pressure – Supreme Leader

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said his country won't cave in to US demands to stop developing ballistic missiles and a nuclear industry, saying Tehran is capable to stand up to Washington's "bullying."



Beijing rejects accusations of hacking attempt on US vaccine research developer Moderna

Beijing has rejected charges that suspected Chinese hackers linked to the government targeted biotech firm Moderna Inc, a leading US-based coronavirus vaccine research developer, to steal data



3-day ceasefire begins in Afghanistan as Taliban & Kabul ‘preparing for peace talks’

A three-day ceasefire between Taliban and government forces began on Friday in Afghanistan during the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha. A car bomb killed at least 17 people in the country’s east just hours before the truce, while the Taliban denied any involvement, AFP reported.



China completes its global satellite navigation system rivaling GPS, GLONASS & Galileo

China said that its BeiDou-3 global satellite navigation system is now fully operational and ready to provide high-precision positioning services across the globe. The system is set to compete with GPS.




Russia-aligned hackers running anti-Nato fake news campaign – report

Part of the campaign – labelled “Ghostwriter” – involved gaining access to news sites publishing systems, deleting stories and replacing them with false news that sought to delegitimise the transatlantic alliance.

Researchers at Mandiant, a specialist cybersecurity firm, have pieced together what had been reported as 14 isolated incidents and argue that they are part of a broader anti-Nato campaign that has been since running since at least March 2017.



Belarus says detained Russian mercenaries were plotting terror attack

Belarus has claimed that the men are mercenaries employed by the Russian private military company Wagner, which has been tied to an ally of Vladimir Putin and has fought in armed conflict in Ukraine, Syria and countries in Africa. Several of the men, who were arrested at a sanatorium outside Minsk on Wednesday, fought against the government in east Ukraine, Russian media have reported.




Car bomb kills at least 17 in Afghanistan ahead of ceasefire

At least 17 people were killed in a car bomb explosion in an Afghan city on Thursday as crowds shopped for the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha, officials and a medic said.

"Seventeen bodies and 21 wounded people were brought to our hospital," Sediqullah, a senior doctor at a hospital in the city of Puli Alam in Logar province, told AFP news agency.



Joshua Wong vows to fight on after HK election disqualifications

Joshua Wong, one of Hong Kong's most prominent democracy campaigners, on Friday said the pro-democracy camp would continue their fight for freedom after officials disqualified some pro-democracy candidates from running in September's legislative elections and local media reported the poll could be postponed.



Zimbabwe security forces clear streets ahead of planned protests

Security forces have vigorously enforced a lockdown in Harare, blocking people from entering the capital a day ahead of planned anti-government protests, while activists warned of mounting human rights abuses.

Police and soldiers manned checkpoints and ordered hundreds of people trying to enter the city to return home. In the city centre, security agents ordered people to leave and businesses to close.



Trump floats election delay, claims voter fraud risks amid virus

United States President Donald Trump on Thursday raised for the first time the possibility of delaying the US November presidential election.

Trump raised the question of a delay on Twitter and without evidence claimed risks of mail-in voter fraud.




Africa resists becoming a new cold war battleground

With tensions between China and the US ramping up, Africa seems to have been becoming a new battlefield for the Washington to attack Beijing. 

Grobler: The West, in particular the US, has fabricated the so-called "new colonial" and "debt trap" fallacies to smear China, and undermine China-Africa cooperation

The US, compared to China, has never made a wholehearted attempt to develop its economic ties with Africa. President Trump's administration has been lukewarm at best about extending a hand of friendship to Africa. In fact, the US, with its total annual trade with Africa of $55 billion compared to that of China amounting to $200 billion, has been playing a "catch-up" game on the continent.

Huawei has significantly strengthened its position in Africa and has established itself across the continent since launching in Kenya in 1998. It currently operates in 40 African countries, providing 4G networks to more than half of the continent.

This unfortunate dispute between the US and China about Huawei furthermore comes at a juncture where there is a critical need for Africa to get ready for, and take advantage of, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). 



Washington eyes forcing Beijing to buy more US debt

Behind the rapidly deteriorating China-US relations is US President Donald Trump's attempt to lure voters to his re-election campaign, promoting anti-China sentiment as his prospects become ever gloomier. 

China will not take on losses resulting from buying over-issued US Treasuries, which will undoubtedly damage the US dollar hegemony and even the US itself. That is another reason why the US is acting aggressively against China. 

The US Federal Reserve not only lowered its benchmark interest rate to near zero, but also pledged unlimited quantitative easing (QE) in March. 

The Fed's balance sheet has grown drastically from about $4 trillion at the start of the year to about $7 trillion now, and may reach $8.5 trillion by the end of the year, nearly $5 trillion more than its level before the pandemic began

The US could expand dollar issuance, massively increasing existing debt and raising new debt after maturity, rather than actually repaying its creditors. It would then not need to repay debt through products and services, but could draw endless new capital to boost its economy. 

The US has this time not been able to transfer its burden to others, and has instead seen its Treasuries dumped. Per data from the US Department of the Treasury, holdings of US Treasuries by international investors fell from $7.07 trillion in February to $6.86 trillion in May, meaning the US may have to take responsibility for its own massive debt.



West’s claims of China, Russia cyberattacks a smear campaign: experts

Chinese officials and experts on Friday pushed back against fresh unsubstantiated allegations from the US that China was backing hackers to steal data from a US biotech firm developing a COVID-19 vaccine, calling the move a "smear campaign" against China.

The new US accusations also coincided with an EU move to impose sanctions on what it claims to be Russian and Chinese hackers over alleged cyberattacks, which shows that the West might be stepping up their efforts, coordinated or otherwise, to smear China and Russia as a geopolitical gambit, experts noted. 

Yang Zhanqiu, a deputy director of the pathogen biology department at Wuhan University, said that the accusations are "just slander for propaganda purposes," and that China has the advantage and scientific and technological capabilities to develop a vaccine independently. 



Former Shaanxi Party chief sentenced to death with reprieve for taking more than $102.4m in bribes

Zhao was given a two-year reprieve for his death penalty and deprived of political rights for life, with his personal property confiscated. After he finishes the two-year probation, his death penalty will be reduced to life imprisonment without commutation or parole, the First Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin ruled. 




Ralentissement économique historique et récession aux Etats-Unis

Le produit intérieur brut a accusé une chute de 32,9 % au deuxième trimestre, en rythme annualisé, sous l’effet de la pandémie due au Covid-19.

Les mauvaises nouvelles s’enchaînent pour l’économie américaine, désormais officiellement entrée en récession. L’annonce, jeudi 30 juillet, d’une contraction de 32,9 % du produit intérieur brut (PIB) en rythme annualisé au deuxième trimestre, confirme un ralentissement historique de l’activité économique dû à la crise sanitaire. Le Fonds monétaire international tablait, lui, sur une contraction de 37 %. Entre avril et juin, la diminution a atteint 9,5 % par rapport à la même période en 2019, un record d’une ampleur sans précédent depuis 1947, date des premières statistiques. Elle fait suite à la baisse, déjà forte, de 5 % au premier trimestre.



A Hongkong, des législatives repoussées et la colère du camp du camp prodémocratie

Le gouvernement, qui justifie ce report par la hausse des cas de coronavirus, a aussi rejeté la candidature de douze candidats d’opposition.

Après sa large victoire aux élections organisées au niveau des districts de la ville en fin d’année dernière, l’opposition espère maintenir cette dynamique créée par le vaste mouvement de contestation contre l’exécutif local et le pouvoir chinois en 2019. Le Conseil législatif de Hongkong est élu pour moitié au suffrage direct et pour l’autre moitié au suffrage indirect favorisant des personnalités favorables à la Chine.



Recul historique, de 12,1 %, du PIB de la zone euro au deuxième trimestre

Au niveau national, les chiffres de croissance désastreux s’accumulent ces derniers jours : − 13,8 % en France, − 12,4 % en Italie, − 14,1 % au Portugal, − 18,5 % en Espagne, − 10,1 % en Allemagne, − 10,7 % en Autriche et − 12,2 % en Belgique.



L’énigme Tse Chi Lop, fantomatique baron de la drogue du Triangle d’or

« Vies de caïds » (5/6). « Le Monde » retrace le destin de personnages considérés par la justice ou la police de leur pays comme des chefs d’organisations criminelles. Aujourd’hui, ce mystérieux Sino-Canadien qui aurait la main sur le trafic de drogues de synthèse en provenance de Birmanie.

Bruno Philip

Tse Chi Lop est-il « LE » parrain de l’ensemble du trafic en Asie du Sud-Est ? Selon Jeremy Douglas, représentant à Bangkok de l’Office des Nations unies pour la drogue et le crime (ONUDC), « il n’est peut-être pas le chef de la seule organisation mafieuse produisant et trafiquant des drogues synthétiques made in Myanmar [nom actuel de la Birmanie], mais il est certainement le chef de la plus grande d’entre elles ».




General Hodges: retirada de tropas estadounidenses de Alemania es un regalo de Trump al Kremlin

Alemania es nuestro principal aliado en Europa. Allí está nuestra "cabeza de puente" para muchas operaciones estadounidenses en Europa, África y el Medio Oriente. Si retiramos esas tropas de allí, donde hay una infraestructura tan buena, será difícil mantener la misma capacidad de reacción. Si las tropas se trasladan a Italia, por ejemplo, costará millones de dólares construir solo los alojamientos.

¿Por qué lo hace Trump?

Solo puedo especular. Creo que se trata solo de una decisión política, pero no estratégica

Frederick Benjamin Hodges fue comandante de las fuerzas armadas estadounidenses en Europa hasta 2017.



Italia enfrenta la peor recesión desde la II Guerra Mundial

El Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) de Italia cayó 12,4% en el segundo trimestre debido a la pandemia del coronavirus, lo que lleva al país a la recesión, informó este viernes el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (ISTAT).



Gobierno de Hong Kong aplaza por un año los comicios legislativos de septiembre

La jefa del Gobierno de Hong Kong, Carrie Lam, confirmó este viernes (31.07.2020) que aplazará por un año las elecciones legislativas, previstas inicialmente para el próximo 6 de septiembre, debido al empeoramiento de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la ciudad.



Trump quiere hacer presencia en Asamblea General virtual de la ONU

La reunión anual de líderes mundiales en las Naciones Unidas será virtual por primera vez en sus 75 años de historia debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, excepto por la probable presencia del presidente Donald Trump quien planea asistir en persona a la sesión, se conoció este jueves



América Latina, un campo de batalla de la guerra fría entre China y EE.UU.

¿Águila o dragón? La pugna por la tecnología 5G en Brasil muestra que América Latina se está convirtiendo en escenario de la guerra fría entre China y Estados Unidos. La lucha por la supremacía en la región arrecia.

Desde 2009, China relevó a Estados Unidos como principal socio comercial de Brasil. El gigante asiático invierte cuantiosas sumas en infraestructura, no solo en Brasil, sino en toda Latinoamérica.

La crisis de los países del Mercosur no solo abre las compuertas a la lucha geoestratégica de China y Estados Unidos en la región. "También puede producirse una división tecnológica”, advierte Stuenkel



Un hospital privado para demostrar el poder de "El Mencho" en México

No se trata de un capricho de "El Mencho", líder del Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación. El hospital escenifica un enfrentamiento entre la banda criminal y el Estado.

Medios mexicanos han informado que el hospital no solo atendería al narcotraficante, sino que también podría atender a la población local de este municipio con poco más de 10.000 habitantes.

Los cárteles han aprovechado que el Gobierno y los servicios públicos están centrados en enfrentar el COVID-19 para expandir su control sobre el territorio.



Donald Trump moots US election delay on Twitter

US President Donald Trump suggested on Thursday that the presidential election in November be delayed, saying that postal voting would make the election "inaccurate and fraudulent." 




Apple Smashes Revenue, iPhone Estimates in Record Third Quarter



Zuckerberg Goes Off-Script, Blasts Apple and Google in Testimony




Eurozone Economy Contracts by Record 40%

Coronavirus containment coupled with aggressive stimulus fans recovery hopesBy 



Amazon, Apple, Facebook Show Dominant Results, Grip on Society

Tech companies reap billions, surprising investors just one day after Congressional scrutiny


Australia Unveils Its Plan to Make Facebook and Google Pay for News

New plan could inform efforts elsewhere in the world to monetize content from publishers



China’s Manufacturing Recovery Picks Up the Pace

Factory activity expands for fifth straight month 





La Justicia de EE UU pone en la mira el aparato de seguridad de los Gobiernos del PAN

La Fiscalía acusa a dos subalternos de García Luna de colaborar con el cartel de Sinaloa. Entre los tres ocuparon puestos importantes en todas las áreas de seguridad con Fox y Calderón



Los gigantes tecnológicos crecen en medio de la debacle económica en Estados Unidos

Apple, Amazon, Facebook y Google resisten el envite de la pandemia y presentan un beneficio trimestral combinado de más de 28.000 millones de dólares



La Cepal advierte de que no habrá reactivación sin control de la pandemia

La comisión de la ONU traza un oscuro panorama económico y social para América Latina 

 “En el plano social y económico, la pandemia ha desatado una inédita crisis económica y social, y si no se toman medidas urgentes, podría transformarse en una crisis alimentaria y humanitaria”, advierte el documento, presentado por la comisión este jueves por videoconferencia

La recesión provocada por la pandemia “es la más abrupta de la historia”, con una caída promedio del PIB superior al 9% para finales de 2020. El resto de los indicadores acompañarán el derrumbe: el desempleo alcanzará el 13,5%, la pobreza subirá siete puntos hasta el 37,3% y la desigualdad se agudizará aún más, con un alza en el índice de Gini de 4,9 puntos.



López Obrador defiende su política para el sector energético en la Suprema Corte

El presidente impugna la suspensión de un juez a las normas que limitan la inversión privada de las industrias renovables




Coronavirus: Rusia dice que tendrá la vacuna el 10 de agosto  

Las autoridades rusas anunciaron que aprobarán una vacuna contra la covid-19 el 10 de agosto o incluso antes. Comenzaría a aplicarse a los trabajadores de atención médica de primera línea. Kirill Dmitriev, director del fondo de riqueza soberana de Rusia, dijo que se adelantarán a Estados Unidos como sucedió con el Sputnik. Las vacunas estadounidenses planean estar listas no antes de fin de año.



MIA del Tren Maya sin valoración suficiente sobre impacto: expertos

La Manifestación de Impacto Ambiental (MIA) del Tren Maya no reúne condiciones suficientes para establecer los modos, procedimientos y metodologías para garantizar que el proyecto, que incluye el tren, los polos de desarrollo y los proyectos complementarios, genere los beneficios que se propone así como evitar los daños graves e irreversibles que científicos, estudiosos, sabios comunitarios y un sentido común ampliamente compartido han señalado. 

Esto advirtieron en el documento Observaciones a la Manifestación de Impacto Ambiental modalidad regional del Tren Maya decenas de investigadores de 65 instituciones académicas de México, así como de 26 de Chile, Colombia, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, Guatemala, Honduras, Panamá, Paraguay, Suiza y Uruguay. Entre quienes suscriben el documento están Carlos Fazio, Peter Rosset y Magdalena Gómez. 



Jair Bolsonaro fingió estar enfermo, sospecha Lula

Sao Paulo., El ex presidente de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010), cree que el presidente Jair Bolsonaro fingió estar enfermo de Covid-19 para promover la cloroquina en momentos en que el país superó las 91 mil muertes, después de que se registraron más de mil fallecimientos en 24 horas.



Funcionarios señalan que Mauricio Macri “se fugó” a Suiza

Buenos Aires. En plena cuarentena y con los ecos del escándalo por espionaje desde los servicios de inteligencia bajo su gestión, el ex presidente argentino Mauricio Macri partió hoy rumbo a París con destino a Suiza, lo que fue severamente cuestionado por diversos sectores, polémica que tuvo amplio eco en redes sociales.


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