Síntesis informativa - 9 de abril 2020


Jobless claims now exceed 16 million in the United States

Another 6.6 million people filed for unemployment benefits last week as the coronavirus outbreak continued its devastating march through the American economy, the Labor Department reported on Thursday.The release came as the Federal Reserve said it could pump $2.3 trillion into the economy through new and expanded programs it announced on Monday, ramping up efforts to help companies and state and local governments suffering financially amid the coronavirus.



Fed to Buy Municipal, Some Riskier Debt as Part of Expansive Programs

The Federal Reserve said it could pump $2.3 trillion into the economy through new and expanded programs it announced on Monday. The central bank announced that it will use Treasury Department funds recently authorized by Congress to buy municipal bonds and expand corporate bond-buying programs to include some lower-rated and riskier debt. The package pushes the Fed far beyond anything it attempted in the 2008 financial crisis.



While the World Spends on Coronavirus Bailouts, China Holds Back

The United States unveiled a $2 trillion rescue package. European countries have announced their own spending blitz, and Japan approved a nearly $1 trillion economic stimulus plan. The country that famously helped kick-start the world economy after the 2008 global financial crisis with a half-a-trillion-dollar spending splurge has been relatively restrained this time around. While it is helping companies keep workers and pushing its state-run banks to lend more, China has held back from spending on big packages or flooding its financial system with money.



Why Republicans Are So Afraid of Vote-by-Mail

Public health officials recommend absentee ballots to keep people safe. But President Trump and his party, without evidence, portray expanded voting measures as ripe for fraud.



In Scramble for Coronavirus Supplies, Rich Countries Push Poor Aside

As the United States and European Union countries compete to acquire scarce medical equipment to combat the coronavirus, another troubling divide is also emerging, with poorer countries losing out to wealthier ones in the global scrum for masks and testing materials.



Saudi Arabia Declares Cease-Fire in Yemen, Citing Fears of Coronavirus

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Saudi Arabia on Wednesday announced that the kingdom and its allies would observe a unilateral cease-fire in the war in Yemen starting at noon on Thursday, a move that could pave the way for ending the brutal five-year-old conflict.




Intelligence chief Kadhimi named Iraq’s 3rd PM in 10 weeks

Iraq’s President Barham Salih named intelligence chief Mustafa al-Kadhimi as prime minister-designate on Thursday, the third person tapped to lead the country in just 10 weeks. Iraq is struggling to replace a government that fell last year after months of deadly protests.



Saudi-led coalition begins Yemen ceasefire

A Saudi-led coalition fighting against Yemen’s Houthi movement announced overnight it would halt military operations from 0900 GMT for two weeks in support of United Nations efforts to end the conflict that has killed more than 100,000 people, Reuters said.



ISIS takes credit for attack on Bagram Airfield, largest US military base in Afghanistan, as Taliban fighters walk free

The terrorist group Islamic State has claimed responsibility for shelling a US military base near Kabul. There were no casualties reported in the incident, but the attack comes amid a sensitive prisoner exchange with the Taliban



Indian drone shot down in Kashmir ‘for conducting surveillance’ – Pakistani military

A small Indian military spy drone has been shot down along the Line of Control (LoC) in disputed Kashmir after it flew into Pakistani-controlled area, the Pakistan Army has said.



OPCW points finger at Syrian government for 2017 chemical attacks amid whistleblowers scandal

The OPCW has issued its first report explicitly blaming Syria’s government for chemical attacks on civilians, pointing to three incidents in 2017 and saying there’re “reasonable grounds” to believe the air force was responsible.




100 days that changed the world

At 1.38pm on 31 December, a Chinese government website announced the detection of a “pneumonia of unknown cause” in the area surrounding the South China seafood wholesale market in Wuhan, an industrial city of 11 million people.

Over the next 100 days, the virus would freeze international travel, extinguish economic activity and confine half of humanity to their homes, infecting more than a million people and counting, including an Iranian vice-president, the actor Idris Elba, and the British prime minister. By the middle of April, more than 75,000 would be dead.



Coronavirus could push half a billion people into poverty, Oxfam warns

More than half a billion more people could be pushed into poverty unless urgent action is taken to bail out poor countries affected by the economic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic, Oxfam has warned.

The research – conducted by King’s College London and the Australian National University – said that a 20% drop in income as a result of a recession caused by Covid-19 would push an additional 548 million people below $5.50 a day – one of the World Bank’s definitions of poverty.



Bernie Sanders, who reshaped US politics, ends 2020 presidential run

Bernie Sanders, the 78-year-old senator from Vermont who reshaped American politics with his youth-led movement for sweeping social change, on Wednesday ended his presidential campaign for the 2020 Democratic nomination.

His withdrawal from the race all but ensures the former vice-president Joe Biden will be the Democratic presidential nominee in an election against Donald Trump as the coronavirus pandemic thrusts the US deeper into an economic and public health crisis.



'It's a racial justice issue': Black Americans are dying in greater numbers from Covid-19

As the US climbed to more than 10,000 coronavirus deaths on Monday state health officials grappled with its disproportionate impact on black Americans. The disparity is especially stark in cities like New Orleans, Chicago and Detroit, where high concentrations of African Americans live.




Saudi-UAE coalition declares 2-week unilateral ceasefire in Yemen

The Saudi-UAE coalition fighting Yemen's Houthi rebels has declared a unilateral ceasefire.

The suspension of the coalition's military operations is expected to go into effect at 12pm local time (09:00 GMT) on Thursday and last for two weeks, Saudi Arabia's state-run news agency SPA quoted coalition spokesperson Colonel Turki al-Malki as saying.

The announcement came days after the United Nations called for a halt in hostilities amid the coronavirus pandemic.


Can the world's top oil producers save a crashing market?

A powerful alliance on the rocks. A market squeezed by falling demand and a deluge of supply. A United States president turned relationship counselor.

This is the backdrop for what is poised to be an unprecedented meeting between Saudi-Arabia-led OPEC, its allies and - should they choose to accept the invite - other top oil producers.

The virtual meeting - originally planned for Monday - is set to take place on Thursday. Whatever deal is struck between the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies led by Russia - a grouping known as OPEC+ - it will almost surely inform a meeting of Group of 20 energy ministers scheduled for Friday.



Philippines backs Vietnam after China sinks fishing boat

The Philippines has expressed solidarity with Vietnam after Hanoi protested against what it said was the ramming and sinking of a Vietnamese fishing boat by a Chinese coastguard vessel in the disputed South China Sea.



Afghan government releases 100 Taliban prisoners

The Afghan government has released 100 Taliban prisoners on Wednesday, a government official said, a day after the armed group said it was walking out of talks with Kabul.

Javid Faisal, spokesman for Afghanistan's Office of the National Security Council, said: "The government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan released 100 Taliban prisoners today based on their health condition, age and length of remaining sentence, as part of our efforts for peace." 




Expresidente Correa rechaza sentencia de cárcel dictada por tribunal ecuatoriano

El expresidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, rechazó la sentencia y acusaciones de la justicia ecuatoriana que lo condenan a ochos años de prisión por el supuesto delito de cohecho agravado.

Tras conocer la sentencia, Correa escribió en su cuenta de Twitter que “todo era un show” y que “ya estaba preparado”. “Conozco el proceso y lo que dicen los jueces es MENTIRA. No han probado absolutamente NADA. Puro falso testimonio sin pruebas”, agregó.



Tribunal sudanés confirma veredicto de condena a Al Bashir

Un tribunal de apelaciones en Sudán confirmó el veredicto de condena al ex presidente sudanés Omar al-Bashir y enviarlo a una institución correccional por un período de dos años después de ser condenado por corrupción, según su abogado Hashem al-Jaali.

Al-Jali dijo: "Sí, el Tribunal de Apelaciones confirmó el veredicto de la condena, pero apelaremos el veredicto en la Corte Suprema a nuestra completa convicción de que no hay caso".



Reuters: Coalición saudita anunciará suspensión de operaciones en Yemen

La coalición saudita contra Yemen anunciará la suspensión de sus operaciones militares en todo el país a la medianoche del miércoles, informó la agencia Reuters

La agencia a citó fuentes que dijeron que el alto el fuego comenzará mañana "en apoyo de la iniciativa de las Naciones Unidas" y señaló que el mismo se acordó por razones, tales como evitar cualquier posible propagación del coronavirus en Yemen.



Siria: Ocupante turco establece nuevo punto militar en Hasakeh

El Ejército turco prosigue sus actos hostiles en el territorio sirio al reforzar militarmente su ocupación, en una violación flagrante de las leyes internacionales.

En este sentido, las tropas turcas establecieron nuevos puntos militares en provincia de Hasakeh, a 866 km al nordeste de la capital Damasco, y siguen robando el trigo almacenado en el norte de la provincia de Raqqa.




Bernie Sanders se bajó de la campaña presidencial y Biden enfrentará a Trump 

"Termina la campaña, pero la lucha continúa". Con esa frase, el equipo de Bernie Sanders anunció que el senador de 78 años abandonaba la carrera por la candidatura presidencial del Partido Demócrata. De esta forma, Sanders allana el camino para que su hasta ahora rival Joe Biden, elegido por el establishment local, se convierta en el candidato que le disputará la presidencia al republicano Donald Trump. El propio Sanders confirmó la decisión en Twitter, y prometió "trabajar" con Biden para vencer al actual mandatario. Agradeció además al apoyo recibido y sostuvo que, a pesar de todo, el movimiento ganó la "lucha ideológica". Por su parte, Biden llamó a los seguidores de Sanders a sumarse a su campaña. Fiel a su estilo, Trump aprovechó para burlarse de la situación y culpó a la senadora Elizabeth Warren por bajarse de la carrera luego de las primarias del Supermartes y no expresar su apoyo hacia ninguno de los precandidatos.



Coronavirus en Brasil: las poblaciones más pobres recurren a la autogestión

El reporte fue dado por el ministro de Salud, Luiz Mandetta, quien permanece en su cargo contra la voluntad del presidente Jair Bolsonaro y con el respaldo de los militares . Mandetta insistió con el pedido a los brasileños de "no relajar" las medidas de aislamiento que Bolsonaro se encargó de boicotear.  

 El desafío más grande del gigante sudamericano, con 200 millones de habitantes, se ubica en las favelas, donde viven millones de personas hacinadas y sin recursos para hacer frente a la pandemia. En este contexto, las mayores favelas de Brasil se vieron obligadas a contratar ambulancias, fabricar sus propias máscaras y crear una red solidaria para hacer frente a la pandemia.




OMS pide a Trump ‘poner en cuarentena’  politización de la crisis

El director general de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, le pidió este miércoles al presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, que “no politice el virus”, en alusión a las críticas del mandatario sobre la relación entre la organización y el Gobierno chino.



ONU envía a Venezuela 90 toneladas de productos para el coronavirus

La ONU informó este miércoles que ha enviado a Venezuela unas 90 toneladas de productos para luchar contra la pandemia del coronavirus, desde equipos de protección personal hasta concentradores de oxígeno, que llegarán este miércoles al país y serán distribuidos en centros sanitarios y comunidades vulnerables.




En México se han contagiado unas 30 mil personas: Hugo López-Gatell

En México hay unas 30 mil personas con la enfermedad Covid-19, debido a que por cada caso confirmado en laboratorio se estima que la cifra real es 10 a 12 veces mayor que los 3 mil 181 casos reportados al día de ayer, afirmó Hugo López-Gatell, subsecretario de Prevención y Promoción de la Salud.



La crisis por el nuevo virus pudo prevenirse: Noam Chomsky

Tucson. El mundo deberá resolver desafíos globales como el riesgo de una guerra nuclear y el calentamiento global después de finalizada la pandemia de coronavirus, sostuvo el filósofo y analista político estadunidense Noam Chomsky en entrevista con el medio griego Mera.



Eficaz para narcos, mover drogas en comercio marítimo

El comercio marítimo mediante contenedores de carga se ha convertido en un método eficaz para el tráfico de drogas, por lo que las naciones que forman parte de la Operación Orión –en la que participan 25 países de América y Europa, México entre ellos– trabajan en el rediseño de estrategias para inspeccionar de forma eficaz mayores volúmenes de carga en las que se trasladan grandes cantidades de cocaína, mariguana y precursores químicos, refiere información del Centro Internacional de Investigación y Análisis contra el Narcotráfico Marítimo (Ciianm).



Dejará Covid-19 500 millones más de pobres en el mundo

París. Quinientos millones de personas de todo el mundo están en riesgo de caer en la pobreza si no se adoptan planes de ayuda para los países más pobres ante la pandemia de coronavirus, advirtió la consultora internacional Oxfam.



Kennedy autorizó operación de la CIA en Guyana Británica; el objetivo, evitar otro Castro

Nueva York. El presidente John F. Kennedy aprobó una campaña encubierta de la CIA para interferir en las elecciones de la entonces Guyana Británica con el fin de evitar otro Castro, revelan documentos oficiales desclasificados y difundidos por el Archivo de Seguridad Nacional en Washington.


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