Síntesis informativa - 9 de abril 2019


In Trump, Netanyahu Sees an Ally Who Helps Him Push the Envelope

WASHINGTON — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s vow for Israel to annex parts of the West Bank would flout four decades of American policy, under both Republican and Democratic presidents. But nothing emboldened Mr. Netanyahu to take such a risk more than the support of his ally President Trump.

From recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights to moving the United States Embassy to Jerusalem, Mr. Trump has given Mr. Netanyahu the political cover and legal legitimacy to embrace a position that critics say would all but extinguish the dream of a viable Palestinian state.

Mr. Trump’s moves are not merely temporary gestures, which a future president or Israeli leader could reverse. They are policy changes that experts say have permanently altered the contested landscape of the Middle East, making his own stated goal of a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians more unattainable than ever.


With Pressure and Persuasion, China Deflects Criticism of Its Camps for Muslims

In the opulent halls of the Emirates Palace hotel, a seat of power in Abu Dhabi where 114 domes decorate the vast rooftop, a delegation of about a dozen Chinese diplomats lobbied foreign ministers of the Muslim world last month.

China has been fighting criticism that it has detained as many as one million members of Muslim ethnic minorities in indoctrination camps in its western Xinjiang region. But at the two-day conclave in early March, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation — a group of 57 nations that has been a vocal defender of the Rohingyas and Palestinians — handed Beijing a significant victory.

In a resolution on protecting the rights of Muslim minorities around the world, the group praised China for “providing care to its Muslim citizens.”


Pompeo Bars 16 Saudis From U.S. in Response to Khashoggi Killing

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, facing criticism that the Trump administration has sought to sweep away the Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi’s brutal killing, announced on Monday that 16 Saudis, including one of the closest aides to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, were being barred from entry to the United States.

The list included the close ai de, Saud al-Qahtani, who officially served as the royal court’s media czar, but appeared to have overseen the operation to seize Mr. Khashoggi. It was one of a dozen or so operations by what American intelligence officials called the Saudi Rapid Intervention Group, set up by Mr. al-Qahtani to silence or eliminate dissent about Prince Mohammed’s rapid rise to become the de facto Saudi leader.


China, a Major Bitcoin Source, Considers Moving Against It

HONG KONG — China is planning new steps that could put a stop to making Bitcoin there, a move that could cut off one of the world’s largest sources of the popular but unstable cryptocurrency.

The National Development and Reform Commission, China’s top economic planning body, this week added cryptocurrency mining to a list of about 450 industries that it proposes to eliminate. If the move is finalized, local governments in China would be prohibited from supporting makers of Bitcoin and other digital currencies through subsidies or other benefits.

The commission said it would seek public comment until May 7 before making a final decision.




Trump removes Secret Service director amid ‘near-systematic purge’ of agency

Donald Trump announced on Monday that he will remove the Secret Servicedirector, Randolph “Tex” Alles, from his position, as one anonymous official described “a near-systematic purge” at the Department of Homeland Security.

“Mr Alles will be leaving shortly and President Trump has selected James M Murray, a career member of the [Secret Service], to take over as director beginning in May.”

The president’s move against Alles came less than a week after Trump withdrew his Immigration and Customs Enforcement director’s nomination to stay on permanently, and a day after the homeland security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who oversaw the Secret Service, was forced to resign.


China's state planning agency seeks to ban bitcoin mining

China’s state planner wants to eliminate bitcoin mining in the country, according to a draft list of industrial activities the agency is seeking to stop in a sign of growing government pressure on the cryptocurrency sector.

China is the world’s largest market for computer hardware designed to mine bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, even though such activities previously fell under a regulatory grey area


UK likely to be offered Brexit extension until end of year

Britain is likely to be offered a final long extension ending on 31 December after the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, failed to convince the the bloc’s capitals that Theresa May has a plan to break the Brexit impasse.

A number of member states, most prominently France, along with Slovenia, Greece, Austria and Spain, remain sceptical about a lengthy extension, citing the risks to the EU of Britain behaving badly.


Israel: voters go to polls as Netanyahu seeks fifth term

Israelis have begun voting in a tight election race viewed as a referendum on Benjamin Netanyahu, who hopes to extend his decade-long stretch in power to become the country’s longest-serving prime minister.

Tainted by accusations in three separate corruption cases that he denies and will have to fight if he wins, the 69-year-old energised his ultranationalist rightwing base in recent days, vowing to envelop Israeli sovereignty over Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank and end dreams of a Palestinian state for good.

Final opinion polls, released four days ago, showed mixed results. Netanyahu’s Likud party was slightly behind Gantz’s Blue and White, but had a better chance of forming a coalition with allies contending seats with far-right and religious electorates.


Google's world-first drone delivery business wins approval in Canberra

For the past 18 months, Project Wing, an offshoot of Google’s parent company Alphabet, has been trialling drone delivery of food and drinks, medication and locally-made coffee and chocolate.

The drone delivery service is expected to start with 100 eligible homes in the suburbs of Crace, Palmerston and Franklin in Canberra in the coming weeks, before expanding into Harrison and Gungahlin.

The company estimates that at scale, drone delivery could add $30m to $40m in additional annual revenue for ACT businesses.



Estados Unidos amenaza con imponer aranceles a la UE por ayudas a Airbus

Los aranceles podrían afectar no solo a Airbus y a la industria de la aviación, sino también a productos alimenticios como el queso, el aceite de oliva o el vino.

El Gobierno de Donald Trump amenazó con la imposición de aranceles a una lista de productos de la Unión Europea (UE). Sería en represalias por las ayudas públicas recibidas por la compañía aérea de parte de la UE.

El anuncio lo hizo la Oficina del Representante de Comercio de Estados Unidos (USTR), que sostuvo que los subsidios de la UE a la industria europea de aviación cuestan cada año más de 11.000 millones de dólares a EE. UU., una cifra con la que Bruselas no está de acuerdo.


Putin anuncia que hay más proyectos armamentísticos con Turquía

En la tercera visita de Erdogan a Rusia en lo que va de año, ambos países mantienen el el pulso con Estados Unidos y la OTAN, de que Turquía es miembro, por el sistema antimisiles ruso S-400.

El presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, declaró este lunes (08.04.2019) que la compra de los sistemas de misiles S-400 a Rusia "está hecha" y corresponde a una decisión soberana que nadie podrá frenar, en referencia a las presiones de Estados Unidos para que abandone el acuerdo. "Nadie va a socavar nuestra soberanía. Cuando otros países dan algunos pasos, no nos preguntan tampoco, de manera que nosotros tomamos nuestras propias decisiones, tanto en el área de la defensa como en el de la energía", recalcó Erdogan en una rueda de prensa conjunta con su homólogo ruso, Vladímir Putin, durante el VIII Consejo de Cooperación de Alto Nivel ruso-turco.


Cumbre UE-China: baches en la nueva Ruta de la Seda

Antes de la cumbre entre la UE y China en Bruselas, parecía cada vez más probable que no hubiera una declaración final conjunta, porque China no cumple lo que promete. Lara Gohr, desde Bruselas.

Los observadores vaticinaban para la reunión de este martes en Bruselas (9.4.2019) entre los líderes de la UE y el primer ministro chino, Li Keqiang, un ambiente de distanciamiento. Distinto era el caso en la cumbre de China con los Estados africanos en septiembre de 2018, cuando la televisión estatal china hablaba de "reunión familiar", "sueños compartidos" y "amistad eterna". A pesar de los meses invertidos en los preparativos, este martes la UE no recibirá de China lo que exige: respeto a los derechos humanos, un comercio más justo y oportunidades de inversión. "Las expectativas son muy bajas", dijo Mikko Huotari, experto en Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), en Berlín. "Parece que hay una gran probabilidad de que no se produzca una declaración final conjunta", explicó.


El papel europeo en la crisis de Libia

El mariscal Jalifa Hafter intenta tomar Trípoli. Esto debería incumbir a Alemania, por presidir el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU. También porque podría ser el país que más sufra las consecuencias, dice Michaela Küfner.

Bajo la presidencia alemana del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU no se llegó a un acuerdo sobre una declaración conjunta contra la ofensiva del mariscal Jalifa Hafter, quien intenta tomar el control de Trípoli. Como sucede con frecuencia, Rusia la bloqueó. Se podría decir que "no se puede hacer nada", pero no es cierto; Alemania ya fracasó con el tema de Libia anteriormente. Y eso contribuyó, al menos en parte, a hacer que la situación en Libia sea más caótica y aumente el número de refugiados ante las puertas de Europa. Alemania no vio explícitamente que su papel era mediar entre los socios de la UE: confrontar abiertamente a países como Francia que, con su apoyo secreto al mariscal Hafter, al contrario de la postura acordada por la UE, están jugando peligrosamente con fuego.


Declaran culpables a nueve líderes de la "revolución de los paraguas"

Los dirigentes del movimiento prodemocracia de 2014 que demandaba reformas políticas fueron encontrados culpables de incitar la alteración del orden público. La rebelión paralizó Hong Knog durante más de dos meses.

Varios dirigentes del movimiento prodemocracia de Hong Kong fueron declarados este martes (09.04.2019) culpables de conspiración para perturbar el orden público por haber participado en 2014 en la llamada "revolución de los paraguas" en la excolonia británica.

Tres veteranos dirigentes y seis coacusados son pasibles de penas de cárcel por haber participado en las manifestaciones que pedían reformas políticas y más democracia al poder central.



Irán comienza instalación de centrífugas IR-6, según IRNA

TEHERAN, 9 abr (Xinhua) -- La Organización de Energía Atómica de Irán (OEAI) inició la instalación de centrífugas IR-6 el martes, informó la agencia oficial de noticias IRNA.

La colocación de una cadena de 20 centrifugadoras avanzadas IR-6 comenzó en las instalaciones de enriquecimiento de Natanz en el centro de Irán, luego de un decreto del presidente Hassan Rouhani, añadió.

"Estamos felices de anunciar la instalación de las centrífugas IR-6. Esto será un gran logro para la nación iraní", dijo Rouhani en una conferencia de video.


Arabia Saudita aplaude a movimiento de EEUU a la lista negra de IRGC como grupo terrorista

RIAD, 9 abr (Xinhua) -- Arabia Saudita dio la bienvenida el martes a la decisión de Estados Unidos de incluir en la lista negra al Cuerpo de la Guardia Revolucionaria de Irán (IRGC, siglas en inglés) como grupo terrorista, informó la Agencia de Prensa Saudí.

Un funcionario del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Arabia Saudita destacó que la decisión fue un paso serio contra el terrorismo y reiteró las renovadas demandas del reino a la comunidad internacional para luchar contra el terrorismo respaldado por Irán.

Hizo un llamamiento a los países para que asuman un papel importante para hacer frente a las operaciones del IRGC que perturban la seguridad y la paz internacionales.


Guterres pide cese inmediato de violencia en Libia

NACIONES UNIDAS, 8 abr (Xinhua) -- El secretario general de la ONU, Antonio Guterres, condenó este lunes la escalada militar y los enfrentamientos que están teniendo lugar en la capital libia, Trípoli, y pidió el cese inmediato de la violencia.

En un comunicado divulgado por su portavoz, Stephane Dujarric, Guterres instó a un alto inmediato de todas las operaciones militares a fin de reducir la tensión y evitar un conflicto generalizado.

El secretario general subrayó que no hay solución militar posible al conflicto libio y urgió a todos los actores implicados a dialogar de forma inmediata en busca de una solución política.


Pompeo viajará a América Latina para tratar sobre lazos y Venezuela

WASHINGTON, 8 abr (Xinhua) -- El secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Mike Pompeo, viajará a Chile, Paraguay, Perú y Colombia del 11 al 15 de abril para discutir los lazos con esas naciones y la situación en Venezuela, informó hoy lunes el Departamento de Estado.

Pompeo viajará para "reforzar las alianzas de Estados Unidos en el hemisferio occidental" y "sumar apoyos para la democracia en Venezuela", dijo un comunicado divulgado por el portavoz del Departamento de Estado, Morgan Ortagus.

El secretario de Estado hará una breve parada el 14 de abril en Cúcuta, en la frontera de Colombia con Venezuela. Caracas cerró su frontera con el país vecino y rompió sus relaciones diplomáticas y políticas con él luego del apoyo de Bogotá a la oposición venezolana y a los desertores militares.




Gunshots, tear gas fired at Sudan protests

Witnesses say security forces use force in a bid to disperse the demonstrators from the military complex.

The Sudanese armed forces are not "against the demands" of protesters seeking al-Bashir's departure, the country's defence minister has said, warning, however, that the army will not allow a "fall into chaos".

Analysts, meanwhile, said senior military figures were eager to "find a way" for Bashir, whose power base is within the armed forces, to step down "gracefully" and initiate a transition of power.


Appeal aims to block UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Campaigners say British weapons sales break UK laws as Saudi Arabia uses British bombs and missiles in Yemen war

Gavin O’Toole Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) is attempting to overturn a 2017 ruling in the UK's High Court that allowed arms suppliers to continue exporting weapons to the Saudi.

CAAT insists the sales break UK laws blocking export licences if there is a clear risk of weapons being used in "serious violations" of international humanitarian law, and the Court of Appeal in London on Tuesday heard its bid to overturn the 2017 judgement.

Algeria's parliament confirms Bensalah as interim president

The legislature made the announcement live on TV confirming the Senate president will replace Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

In addition to Bensalah, protesters said they do not want Prime Minister Noureddine Bedoui and Constitutional Council President Tayeb Belaiz - all known to be Bouteflika loyalists - to be involved in the political transition.


Iran's Rouhani defends IRGC, says US 'terror' label a 'mistake'

Tehran declares the US 'state sponsor of terrorism' in tit-for-tat move, while Rouhani vows to defend the elite forces.

In an unprecedented step, US President Donald Trump designated the IRGC a "foreign terrorist organisation" on Monday.

Tehran took retaliatory action by naming the US Central Command (CENTCOM) as a "terrorist organisation" and the US government as a "state sponsor of terrorism

If the US continues to pressure Tehran, Rouhani said, Iran's nuclear agency will produce advanced centrifuges - used to enrich uranium




Bolsonaro says Brazil & US focus on creating ‘rift’ within Venezuelan army to oust Maduro

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is not making a secret of his plan to bring down Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, saying in an interview that he and Washington pin their hopes on a military coup instigated from the outside.

Speaking to Jovem Pan radio on Monday, the right-wing Brazilian leader, who has never hidden his deep animosity towards his Venezuelan counterpart, implied that, while not intervening outright, both the US and Brazil are working behind the scenes to lay out the grounds for a military revolt that would bring down Maduro.


‘I am a soldier of America’: Kosovo PM says he follows US lead against Serbia & Russia

Ramush Haradinaj, prime minister of the breakaway Serbian province of Kosovo, said the policies of his government serve US interests against Serbia and Russia, and that he’s just following orders from Washington.

“The Albanian people all in our lands are part of what America is leading. In the whole global plan we are together,”Haradinaj told the Albanian-language Gazeta Blic on Friday, describing the 100-percent tariffs on all goods from Serbia and Bosnia that Kosovo imposed in November last year as aligned with “what America stands for.”

Haradinaj was a commander in the “Kosovo Liberation Army” (KLA) during the 1998-1999 conflict, fighting for separating the province from Serbia and making it an independent ethnic Albanian state. In June 1999, following a 78-day NATO air war, Serbia allowed in UN peacekeepers – which in practice meant NATO taking over Kosovo and handing it to the KLA.


Israel deciding whether Netanyahu will remain in power in heated national election

Polls are open in what promises to be a high-stakes election for Israel, with 13-year incumbent PM Benjamin Netanyahu on track to become its longest-serving leader – if he’s not toppled by the new Blue & White party’s Benny Gantz.

Netanyahu, currently facing down an indictment on bribery and fraud charges, has promised to annex Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, a move long sought by the far-right parties he has courted in the run-up to the election. The Likud party leader has also touted the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem and the US’ declaration of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights as proof of his statesmanship.


Three American service members and contractor killed in Afganistan — US military

Three US service members and a contractor were killed and three other soldiers injured near Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan in a blast from an improvised explosive device, the US military has said. The wounded servicemen have been evacuated from the location for treatment, the military added.

No further details were provided, and it remains unclear what type of explosive device was used. Some media outlets reported the military unit was caught in a blast of a roadside bomb, while other suggested it was actually a vehicle-borne explosive device.


Trump’s outgoing Secret Service chief disputes reports he was ‘fired’

Outgoing US Secret Service chief Randolph Alles has blamed the media for publishing misleading reports about his “firing” from the White House. He says that “this is not the case.” In a letter to staff on Monday, Alles has lashed out at media for similarly bending the facts about his just-announced departure from the Trump administration.

“No doubt you have seen media reports regarding my ‘firing’. I assure you that this is not the case,” Alles wrote, adding that he had been “told weeks ago” of an impending “transitions in leadership” at the Department of Homeland Security.



Arreaza: Venezuela cumplirá compromisos comerciales pese a sanciones de EE.UU.

De acuerdo con el jefe de la diplomacia venezolana, el país continuará el envío de hidrocarburos a Cuba a pesar de las últimas sanciones anunciadas por Washington contra las naves encargadas del transporte hacia la isla.


Irán, Siria y Hizbullah iraquí condenan medida de EE.UU. contra CGRI

Siria y Hizbullah iraquí consideraron que la decisión de EE.UU. constituye una flagrante agresión a la soberanía de Irán.



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