Síntesis informativa - 10 de diciembre 2018


U.K. Can Still Halt Brexit, Europe’s Top Court Rules

LONDON — Britain can legally cancel its decision to leave the European Union and remain under its current terms, the bloc’s top court ruled on Monday, throwing a lifeline to those who still hope to reverse the withdrawal, known as Brexit.

The decision, from the European Court of Justice, confirmed a recommendation last week by one of the court’s senior legal advisers. It comes one day before the British Parliament is scheduled to vote on a withdrawal plan negotiated by Prime Minister Theresa May.

Most analysts predicts that Mrs. May will lose that vote, with dozens of lawmakers from her own Conservative Party planning to oppose the deal — an outcome that could throw the Brexit process into flux and British politics into a deep crisis.

The government has felt compelled to deny speculation that the vote could be postponed because of the strength of opposition.


Tear Gas Still Lingering, France’s President Will Address the Nation

PARIS — With the smell of tear gas and smoke still lingering in Paris and other cities after a fourth weekend of protests, France’s president planned a nationwide address on Monday to respond to the anger among many middle-class and working-poor citizens frustrated over their declining economic means.

The televised speech by President Emmanuel Macron, announced by the Élysée Palace on Sunday, will be his first substantive public answer to the so-called Yellow Vest movement that has transfixed France and spilled into other countries in Europe.

Mr. Macron has been conferring with advisers and ministers and will meet with a wider group on Monday, including local elected officials, members of Parliament and union representatives, to discuss proposals aimed at addressing at least some of the movement’s demands.


Battered ISIS Keeps Grip on Last Piece of Territory for Over a Year

BAGHDAD — The Islamic State has been stripped of nearly all the territory it ruled in Iraq and Syria and has been pummeled by nearly 30,000 airstrikes. But the extremist group has still managed to retain a small pocket of land on the Syria-Iraq border for more than a year.

The militants have even on occasion struck back with some of their former vigor from their toehold, around the Syrian town of Hajin in Deir al-Zour Province. In the last week of November, they staged a breakout from the Hajin pocket, attacking the American-allied Syrian Democratic Forces in the Syrian town of Gharanij, which those forces had captured a year earlier.

The breakout on Nov. 24 was a propaganda bonanza for the extremists, even though officials of the American-led coalition battling the Islamic State said they were quickly beaten back. Maj. Gen. Patrick Roberson, the American military commander, said the Islamic State took advantage of bad weather and sandstorms, when airstrikes were not possible.


A Cold War Arms Treaty Is Unraveling. But the Problem Is Much Bigger.

WASHINGTON — After the United States delivered an ultimatum to Russia last week that it was preparing to abandon a landmark weapons treaty, drawing a combative response from President Vladimir V. Putin, the specter of a rekindled nuclear arms race was widely seen as a rewind of the Cold War.

But that encompasses only one slice of the problem — and perhaps the easiest part to manage.

The United States and Russia no longer have a monopoly on the missiles that Ronald Reagan and Mikhail S. Gorbachev agreed in 1987 to ban with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, or I.N.F., agreement. Today, China relies on similar missiles for 95 percent of its ground-based fleet, and Iran, India, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and Taiwan are among the 10 states with similar, fast-growing arsenals.

In a reflection of the Trump administration’s view of how to navigate a new, more threatening global order, Washington seems uninterested in trying to renegotiate the treaty to embrace all the countries that now possess the weapons, which can carry conventional or atomic warheads. Instead, it is moving to abandon the accord and, with an eye on China, deploy in Asia the sorts of arms it pulled from Europe in the perilous days before the fall of the Berlin Wall.



Humanity is on path to self-destruction, warns UN special rapporteur

the United Nations’ special rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, said the global community had become “complacent” in the face of injustice because the world no longer understood why human rights should be protected or what the world would look like without them.

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that 70 years after world war two, when the last witnesses of past atrocities are dying away, we start to see human rights being questioned on a broad scale,” said Melzer, a Swiss law professor who assumed the UN post in 2016.


Tackle climate or face financial crash, say world's biggest investors

Global investors managing $32tn issued a stark warning to governments at the UN climate summit on Monday, demanding urgent cuts in carbon emissions and the phasing out of all coal burning. Without these, the world faces a financial crash several times worse than the 2008 crisis, they said.

Ministers arrive at the UN climate summit in Katowice, Poland, on Monday for its crucial second week, when the negotiations on turning the vision of the Paris agreement into reality reach a critical point, with finance for fighting global warming a key area of dispute.


Macron to appeal to French in wake of latest violent protests

The president will speak at 8.00pm (1900 GMT), the Élysée office announced. It will be his first public comments after four weeks of nationwide anti-government demonstrations.

Government officials said the 40-year-old centrist would announce “immediate and concrete measures” to respond to protesters’ grievances. On Monday morning he met local and national political leaders, unions and business leaders to hear their concerns.


'We’re going to kill you': Nicaragua's brutal crackdown on press freedom

Journalists have been beatenarrested, and robbed; radio stations raided by police. This week, both the UN and the IACHR condemned the intensifying harassment.

“This government has banned protest, captured opposition leaders, and now the only thing preventing a totalitarian dictatorship is the independent media,” says Mora. “This is the stage where they try to silence us.”


Illegal mining in Amazon rainforest has become an 'epidemic

Called garimpo in Brazil, artisanal mining for gold and other minerals in Amazon forests and rivers has been a problem for decades and is usually illegal. It is also highly polluting: clearings are cut into forests, mining ponds carved into the earth, and mercury used in extraction is dumped in rivers, poisoning fish stocks and water supplies. But its spread has never been shown before.

A map was produced by a network of non-government, environmental groups in six Amazon countries – FAN in Bolivia, Gaia in Colombia, IBC in Peru, Ecociência in Ecuador, Provita and Wataniba in Venezuela, and Imazon and the Socioenvironmental Institute (ISA) in Brazil. It also includes information where available on what was being mined and when, citing sources that vary from government registers to satellite imagery.



Vuelve a aumentar la producción y venta de armas en el mundo

En 2017 se vendieron más de 350.000 millones de euros en material de guerra, un 2,5 por ciento más que en 2016, indica un reporte de SIPRI.

or tercer año consecutivo, la venta de armas a nivel mundial aumentó, según un reporte dado a conocer este lunes (10.12.2018) por el Instituto Internacional de Estudios para la Paz de Estocolmo (SIPRI). El informe analiza las ventas de las cien principales compañías armamentísticas del planeta, y refleja que éstas aumentaron en un 2,5 por ciento durante 2017.

En términos monetarios, eso significa que se vendieron 350.553 millones de euros en armas. Comparados estos números con el año 2002, cuando SIPRI comenzó a elaborar su "top 100”, se verifica un incremento del 44 por ciento en las ventas. Este ranking no incluye a las empresas chinas, porque no existen datos fiables de los negocios realizadas por las firmas del gigante asiático.


Armas alemanas: mentiras y verdades de un negocio oscuro

El 'caso Heckler & Koch' reveló la cara más oscura del negocio de exportación de armas alemanas. Ahora, las ventas a regímenes autoritarios como Arabia Saudí y para la guerra en Yemen levantan más críticas.

En los tres años que van entre 2015 y 2017, el Gobierno alemán ha suministrado armas a Arabia Saudí  por valor de más de mil millones de euros. Entre otras cosas, buques patrulleros y aviones de combate. Las exportaciones continuaron en 2018. Hasta el pasado mes de septiembre, Alemania autorizó exportaciones por valor de más de 400 millones de euros. Solo el escándalo suscitado por el terrible asesinato del periodista Jamal Khasshoggi en el consulado saudí en Estambul provocó un cambio en el Gobierno alemán.

Las críticas acerca del multimillonario negocio de la venta de armas alemanas también se hicieron oír cuando se descubrió que el Ejército mexicano usó fusiles de asalto G36, fabricados por la empresa armamentística suaba Heckler & Koch (H&K), para reprimir manifestaciones de estudiantes de la Escuela Normal de Ayotzinapa, en Jalisco, en la noche del 26 de septiembre de 2014. Esa noche murieron 6 personas y más de 40 resultaron heridas, además de que desaparecieron 43 estudianters cuyo paradero es todavía hoy desconocido.


Favorito de Trump para suceder a Kelly deja la Casa Blanca

Nick Ayers anunció que solo trabajará hasta fin de año. El mandatario dijo que está entrevistando a gente “realmente buena” para que asuma como su jefe de gabinete.


May anuncia discurso, en medio de especulaciones sobre retraso de votación sobre el "brexit"

Mientras BBC adelanta que la votación parlamentaria sobre el acuerdo del "brexit" con la UE podría posponerse, la primera ministra británica, Theresa May, anuncia un inesperado discurso para esta tarde.

El discurso de la primera ministra británica, Theresa May, está programado para este lunes (10.12.2018), a partir de las 15.30 horas (GTM), cuando se preveía que comenzaría la cuarta jornada del debate sobre el pacto del "brexit", dijo un orador parlamentario.


Papua killings revive debate on decades-old conflict

The reent attack on construction workers in Papua has raised questions about Indonesian President Joko Widodo's strategy in the volatile region. The Papuan demand for autonomy is getting louder.

At least 20 people were killed in Nduga regency, Papua on December 2 after an armed group attacked the victims at a construction site. Nineteen of them were believed to be workers of the state-owned construction company PT Istaka Karya, which is currently building a bridge to connect Wamena and Mamugu as part of President Joko Widodo's flagship trans-Papua road project. One Indonesian Military (TNI) soldier also died in the attack.



Egipto realiza ejercicios militares antiterrorismo con países africanos

EL CAIRO, 9 dic (Xinhua) -- Las fuerzas armadas egipcias iniciaron hoy ejercicios militares de combate al terrorismo con homólogos africanos, indicó el ejército egipcio.

Sudán, Nigeria y Burkina Faso son el primer grupo de Estados de la Comunidad de Estados del Sahel Sahariano (CEN-SAD) con los que Egipto planea realizar los ejercicios conjuntos.

Realizados en la base militar egipcia Mohamed Naguib, la más grande de Medio Oriente y Africa ubicada en la provincia de Matrouh, los ejercicios conjuntos terminarán el 14 de diciembre.


Rey saudí reafirma dedicación a defensa de causas árabe e islámica en cumbre de CCG

RIAD, 9 dic (Xinhua) -- El rey de Arabia Saudí, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, reafirmó hoy la dedicación de su país a continuar defendiendo las causas árabe e islámica a nivel internacional, informó la Agencia de Prensa Saudí.

Palestina seguirá siendo la causa principal para Arabia Saudí, que se esfuerza por los derechos legítimos de los palestinos, incluido un Estado independiente que tenga a Jerusalén Oriental como su capital, dijo.

El monarca hizo la declaración en la 39ª reunión del Consejo Supremo del Consejo de Cooperación del Golfo (CCG), que pide a la comunidad internacional que asuma su responsabilidad de proteger a los palestinos de las prácticas agresivas de Israel que son provocadoras para los árabes, musulmanes y los amantes de la paz.

El CCG está integrado por Arabia Saudí, los Emiratos Arabes Unidos, Kuwait, Bahréin, Omán y Qatar.


Secretario general de ONU pide universalización de convención sobre genocidio

NACIONES UNIDAS, 9 dic (Xinhua) -- El secretario general de Naciones Unidas, Antonio Guterres, pidió este domingo la universalización de la Convención sobre la Prevención y Castigo del Delito de Genocidio.

A raíz del Holocausto y la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el mundo se unió y adoptó una convención para prevenir el genocidio y castigar a quienes cometan este crimen atroz, dijo Guterres en un mensaje por el 70º aniversario del convenio.


ONU adopta pacto de migración en reunión de Marruecos

MARRAKECH, Marruecos, 10 dic (Xinhua) -- Más de 150 países de todo el mundo adoptaron este lunes el Pacto Global para una Migración Segura, Ordenada y Regular en la ciudad marroquí de Marrakech.

El convenio, que fue acordado por Estados miembros de la ONU en julio de 2018, ha sido adoptado en la Conferencia Intergubernamental de la ONU, centrada en el problema de la migración y con altos funcionarios de 150 países presentes.


Macron dice a Trump que no interfiera en asuntos internos franceses

ARIS, 9 dic (Xinhua) -- El presidente de Francia, Emmanuel Macron, dijo hoy a su homólogo de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, que no interfiera en los asuntos internos franceses después de que Trump comentara vía Twitter sobre las manifestaciones de los "chalecos amarillos", dijo hoy el ministro fránces de Relaciones Exteriores, Jean-Yves le Drian.

Al comentar sobre las protestas de los "chalecos amarillos", algunas de las cuales se volvieron violentas, Trump tuiteó el sábado: "Un día y noche muy tristes en París"



How the violent far right infiltrated France's National Front

Undercover Al Jazeera investigation reveals close ties between violent youth group and Marine Le Pen's National Front.

In secretly-filmed footage, Aurelien Verhassel, the 34-year-old leader of GI Lille, claimed he wrote speeches for leaders of the FN, and was shown to have ties to Le Pen's aide, Sebastien Chenu.

Activists also told our undercover reporter that Verhassel, who has a string of criminal convictions for violence, including a five-month prison sentence for an attack on two North African teenagers, helped GI members find jobs at the FN.

Our undercover reporter also discovered FN members were welcome visitors at the Citadelle. Some also accepted GI's language of a probable civil war between white Europeans and Muslims. Pascal Joye, a card-carrying FN member, said he expected a "revolt" if Le Pen came to power and began expelling what he called "petty criminals".

GI activists Pierre Larti and Remi Meurin worked for FN at the regional council for Hauts-de-France, located in Lille, the capital of the northern district, according to statements they made to our undercover reporter. Both have since left their positions. 


UN members adopt global migration pact

Leaders from 164 countries agree UN migration accord spurned by the United States and several other countries.

Faras Ghani

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) was agreed upon on Monday at an intergovernmental conference in Marrakech, Morocco.

There were 258 million international migrants in the world last year, increasing almost 50 percent since 2000, according to the UN.

The number of migrants, representing 3.4 percent of the world's population, is increasing faster than the global population, driven by economic prosperity, inequality, violence, conflict and climate change.

Around 80 percent of the world's migrants move between countries in a safe and orderly fashion. But more than 60,000 people have died on the move since the year 2000, according to the UN.


Indigenous communities at risk as Chinese rubber firm uses land

A Chinese state-owned company is behind rubber plantations that Cameroon villagers say threaten their livelihoods.

Mbom Sixtus

Meyomessala is a small forest community in Cameroon's South Region among several settlements on the edge of a biodiversity-rich UNESCO World Heritage Conservation site, known as the Dja Faunal Reserve.

Her problems began when the government allocated vast concessions within and around their villages to a Chinese state-owned chemicals company, Sinochem International, about 10 years ago. 

According to Bedjeme, the company's rubber plantations are encroaching. They were planned to replace forest land six kilometres away from the villagers' farmlands but the area was extended up to their backyard.

Satellite images reveal that from November 2017 to March 2018, about 1,000 new hectares of tree cover were affected, according to Greenpeace, which accuses the Chinese company of "a typical example of land grabbing".



Biological viruses could hold key to super-fast supercomputers

When a computer is moving data from its faster but volatile RAM (Random Access Memory) to its slower but more reliable ROM (Read Only Memory), or permanent storage, the process takes a few milliseconds. If this system (using two parts) could be replaced by single system storage, known as phase-change memory, the process would be sped up to mere nanoseconds. Phase-change memory is faster than RAM and has even more storage capability than a hard drive.

Scientists from MIT and the Singapore University of Technology and Design used a biological virus, M13 bacteriophage, to genetically engineer a more efficient form of memory. Their findings are published in the journal ACS Applied Nano Materials.The scientists found that M13 bacteriophage could be used to pull the binary-type materials into usable wires at a lower temperature, hence allowing the creation of phase memory.


Navy man put in charge of Russian military intelligence GRU after predecessor’s death – reports

Vice-Admiral Igor Kostyukov has become the new head of Russian Military Intelligence Directorate, sources have said. The top job at GRU, which scares the West so much, was vacant since the death of his predecessor in November.

Kostyukov, who used to be the acting head of the GRU, has now fully taken the reigns at the agency, a source told Tass. The assignment was reportedly made by Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu in early December. However, news of it was only made public on Monday, again proving the high secrecy of GRU activities. New spy chief Kostyukov has played an important role in planning Russia’s operations in Syria. Last year, he was awarded the highest state honor, the Hero of Russia, for his “bravery and heroism.” The man, who initially received Navy training, but joined the GRU after graduating from the Military Diplomatic Academy, was blacklisted by the US in 2016 along with other Russian officials.


India conducts new successful test-launch of Agni-V ICBM

The Indian military has successfully test-fired its Agni-V intercontinental ballistic missile, for the third time this year. The domestically-built weapon is reportedly capable of reaching targets up to 5,800km (3,600 miles) away. The 17-metre-long, 2-metre-wide ICBM is thought to be able to carry a 1.5 ton payload.

The Agni-V was launched from Abdul Kalam island off India’s eastern coast, the military confirmed. The Monday launch was the seventh test since 2012 and the third one held this year.

The three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), fired from a mobile launcher, landed in the Bay of Bengal thus making the test a success. Officials from the military’s Strategic Force Command and the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) – India’s analogue of DARPA – were overseeing the launch, local media says.


Large silver deposit discovered in central China

One of the world’s largest silver producing countries, China, has announced the discovery of a huge deposit with estimated reserves of at least 1,500 tons. The deposit was discovered by geologists in Henan Province. It is part of the Zhonghe deposit area, which boasts 280,000 tons of lead and 320,000 tons of zinc, according to the Henan Bureau of Geo-exploration and Mineral Development.

Last year, Beijing announced discovery of its largest gold deposit with a $22 billion potential. The Xiling gold seam in eastern China was more than 2,000 meters long and 67 meters wide. At full capacity, the mine could produce gold for 40 years, scientists said.


Australia borrows crown from Qatar as world's top LNG exporter

In November, Australia became the biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG), overtaking the small Arab nation of Qatar, that has over recent years been the world's top producer, the latest data from Refinitiv Eikon shows.

According to the data, Australia shipped out 6.8 million tons of LNG last month against 6.2 million tons exported by the Qatari producers. Australia's LNG exports surged by more than 15 percent compared to the previous month, while volumes of the liquefied fuel shipped by Qatar dropped three percent, marking the first decline in four years.


Voyager 2 becomes second man-made object to enter interstellar space - NASA

ASA’s Voyager 2 probe has left the solar system and entered interstellar space, making history for being only the second man-made object to ever do so.

Voyager 2 exited the heliosphere – the protective bubble of particles and magnetic fields created by the Sun – on November 5, scientists have determined after studying data from instruments on board.It is currently estimated to be over 11 billion miles from Earth, and the Voyager 2 team are still able to communicate with it, although it takes about 16.5 hours for information to travel from the spacecraft back to Earth.

The spacecraft left Earth in 1977 on a mission to study the outer planets, including Jupiter and Neptune. Since completing this initial mission, it has been studying the outer reaches of our solar system.The device is expected to continue to transmit radio signals as it explores interstellar space until 2025.



Caos en Francia por protestas anticapitalistas

9 de diciembre.  Francia vive un caos sin precedentes por violentas y masivas protestas anticapitalistas, que llegaron a un punto clímax este sábado, cuando diversos sectores se unieron al Movimiento Chalecos Amarillos y salieron a las calles, en diferentes ciudades del país, para expresar su rechazo a las políticas del presidente Emmanuel Macron.


Después de la Operación Ofra ... La ocupación israelí lanza una campaña de arrestos a gran escala

Los enfrentamientos se desataron después que cientos de colonos atacaran la tumba del profeta Yusuf, al este de Nablus, y soldados israelíes lanzaron bombas de sonido, gases lacrimógenos y dispararon balas de metal recubiertas de goma.


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