Síntesis informativa - 12 de octubre 2018


North Korea Weaponizes Its Deal With Trump to Tangle Talks

SEOUL, South Korea — In hailing the deal he reached with Kim Jong-un this summer in Singapore, President Trump said it “largely solved” the North Korean nuclear crisis.

He has since doubled down on that statement, most recently on Tuesday. “People don’t realize the importance of the first meeting,” he said. “I mean, we said, ‘Point No. 1: denuclearization.’ They’ve agreed to denuclearization.”

It was actually the third bullet point in the four-point Singapore agreement, and for the North Koreans, the order of those bullet points is everything. It will only agree to denuclearize once Washington commits to the first and second points: Mr. Trump’s promise to build “new” relations and a “peace regime” in Korea — and makes North Korea feel secure enough to disarm.

The standoff shows how North Korea has turned the deal Mr. Trump signed with its leader, Mr. Kim, into one of its most effective cudgels in talks with Washington over denuclearization, ceaselessly flaunting it to force American concessions.


Afghan War Casualty Report: Oct. 5-11

The Times bureau in Kabul mobilized all of its stringers and Afghan reporters to record every attack on the Afghan security forces and civilians that they could find, as a weekly chronicle of the war.

The number of casualties across Afghanistan increased compared to the previous week, occurring in 13 provinces, even as the weather has turned cold in many parts of the country. The week saw fewer attacks by Taliban fighters compared to last week, but more deaths among security forces. The Times confirmed reports of 96 security force members and 31 civilians killed in the past week.


Trump Calls Relations With Saudi Arabia ‘Excellent,’ While Congress Is Incensed

WASHINGTON — The suspected murder of a prominent Saudi journalist exposed a growing rift on Thursday between the White House and Congress over American policy on Saudi Arabia, as Republican lawmakers demanded an investigation of Jamal Khashoggi’s whereabouts even as President Trump declared his relations with Riyadh “excellent.”

The Saudi-led, United States-backed bombing campaign of Houthi rebels in Yemen — which has killed thousands of civilians — was already a source of tension between Congress and the Trump administration.

But last week’s disappearance of Mr. Khashoggi, a well-connected Saudi columnist for The Washington Post living in Virginia, has incensed Republicans and Democrats in Congress, who accused the White House of moving too slowly in pressing the kingdom for answers.

“The Saudis will keep killing civilians and journalists as long as we keep arming and assisting them,” Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, said on Twitter on Thursday. “The President should immediately halt arms sales and military support to Saudi Arabia.


U.S. Puts New Restrictions on Nuclear Technology Exports to China

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration announced on Thursday that it would sharply restrict exports of civilian nuclear technology to China that officials claimed was being diverted to power new generations of Chinese submarines, aircraft carriers and floating nuclear power plants.

The announcement mixed security warnings with longstanding complaints that Beijing was continuing to steal nuclear-related technology from American firms to benefit Chinese state-owned companies.

In a call with reporters, however, administration officials revealed little of the intelligence evidence that they said would back up their claims.

The move appeared to be part of a more concerted effort by the administration to put new pressure on China beyond the tariffs that President Trump has announced on Chinese goods.


U.S. Warns That Iran Could Use Fraud to Duck Sanctions

WASHINGTON — Weeks before it is to reimpose another round of punishing sanctions on Iran, the Trump administration warned the world’s banks on Thursday that Tehran might try to use duplicitous means to soften the sanctions’ bite and continue to fund terrorism.

Iran’s bankers and officials have used front companies, fraudulent documents and other measures to generate revenue for the country’s terrorist activities, the administration said.

“Any country that allows its central bank to be involved in deception in support of terrorism requires the highest levels of scrutiny, particularly when the country itself is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism,” said Sigal Mandelker, the Treasury under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The warning is part of a coordinated campaign by the administration to persuade banks and corporations around the world to sever all commercial ties with Iran, not only because of looming American sanctions but also because it says Tehran diverts even seemingly innocuous transactions toward illicit ends. No new sanctions or penalties were announced on Thursday.



$100 a barrel? Will Iran sanctions and Venezuela crisis bring oil price spike?

The reasons are manifold. Looming Iranian sanctions in November, supply problems in the US and less spare capacity from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) all have some crude-oil market participants betting that black gold prices may head to $100 – a price unseen since 2014.


Brazil's far-right presidential candidate denies links to Steve Bannon after son's claims

In August, the Brazilian magazine Epoca quoted Eduardo Bolsonaro as saying Bannon “had put himself at our disposal to help”.

In the interview, Bolsonaro said the help would not be financial, but rather “internet tips, sometimes an analysis, interpreting data, those kinds of things”.

Also in August, Eduardo posted on Instagram a picture of himself with Bannon. The caption said that the two had met and that Bannon was an “enthusiast” of his father’s candidacy and they would “unite forces against cultural Marxism”.


More than 1,400 migrants abandoned in desert by smugglers since August

Since 20 August, more than 1,400 migrants have been left by smugglers in the broiling desert – or in one case in a drenching thunderstorm – in remote areas by the border. One group was as large as 275 people.

the smugglers in  Arizona have been dumping groups of migrant families on a remote dirt road running along the southern limit of the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument west of the Lukeville border crossing with Mexico. Summer temperatures there can soar close to 120F (49C).


Is your phone tainted by the misery of the 35,000 children in Congo's mines?

You cannot send an email, check social media, drive an electric car or fly home for the holidays without using this cobalt. As I learned on a recent research trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, this cobalt is not awash in cerulean hues. Instead, it is smeared in misery and blood.

More than 60% of the world’s supply of cobalt is mined in the “copper belt” of the south-eastern provinces of DRC.


From the birth of computing to Amazon: why tech’s gender problem is nothing new

A recent report revealed Amazon’s AI recruiting technologydeveloped a bias against women because it was trained predominantly on men’s resumes. Although Amazon shut the project down, this kind of mechanized sexism is common and growing – and the problem isn’t limited to AI mishaps.



Ankara dice tener grabaciones del asesinato de Khashoggi, según el Post

El “Washington Post”, donde trabajaba Khashoggi como columnista, indicó que Turquía aseguró a EE. UU. tener pruebas del asesinato del periodista en el consulado saudí en Estambul.

Turquía informó al Gobierno estadounidense que posee dos grabaciones, tanto de audio como de video, que probarían que el periodista saudí Jamal Khashoggi fue asesinado en el consulado saudí en Estambul, publicó este viernes (12.10.2018) el "Washington Post".

Este periódico, en el que Khashoggi colaboraba como columnista, cita a fuentes turcas y estadounidenses, lo que obligará a Ankara probablemente a explicar de qué tipo de grabaciones se trata.


Fear of Russian hacking of election is real in Georgia, USA

Two years after Russian election meddling, many US states are ill-prepared to prevent a repeat in the midterms. Georgia, with its electronic-voting-only system, is one of the most vulnerable targets.

The Russian election hacking controversy came to Madison, Georgia one Friday afternoon in July. Scrolling through the news feed in her small real estate office inside a narrow red-brick house on Main Street, Jeanne Dufort's interest was piqued by a federal indictment against Russian hackers who had targeted election websites in Georgia amid a plan to interfere in the 2016 election.



Premier chino propone fortalecer cooperación comercial multilateral entre miembros de OCS

DUSHAMBE, 12 oct (Xinhua) -- El primer ministro de China, Li Keqiang, propuso hoy fortalecer la cooperación comercial multilateral, con el objetivo de aprovechar los potenciales del desarrollo común entre los países miembros de la Organización de Cooperación de Shanghai (OCS).

Li hizo la propuesta en la 17ª reunión del Consejo de Jefes de Gobierno de la OCS en la capital tayika, Dushambé.

El premier chino pidió a los países miembros de la OCS que se adhieran firmemente al libre comercio y al sistema multilateral de comercio y que promuevan más la liberalización y facilitación del comercio y de la inversión.


Irán pide a Irak impedir grupos "terroristas" cerca de sus fronteras

TEHERAN, 11 oct (Xinhua) -- El máximo comandante militar de Irán pidió al gobierno iraquí y a las autoridades de la región semiautónoma del Kurdistán de Irak impedir que grupos "terroristas" se acerquen a las fronteras iraníes en el oeste, informó hoy Press TV.

El general de división Mohammad Baqeri, jefe del Estado Mayor de las Fuerzas Armadas iraníes, dijo que la seguridad de la nación constituye una "línea roja" para las fuerzas armadas, indica el informe.


Máximo líder de Irán pide a funcionarios enfrentar problemas económicos en medio de sanciones de EUU

TEHERAN, 11 oct (Xinhua) -- El líder supremo de Irán, el ayatolá Ali Khamenei, exhortó a los funcionarios iraníes a hacer esfuerzos conjuntos para contrarrestar los impactos negativos de las "brutales sanciones estadounidenses" contra la nación iraní, informó hoy la televisión estatal.

Khamenei subrayó la necesidad de unidad entre el Gobierno y otras instituciones iraníes para intensificar los esfuerzos dirigidos a gestionar los desafíos económicos que actualmente enfrenta la nación.



ACNUR destaca solidaridad con migrantes venezolanos

El alto comisionado de la ONU para los refugiados (ACNUR), Filippo Grandi, destacó este jueves la solidaridad latinoamericana ante la crisis humanitaria causada por el éxodo de venezolanos, en contraste con lo que pasa en Europa con las oleadas migratorias.

"Tengo que decir que comparado con lo que he visto en otras partes del mundo, incluida Europa, aquí (en América Latina) la solidaridad (con los refugiados) es muy fuerte", dijo Grandi en Lima.


El fujimorismo: entre el declive y el ejercicio autoritario del poder

Keiko Fujimori, la líder del partido opositor Fuerza Popular, ha pasado su primera noche detenida en una comisaría de policía del centro de Lima y ha pedido a sus bases que estén tranquilas y en alerta ante la “persecución política” que dice sufrir. Una treintena de simpatizantes hicieron una vigilia durante toda la noche del miércoles para respaldar a la dirigente de la formación política, que tres días antes se había venido abajo en las elecciones regionales y municipales. 


Bolsonaro se declara “admirador” de Trump y admite la posibilidad de no debatir con Haddad

El candidato Jair Bolsonaro, favorito en las encuestas para la segunda vuelta en Brasil, elogió la gestión de Mauricio Macri y se declaró “admirador” del presidente estadounidense Donald Trump.

“Ante todo, un abrazo a Macri, que terminó con la Dilma Kirchner”, respondió en declaraciones a La Nación, al comparar a Cristina Fernández con la destituida mandataria brasileña Rousseff.


Paraguay. El 50% de lxs trabajadorxs no llega al sueldo mínimo

Los datos de la Dirección de Estadística, Encuestas y Censos revelan la inequidad salarial en nuestro país. Según manifestó el economista, el 50% de lxs trabajadorxs, incluidas las trabajadoras domésticas, están por debajo del salario mínimo. “De toda la población económicamente activa, el 50%, estamos hablando de más de 1.500.000 de trabajadores, están por debajo del salario mínimo, la otra mitad está ganando el mínimo o por encima” expresó.


Mujeres embera crearán 'primer banco' para indígenas panameños

Cuentas de ahorro, libretas navideñas e incluso préstamos, son parte del abanico de productos de una 'caja rural' que lideran mujeres embera en el corazón de la selva panameña, que se han propuesto convertirlo en un banco solo para los indígenas para acabar la marginación que sufren.




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