Sintesis informativa - 10 de octubre 2018


In New Slap at China, U.S. Expands Power to Block Foreign Investments

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration said it would begin reviewing foreign investments in American companies more broadly, initiating new powers that give the United States greater authority to block Chinese and other foreign transactions on national security grounds.

The expanded review system, which the administration plans to announce on Wednesday, is aimed primarily at preventing China from capturing American technology by buying, investing or partnering with United States companies.

The investment restrictions are the latest attempt by President Trump to punish Beijing over its trade practices, which the White House says hurt American companies by restricting access to certain Chinese markets and requiring firms to hand over valuable trade secrets and technology as a condition of doing business in China.

The toughened review system comes on top of tariffs that the United States has already placed on $250 billion worth of Chinese imports, and is likely to exacerbate the trade war with Beijing.

U.S. Spycraft and Stealthy Diplomacy Expose Russian Subversion in a Key Balkans Vote

WASHINGTON — For years, Ivan Savvidis has been the Kremlin’s man in Greece.

A Greek-Russian billionaire, a former member of the Russian Duma and the owner of a professional Greek soccer team, Mr. Savvidis has moved seamlessly between the sporting worlds of both countries. He has a finger in seemingly every facet of life in Thessaloniki, the Greek port city where he lives, and is a well-known player in the often feuding world of Greek and Russian oligarchs.

All of which has made him of intense interest to American spy agencies.

United States officials say they intercepted communications in June showing that Mr. Savvidis was working as Russia’s conduit to undermine an agreement between Greece and Macedonia that would have paved the way for Macedonia to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Greece has long objected to Macedonia’s entry into NATO. Moscow, which sees the expanding alliance as a major threat on its border, was determined to defeat a referendum on the deal.

In retaliation, American officials made an unusually aggressive move: They turned over the intercepts to the left-leaning Greek government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. The Greek government responded by making a rare break with Moscow, expelling two Russian diplomats from Athens and barring the entry of two more.

Syrian Rebels Withdraw Heavy Weapons to Spare Idlib From Assault

KAFAR NAHA, Syria — Syrian rebel fighters have pulled the last of their heavy weapons from front-line positions in Idlib Province, meeting the deadline for a truce negotiated by Russia and Turkey — and possibly sparing the civilian population from a bloody government offensive.

It was a rare act of unity for the ordinarily fractious rebel forces, who on Monday drove trucks carrying a tank, artillery and missile batteries out of their base in this small town, as a small group of international journalists looked on.

“We are now standing in the demilitarized zone,” said Saif al-Raad, a spokesman for the National Liberation Front, a grouping of roughly 20 rebel factions operating in Idlib, the last bastion of rebel-held territory in northwest Syria.

Under the agreement brokered personally last month by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, the rebels are unilaterally withdrawing heavy weaponry to create a demilitarized zone 15 kilometers, or nine miles, wide. The deadline for the withdrawal is Wednesday, and a cease-fire is to commence five days later.

A Venezuelan Dissident Dies in Custody, and Questions Emerge

CARACAS — Questions and condemnation of Venezuela’s leadership poured in on Tuesday following the suspicious death of an opposition activist who authorities said evaded justice by throwing himself from the 10th floor of a police building.

Fernando Albán, a Caracas councilman, was arrested Friday at Caracas’s international airport upon arrival from a trip to New York to galvanize world opinion against President Nicolás Maduro.

The country’s chief prosecutor said that Mr. Albán killed himself Monday by leaping from the state police agency’s headquarters, where he was being held for alleged involvement in a plot to kill Mr. Maduro using explosive-laden drones in August.

But opposition leaders, backed by several foreign governments, have cast doubt on the official version, and accused Mr. Maduro’s government of torturing and murdering the politician.


Trump quiet as the UN warns of climate change catastrophe

Trump, who has previously called climate change a “hoax” and questionedwhether global warming was occurring because it snowed last winter, told reporters only that he was aware of the report: “It was given to me. And I want to look at who drew it … Because I can give you reports that are fabulous, and I can give you reports that aren’t so good. But I will be looking at it, absolutely.”

Assad's exhausted army in need of reinforcements as Idlib battle looms

The regime is so desperate for new recruits that this summer, as the final battle for Idlib loomed, the state changed the rules for passing university exams without first telling students, in an effort to drag male students into the armed forces.

Russia, Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah see much of their military role in the Syrian theatre as over now that Assad’s position is safe. All face significant domestic pressure to pull back from costly and bloody operations in Syria.

Brazil battles fake news 'tsunami' amid polarized presidential election

As Brazil nears the climax of its most bitter and polarized election in recent history, academics and digital activists fighting to stem a rising tide of fake news say that accurate coverage of the campaign risks being drowned out by the sheer volume of lies being spread on Facebook and WhatsApp.

In the past ten weeks, Comprova – a monitoring project set up by 24 media organisations – has investigated 110 alleged fake news stories on WhatsAppand Facebook, said executive editor Sergio Lüdtke.

“We know that we cannot stop the tsunami,” he said, adding that more and more fake news is spreads on the WhatsApp network, which is impossible to control – or even monitor – as most groups are private.


Nikki Haley dimite como embajadora de EE. UU. ante la ONU

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, confirmó que la embajadora estadounidense ante la ONU, Nikki Haley, abandonará el cargo a finales de año.

En una comparecencia conjunta en la Casa Blanca, el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, confirmó que la embajadora estadounidense ante la ONU, Nikki Haley, abandonará el cargo a finales de año

France sued for 'crimes against humanity' over nuclear tests in South Pacific

France is being taken to the International Criminal Court for nuclear weapons tests in French Polynesia. France has long denied responsibility for the impacts of the tests and only recently began compensating civilians.

France is being taken to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for carrying out nuclear weapons tests in French Polynesia, an opposition leader announced on Tuesday.

Oscar Temaru, the archipelago's former president and current leader of the Tavini Huiraatira Party, announced the move during a United Nations committee dealing with decolonization.

Temaru accused France of "crimes against humanity" and said that he hopes to hold French presidents accountable for the nuclear tests with the ICC complaint.

France carried out 193 nuclear weapons tests on islands in the archipelago between 1960 and 1996 until French President Jacques Chirac halted the program.

Nauru orders Doctors Without Borders to stop work with asylum-seekers

Canberra has been heavily criticized for its controversial offshore detention policy, as more than 1,000 adults and children are languishing in Australian-run detention camps on the tiny Pacific island of Nauru.

Nauru's government has ordered Doctors without Borders, also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), to cease its work on the island, the medical aid group said in a statement on Saturday.

MSF was providing medical treatment to the asylum-seekers and locals suffering from mental health problems on the tiny Pacific island.


Israel vende a ejército de EEUU un sistema de defensa para vehículos en 500 millones de dólares

JERUSALEN, oct 9 (Xinhua) -- El sistema militar israelí Trophy será vendido al ejército de Estados Unidos en un acuerdo por 500 millones de dólares, informa este martes el portal web de negocios Calcalist.

El sistema Trophy, que protege vehículos blindados del ataque de misiles y granadas de morteros, fue desarrollado por Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, una firma de tecnología con sede en el norte de Israel.

Corea del Sur revisa levantar sanciones independientes a RPDC, según ministra de Exteriores

SEUL, 10 oct (Xinhua) -- La ministra de Relaciones Exteriores de Corea del Sur, Kang Kyung-wha, dijo hoy que su ministerio está "revisando junto con los ministerios relevantes" el levantamiento de las sanciones independientes de su país contra la República Popular Democrática de Corea (RPDC).

Las sanciones autónomas, llamadas "Medidas del 24 de Mayo", fueron adoptadas en mayo de 2010 por el gobierno de Lee Myung-bak luego de que una corbeta de la armada de Corea del Sur se hundiera, por lo que Seúl afirmó fue consecuencia de un ataque de torpedo de parte de la RPDC.

Visita de primer ministro chino a Tayikistán, Holanda y Bélgica intensificará cooperación

BEIJING, 9 oct (Xinhua) -- El primer ministro de China, Li Keqiang, asistirá a la XVII reunión del Consejo de Jefes de Gobierno de la Organización de Cooperación de Shanghai (OCS) en la ciudad tayika de Dusambé, hará visitas oficiales a Tayikistán y Holanda, y asistirá a la XII Cumbre de la Reunión Asia-Europa (ASEM) en Bruselas y hará una visita de trabajo a Bélgica, del 11 al 19 de octubre.

La próxima visita de Li será de gran importancia para destacar la cooperación entre los miembros de la OCS, la asociación Asia-Europa y las relaciones de China con Tayikistán, Holanda y Bélgica, afirmaron hoy funcionarios del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores en una rueda de prensa.

Oficial ruso desmiente presencia militar de Rusia en Libia

MOSCU, 10 oct (Xinhua) -- Rusia no tiene ninguna presencia militar en Libia, aseguró hoy un oficial ruso de alto nivel.

El legislador hizo las declaraciones en respuesta a informaciones periodísticas de que Moscú supuestamente está tramando establecer un bastión contra el Occidente en Libia.

El periódico británico "The Sun" informó que la inteligencia británica advirtió que dos bases militares rusas ya están operando en las localidades costeras libias de Tobruk y Benghazi y que fuerzas especiales rusas aparentemente están entrenando a grupos en regiones orientales de Libia.

Exsecretaria de Estado de EEUU subraya necesidad de cooperación con China

NUEVA YORK, 10 oct (Xinhua) -- Estados Unidos necesita colaborar con China en diversos asuntos pese a las diferencias comerciales actuales, opinó el martes la exsecretaria de Estado estadounidense Condoleezza Rice.

"Necesitamos, en cierto sentido, sacar el resentimiento de la palabra competidor... Cooperemos donde podamos. Compitamos donde debemos. Dejemos nuestras diferencias donde debemos tenerlas. Pero tratemos de hacerlo en una forma que vuelva al mundo más seguro y más próspero", dijo Rice en una transmisión en video por internet con el tema de las relaciones Estados Unidos-China, auspiciada por el Comité Nacional sobre las Relaciones Estados Unidos-China (Ncuscr, por sus siglas en inglés), con sede en Nueva York.

Rice, quien se llama a sí misma "una partidaria del libre comercio", dijo que imponer aranceles no es una herramienta acertada para resolver las cuestiones comerciales. "Eso no sirve a nadie. Creo que la economía internacional está mejor cuando se comercializa libremente y más abiertamente".


Pakistan navy quits anti-piracy task force amid worsening US ties

Decision to leave the task force taken after US-led coalition limits fuel supplies, military sources tell Al Jazeera.

Osama Bin Javaid

Pakistan's navy is no longer part of the counterpiracy Combined Task Force (CTF) that operates in the western Indian Ocean, officials told Al Jazeera.

The decision to leave the task force was taken after the US-led operation refused to pay for fuel for the patrolling warships as part of a previous agreement, two highly-placed military officials told Al Jazeera on the condition of anonymity. 

Pakistan, which shares a border with Iran and also has a major trade relationship with China, has had a rocky relationship with the administration of US President Donald Trump.

Why the US is engineering political change in East Africa

The competition between great powers has triggered a string of major political developments in East Africa.

Mehari Taddele Maru

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) appear to be the sponsors of most of these diplomatic efforts, but their role too has been shaped by bigger players. The undercurrent to these changes is the major shift of US foreign and defence policy from the "war on terror" to strategic competition with other global powers, mainly Russia and China

Since the end of the Cold War, the "war on terror" has been at the centre of all US alliances in the world, including in the Horn of Africa. However, in recent years, the US has gradually come to perceive the rise of China and Russia, and not terrorism, as the biggest threat it is facing in Africa and elsewhere.

This policy shift has been outlined in the 2018 National Defence Strategy and articulated by a number of US officials, including US Secretary of Defense, James Mattis.

Part of its strategy is to encourage US companies to invest more in East Africa. In Ethiopia, this trend is already visible: while in the past US officials from the Department of Defense and the White House used to visit Addis Ababa, now it is officials of the Department of Commerce with entourages of US businessmen.

Pakistan appoints new head of powerful intelligence agency

Lieutenant-General Asim Munir will take over from outgoing ISI chief Lieutenant-General Naveed Mukhtar, says military.

Since then, top Pakistani and US officials have met several times. Last month, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Pakistan for talks both sides said were fruitful. Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi reciprocated the visit earlier this month.

Pakistan has repeatedly stressed its desire for a politically negotiated settlement to hostilities in Afghanistan, where the Afghan Taliban and its allies have been battling US-led NATO forces for more than 17 years.

Lieutenant-General Munir, as the new chief of the ISI, will be expected to play an active role in facilitating that process.


Rusia acoge con beneplácito el decreto de amnistía general en Siria

El decreto del presidente sirio, Bashar al-Assad, sobre la amnistía para los desertores del servicio militar es un paso que lleva a lograr la reconciliación nacional, declaró el canciller ruso, Serguéi Lavrov.

Dirigentes turcos de seguridad revelan identidad de 15 personas involucradas con la desaparición de Khashoggi

Tras la desaparición del periodista saudita Jamal Khashoggi luego de visitar el consulado de su país en Estambul, se conoció que el material de video de las cámaras de seguridad de la Embajada de Arabia Saudita fue borrado y el personal turco que trabaja allí fue enviado de vacaciones el día del incidente.

Amigos de Khashoggi han asegurado saber con certeza que el periodista fue asesinado en el consulado, pero el Gobierno turco no ha comentado hasta ahora nada sobre esas acusaciones.


Brasil: Bolsonaro, un líder construido en pos de un nuevo proyecto de poder militar

Defensa irrestricta de la última dictadura (1964-1985). Apología de la tortura. Culto a la tenencia de armas y promesas de mano dura contra el crimen organizando, lo que incluiría condecorar a los efectivos que maten a delincuentes. Un general, Hamilton Mourão, como compañero de fórmula. Anuncios de que varios militares integrarán su gabinete. ¿Lo de Jair Bolsonaro es pura ideología? No, detrás de todo eso está la estrategia de la cúpula de las Fuerzas Armadas de construir un presidente propio, encargado de imponer lo que denomina una "nueva democracia".

El nuevo Tratado de las Américas promueve los derechos ambientales

El Acuerdo de Escazú sigue el modelo de Aarhus. En esencia, Escazú establece estándares para la participación informada en las decisiones ambientales y el acceso a la justicia ambiental. El acuerdo garantiza el derecho del público a la información sobre cuestiones ambientales, mientras que al mismo tiempo garantiza su derecho a la participación informada en el proceso de aprobación ambiental de proyectos de inversión. El acuerdo también elimina los obstáculos a la justicia ambiental, incluida la exigencia de brindar apoyo a personas o grupos en situaciones vulnerables.

Las debilidades de América Latina que revela la crisis en Venezuela

The New York Times publicó recientemente que la administración del presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, había mantenido reuniones con oficiales militares rebeldes de Venezuela que planeaban derrocar al gobierno de Nicolás Maduro. Finalmente, los responsables de las políticas de Estados Unidos tomaron distancia de la idea; pero, no sorprende, la reacción al artículo fue esencialmente negativa.

Sin duda, existen buenos motivos para oponerse a un golpe en Venezuela respaldado por Estados Unidos. Muchos de quienes probablemente estarían involucrados tendrían mala reputación, dados sus vínculos con el narcotráfico y sus antecedentes de violaciones de los derechos humanos. Casi con certeza, un golpe fracasaría, lo que le daría a un gobierno ya represivo un nuevo justificativo para perseguir a sus opositores.

Nicaragua: condenan a 90 años a presunto asesino de un policía

Un manifestante antigubernamental fue condenado este martes a 90 años de prisión por un juez de Nicaragua, tras ser encontrado culpable de asesinar a un agente de la policía y de intentar asesinar a otros cuatro agentes, informaron medios oficialistas.

El anuncio de la pena contra Bonilla ocurre en momentos que se realizan otros juicios en contra de manifestantes apresados, entre los que destacan el de tres universitarios miembros del Movimiento 19 de Abril que encabezó las protestas contra el presidente Daniel Ortega.

En este caso la Fiscalía solicitó penas de 28 años de prisión contra los manifestantes que fueron declarados culpables de terrorismo y otros delitos, tomando como base también el testimonio de policías.

Condenada a 15 años de cárcel la exvicepresidenta de Guatemala Roxana Baldetti por corrupción

La exvicepresidenta de Guatemala Roxana Baldetti Elías, de 62 años, ha sido condenada la madrugada de este martes a 15 años y seis meses de cárcel en el primero de los tres casos judiciales a los que se enfrenta por delitos relacionados con corrupción. Según el veredicto alcanzado tras 16 horas de deliberación, Baldetti, que formó parte del Gobierno de Otto Pérez Molina, y su hermano Mario son responsables de tráfico de influencias, fraude y asociación ilícita. Por estos dos últimos delitos, siete personas más fueron condenadas.

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