Síntesis informativa - 5 de octubre 2018

The Guardian

Why the next three months are crucial for the future of the planet

Extreme weather events have struck around the world – from the drought and record temperatures in northern Europe, to forest fires in the US, to heatwaves and drought in China, to an unusually strong monsoon that has devastated large areas of southern India.

This week, scientists are gathering in South Korea to draw together the last five years of advances in climate science to answer key questions for policymakers.

What is expected to emerge will be the strongest warning yet that these unusual occurrences will add up to a pattern that can only be overcome with drastic action.


From London to Shanghai, world's sinking cities face devastating floods

The warning comes as the world’s leading climate scientists meet this week in South Korea to finalise a comprehensive study setting out whether and how the world can avoid temperature rises of 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the body of scientists convened by the UN, has been asked to examine the consequences of such a rise and assess what progress can be made to limit greenhouse gas emissions.


'Enraged, disillusioned, desperate': how will Brazilians vote in 2018?

Twenty-five years ago, one of the titans of contemporary Latin American politics set off on a gruelling 2,600-mile bus journey across Brazil to take the pulse of the region’s biggest democracy and hear the voices of its forgotten masses.

The Guardian retraced that historic expedition through seven Brazilian states to get a sense of the issues driving the vote – and what might happen when Brazil’s 147 million voters go to the polls on 7 October.


'Brazil is at war': election plays out amid homicidal violence

Ahead of Sunday’s vote, the country’s uncontrolled violence is fuelling support for the far-right pacemaker Jair Bolsonaro, who has opened up a 10-point lead over his closest rival, the Workers’ party (PT) candidate, Fernando Haddad, with many followers citing security as their main reason for championing the 63-year-old politician.

But Latin America’s largest democracy suffered a record 63,880 homicideslast year – more than 6,000 of them in the north-eastern state of Bahia, where Feira is located – and Bolsonaro has promised no-nonsense fixes, including loosening gun laws.


Deutsche Welle

Germany warns Russia over cyberattacks

Germany has joined British and Dutch authorities in accusing Russia of instigating massive international cyberattacks. Berlin said such attacks could endanger public security and democracy.

On Thursday, the Netherlands and Britain went public with accusations that Russia was trying to damage Western democracies through cyberattacks. Among other things, Dutch authorities said they had prevented an attack by Russian hackers on The Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in April


Head of Interpol, Meng Hongwei, missing after China trip

French police are investigating the apparent disappearance of the head of Interpol. His wife reported him missing after a trip to China in late September.

French authorities have opened an investigation into the whereabouts of the head of Interpol, police sources told several news outlets on Friday.

Meng Hongwei, a Chinese national who was elected head of Interpol in 2016, traveled to China at the end of September and has not been heard from since, his wife told police


Why is India interested in Russian missile system?

India has signed an agreement with Russia to purchase the S-400 surface-to-air missile defense system. The $5.2-billion accord was announced during President Vladimir Putin's two-day visit to New Delhi on October 4.



Turquía mantendrá tropas en Siria hasta elecciones: Erdogan

ESTAMBUL, 4 oct (Xinhua) -- El presidente de Turquía, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, dijo hoy que su país mantendrá una presencia militar en Siria hasta la realización de las elecciones en ese país.

Turquía tiene tropas apostadas en el norte de Siria y la provincia de Idlib como resultado de dos operaciones militares y un acuerdo con Rusia e Irán, otros dos actores clave en Siria.


India firma acuerdo sobre misiles con Rusia

NUEVA DELHI, 5 oct (Xinhua) -- India firmó este viernes un acuerdo multimillonario con Rusia para adquirir los sistemas de misiles S-400 Triumf, informaron fuentes gubernamentales.

El pacto fue firmado durante las conversaciones entre el primer ministro indio, Narendra Modi, y el presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin.


Nuevo gobernador decide bloquear reubicación de controvertida base de EEUU en Okinawa, Japón

TOKIO, 4 oct (Xinhua) -- El nuevo gobernador de la prefectura japonesa de Okinawa, Denny Tamaki, cuyo mandato de cuatro años comenzó oficialmente hoy, reiteró su postura de bloquear el plan del Gobierno central de reubicar una controvertida base militar de Estados Unidos dentro de la prefectura del sur de Japón.

En medio de una fuerte oposición de funcionarios y residentes locales de Okinawa y del incremento del sentimiento antiestadounidense en la pequeña isla tras varios delitos atroces cometidos por personal relacionado con la base de Estados Unidos, el gobierno central sostiene que mudar la base a Henoko sigue siendo "la única solución".


Países de ASEAN buscan incrementar esfuerzos contra terrorismo

SINGAPUR, 4 oct (Xinhua) -- El Simposio Antiterrorismo de Asia del Sudeste 2018 fue inaugurado hoy con el objetivo de discutir las formas de impulsar mayores esfuerzos concertados contra el terrorismo.

Con el tema "Un enfoque colectivo", el evento de dos días analizará cuatro importantes vertientes para ayudar a los Estados miembros de la Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático (ASEAN) a contrarrestar la creciente amenaza del terrorismo.


Rusia califica de propaganda acusaciones holandesas sobre ataques cibernéticos

MOSCU, 4 oct (Xinhua) -- Las acusaciones de Holanda sobre presuntos intentos de ataques cibernéticos por parte de espías rusos son otro acto de propaganda dirigido contra Moscú, señaló hoy el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Rusia.

Hoy con anterioridad, el Ministerio de Defensa de Holanda dijo que cuatro oficiales de inteligencia rusos sospechosos de planear los ataques cibernéticos fueron expulsados de Holanda el 13 de abril.

De acuerdo con la parte holandesa, los presuntos ataques cibernéticos estuvieron dirigidos contra la Organización para la Prohibición de las Armas Químicas y contra datos sobre la investigación del incidente en Ucrania del avión que realizaba el vuelo MH17 en 2014.


Al Jazeera

China denounces 'ridiculous' US claims of election meddling

Vice President Pence said Beijing's actions add up to a simple message: 'China wants a different American president.'

Pence also denounced China's manoeuvres in the South China Sea, its oppression of Christians, Muslims and other religious adherents as well as Chinese President Xi Jinping's signature infrastructure and foreign policy initiative.

"What the Russians are doing pales in comparison to what China is doing across this country and the American people deserve to know. China wants to turn these voters against our administration.": Pence

China has maintained a calm tone as US language escalates. China's Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai - in an interview with National Public Radio aired shortly before Pence's address - said there was a "much larger need for cooperation" than competition with Washington.


Erdogan: Turkey will not leave Syria until an election is held

Erdogan says Turkish troops stationed in Syria since August 2016 will remain until 'Syrians hold an election'.

It launched another operation earlier this year in the northern Syrian enclave of Afrin to remove Kurdish fighters affiliated with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). 


India signs $5bn deal to purchase Russian S-400 missile system

President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Narendra Modi sign deal despite a looming threat of sanctions by the US.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi signed the deal in New Delhi on Friday and discussed nuclear energy, space exploration and economics.


Al Mayadeen

Masivas Protestas populares contra el gobierno de Hadi y la coalición saudita en Taiz

4 de octubre. Cientos de yemenitas salieron a las calles de la urbe, donde varias tiendas cerraron para protestar por el aumento de los precios de los alimentos y productos básicos debido al desplome del dinero que perdió más de la mitad de su valor frente al dólar.

Además, llamó a los países de la coalición liderados por Arabia Saudita y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos que asuman la responsabilidad legal de garantizar la seguridad de la situación en Adén.


Irán pide unidad entre países en vez de humillante protección de EE.UU.

El canciller de Irán, Mohamed Yavad Zarif, pidió hoy el apoyo de todos los países vecinos para construir una región fuerte, en vez de recurrir a la humillante protección de Estados Unidos.




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