Síntesis informativa - 10 de marzo 2022


Ukraine-Russia War News: Live Updates

The top diplomats from Russia and Ukraine failed to make progress during talks on Thursday, dashing hopes that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia might soon pull back from a two-week-old conflict that has unleashed a humanitarian catastrophe and forced millions from their homes.



Russia’s War in Ukraine Raises Gas Prices and Unsettles Stocks

The price of gasoline is climbing and the markets are adjusting to gloomier prospects as the war in Ukraine grinds on.



Australia Asks: How Far Is Too Far in Making China a Campaign Weapon?

Australia’s conservative government has claimed, without evidence, that the political opposition would cozy up to Beijing. To many, it has crossed a red line.




US House passes $13bn Ukrainian aid bill; outrage at bombing of Mariupol hospital

The Ukraine aid included $6.5 billion for the US costs of sending troops and weapons to eastern Europe and equipping allied forces there in response to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion and repeated, bellicose threats.



IMF approves $1.4bn emergency support for Ukraine

The International Monetary Fund has approved $1.4bn in emergency financing for Ukraine to help meet urgent spending needs and mitigate the economic impact of Russia’s military invasion.

The global lender said Ukrainian authorities had cancelled an existing standby lending arrangement with the IMF but they would work together to design an appropriate economic programme focused on rehabilitation and growth when conditions permitted.



Britain and US fear Russia could be setting stage to use chemical weapons

Britain and the US fear Russia could be setting the stage to use a chemical weapon in Ukraine after Kremlin officials alleged without firm evidence that the US had been supporting a bioweapons programme in the country.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Wednesday that Russia had been making “false claims about alleged US biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine”, and added that the allegations had been echoed in Beijing.



Is super-polluting Pentagon’s climate plan just ‘military-grade greenwash’?

The US military, an institution whose carbon footprint exceeds that of nearly 140 countries, says it wants to go green.

On 8 February, the US army released its climate strategy.

Among other tactics, the army aims for net-zero emissions by 2050, to electrify its combat and non-tactical vehicles, to power its bases with “carbon-free” electricity and to develop clean global supply chains



Putin will lead Russia to strategic defeat in Ukraine, says Blinken

The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, has said Vladimir Putin will fail in his effort to subjugate Ukraine, and will instead lead Russia into a “strategic defeat” that is already unfolding.

“I’m absolutely convinced that Putin will fail, and Russia will suffer a strategic defeat no matter what short-term tactical gains it may make in Ukraine,” the secretary of state said.



Dozens of worshippers killed in Pakistan suicide bomb attack

A suicide bomber has struck inside a Shia Muslim mosque in Pakistan’s north-western city of Peshawar during Friday prayers, killing at least 56 worshippers and wounding 194 people.

The Islamic State group claimed the attack and threatened more violence against Pakistan’s Shia minority. Both IS and the Pakistani Taliban – a militant group separate from the Taliban in Afghanistan – have carried out similar attacks in the past in the area, located near the border with neighbouring Afghanistan.




Sweden announces plan for significant boost in military spending

Sweden’s government has announced plans for a significant boost in military spending to two percent of gross domestic product (GDP) “as soon as possible”, citing the security threat from Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Sweden’s defence budget for 2021 is about 66 billion kronor ($6.7bn), and the country had already agreed to raise that level to 91 billion kronor ($9.3bn) by 20               



IMF approves $1.4bn in emergency funding support for Ukraine

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says its executive board has approved $1.4bn in emergency funding to support Ukraine in the wake of Russia’s invasion, now in its third week.

The IMF said the war had already resulted in very serious consequences, citing the flight of more than two million people from the country in 13 days and large-scale destruction of key infrastructure.



Australia to expand defence personnel by a third by 2040

Australia will expand its active defence personnel by a third by 2040, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced, describing the move as part of efforts to keep the country safe “in an increasingly uncertain global environment”.

The force would grow by 18,500 personnel to 80,000 over the 18-year period, at a cost of some 38 billion Australian dollars ($27bn), the prime minister said Thursday during a visit to an army barracks in Brisbane.




Alemania, contraria al envío de aviones de combate de la OTAN a Ucrania

En una rueda de prensa conjunta con el primer ministro canadiense, Justin Trudeau, el canciller alemán apuesta por la prudencia para no dar pasos irreversibles, mientras Ucrania vuelve a pedir que se le envíe los MiG-29.

El presidente ucraniano, Volodimir Zelenski, volvió a pedir hoy a los países occidentales que se decidan "rápido" sobre la propuesta polaca de enviarles aviones de combate MiG-29 para ayudar a hacer frente a la invasión rusa.



Reunión entre Ucrania y Rusia “sin resultados”, pero Turquía habla de “vía abierta”

La reunión entre Serguéi Lávrov y Dmytro Kuleba, en Antalya concluyó sin resultados pero abriría la vía hacia un posible encuentro de los presidentes de Ucrania y Rusia, afirmó el anfitrión del encuentro.

El ministro subrayó la necesidad de llegar a un alto el fuego humanitario pero también la dificultad de negociar mientras sigan los combates y recordó que Turquía también respalda las negociaciones que continúan en Bielorrusia.



EE.UU. da primer paso para aprobar USD 14.000 millones para Ucrania

La Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos dio luz verde este miércoles (09.03.2022) en la noche a un nuevo presupuesto federal de 1,5 billones que incluye una ayuda de casi 14.000 millones de dólares para Ucrania, golpeada por la guerra.

La partida para Ucrania también incluye unos 4.000 millones para ayudar a refugiados y desplazados internos, mientras que 1.800 millones tendrán como objetivo responder a las necesidades económicas de Ucrania y sus países vecinos, por ejemplo, con temas energéticos o de ciberseguridad.




Los ministros de Exteriores de Ucrania y Rusia se reúnen en Turquía en medio del brutal asedio a Mariupol

Los ministros de Exteriores ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, y ucranio, Dmitro Kuleba, se reúnen por primera vez este jueves en Turquía para tratar de buscar una salida al conflicto desatado por la invasión rusa de Ucrania. Las tres rondas de negociaciones que ha habido hasta ahora en Bielorrusia se han saldado con pocos resultados, entre ellos el establecimiento de varios corredores humanitarios que se pusieron en marcha el martes entre denuncias de bombardeos e incumplimientos del alto el fuego.



El acercamiento de Estados Unidos al chavismo descoloca a la oposición

Los opositores venezolanos, que habían tenido hasta ahora en la Casa Blanca su mejor aliado, ni siquiera han comentado de manera directa el encuentro de funcionarios de Biden con Maduro.

Los miembros más conocidos de la oposición venezolana han asistido atónitos al acercamiento entre altos funcionarios de Estados Unidos y el líder bolivariano Nicolás Maduro. Tanto que se han quedado sin palabras. 



Un ejército de miles de piratas informáticos amenaza a Rusia con ataques incesantes

“Estamos creando un ejército digital”, escribía en Twitter el ministro encargado de asuntos digitales de Ucrania, Mykhailo Fedorov, el 26 de febrero. Hacía dos días de la invasión rusa, y el dirigente prometía una lista de tareas para “talentos digitales” de todo el mundo. Fedorov daba un enlace en Telegram de una cuenta que esta semana tenía ya más de 300.000 miembros. Unirse no implica ningún tipo de acción posterior, pero los encargados de su gestión no dejan de sugerir ataques concretos: bloquear páginas de ferrocarriles rusos, analizar correos electrónicos obtenidos mediante pirateo de miembros del Parlamento ruso o de webs de gobiernos regionales rusos. “Por favor, echadnos una mano. Haremos un chat de grupo para compartir pensamientos creativos y abordar la guerra de la información. Todos podéis uniros”, dice un mensaje en Telegram.




A Visual Guide to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Bloomberg News is following the unfolding situation involving Russia, Ukraine and NATO allies. Here are the latest updates.



Mexico’s Democracy Is Crumbling Under AMLO

Halfway through his term, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is moving from bending democratic norms and laws to breaking them — a slide that the U.S. cannot afford to ignore.



War Accelerates Russia’s Internet Isolation

Putin has long been preparing a break from the Western internet, and his Ukraine invasion is a turning point.




Defensa rusa: 90% de aeródromos de Ucrania quedó fuera de servicio

“En el curso de la operación han sido destruidos en total 2786 instalaciones de la infraestructura militar de Ucrania. (...) Para el día de hoy han sido inutilizados el 90 % de los aeródromos militares en los que se basaba el grueso de la aviación militar”, ha detallado el portavoz de la referida Cartera rusa, Igor Konashenkov.

Además, ha precisado que antes de la operación militar especial, ese país disponía de “hasta 250 aviones y helicópteros de guerra”, pero que el Ejército ruso ha destruido ya 89 aviones y 57 helicópteros, teniendo en cuenta que una parte de los aviones ucranianos voló a Rumanía y no participa en el combate.



Morales: OTAN es una amenaza para mundo; Debe ser disuelta

“La OTAN es un peligro para la paz mundial, para la seguridad, entonces estamos en la tarea de cómo llegar a acuerdos con movimientos sociales, no solo en América Latina, sino que en todos los continentes, para eliminarla. Si no se hace nada contra la OTAN, se va a convertir en una amenaza permanente para la humanidad”, ha advertido este miércoles el expresidente boliviano Evo Morales (2006-2019) en una entrevista dedicada a la agencia de noticias rusa Sputnik.

Haciendo alusión al conflicto en Ucrania, el exmandatario ha considerado que el origen del problema entre Rusia y Ucrania es relacionado con las políticas “expansionistas” e “intervencionistas” de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN) liderada por EE.UU.



Israel está alarmado por el radio de alcance de drones de Hezbolá

El portal israelí de noticias Walla ha recordado este miércoles que desde el final de la segunda guerra de Líbano en 2006, Israel se ha negado a lanzar ataques aéreos contra el Movimiento de Resistencia Islámica de El Líbano (Hezbolá).

Esto significa, conforme a fuentes de seguridad citadas por el medio, que Israel y Hezbolá siguen trabajando según la fórmula de la disuasión y las reglas de enfrentamiento que se establecieron tras la agresión israelí a El Líbano en 2006.



EEUU, en pánico por polémicos labs en Ucrania; ¿qué está en juego? 

El domingo, el Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia dio a conocer que, durante la operación militar que lanza el país en Ucrania desde el 24 de febrero, logró evidencias que muestran el proceso de desarrollo de componentes de armas biológicas por Kiev en laboratorios cerca de la frontera rusa, con la ayuda financiera de EE.UU.

Tras el anuncio, la subsecretaria de Estado para Asuntos Políticos de EE.UU., Victoria Nuland, reconoció que Ucrania tiene “instalaciones de investigación biológica”.




Taiwan Studies Ukraine War for Own Battle Strategy With China

Taiwan‘s military strategists have been studying Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the country’s resistance, for the island’s own battle strategy in the event its giant neighbour China ever makes good on its threat to take them by force.

While Taiwan‘s government has not reported any unusual activity by the military in China, which views the island as its own territory, Taipei has raised its alert level.



From Grain and Corn to Edible Oil, India Will Feel the Food Ripples of Ukraine's Crisis

The emerging food crisis is only one of the dimensions of Russia’s war on Ukraine. While the short-term implications are disastrous for economies across the globe, the ensuing arms race will squeeze even the budgets of developed nations. The poor will bear the brunt of lower allocations for development and welfare. India may be no exception.

Globally, the food price index has already reached the highest it has ever been in the last 32 years – FAO’s food price index in February 2022 was 140.7, the highest since January 1990.



Ukraine Does Not Know What’s Happening at Occupied Nuclear Plants, Says Energy Minister

The Ukrainian authorities do not know what the radiation levels are at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as they have not heard about what is happening there since it was seized by Russian troops, energy minister Herman Halushchenko said on Wednesday, March 9.



The Ukraine Crisis Has Only Laid Bare India's Economic Sore Spots

The rupee sank to a lifetime low, equity markets are seeing panic selling, there’s a crush amongst foreign institutional investors to pull out money and all growth bets are now off. But wait, there’s more.

From ‘transient’ ‘temporary’ and ‘not a cause of worry’, it seems like India’s retail inflation is set to be exactly that. Crude is in a zone of its own. Sure it’s an overheated and panic-stricken market. But it is now in a price range that oil importing countries are going to find extremely difficult to absorb.



Russia-Ukraine: With Both Oil and Rupee on Fire, What Are Modi Govt's Policy Options?

One criticism of the Narendra Modi government is that it hardly has time to govern between state elections. Half a dozen Cabinet members were camping in Varanasi over the past few days even as global crude crossed $120 per barrel and the rupee weakened to Rs 77 to a dollar against the backdrop of the Ukraine war.

The rupee might have weakened even more if RBI had not sold dollars from its reserves to stem a steeper fall. Until a few days ago, the central bank had already sold a couple of billion dollars to support the rupee. Analysts forecast the rupee might touch Rs 80 to a dollar in the near term.


Tipo de contenido geopolítica