Síntesis informativa - 20 de enero 2021


Biden plans day-one immigration moves to reverse 'inhumane' Trump policies

They include executive orders to reverse Trump’s attempt to exclude undocumented people from the census, end the travel ban, roll back a Trump-era policy on deportation priorities and end an emergency declaration Trump used to divert funds to the wall on the US-Mexico border.

Biden will also unveil legislation that creates a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, calls for increased technology at the border and attempts to address the root causes of immigration.He will also issue a presidential memo to underline the administration’s support for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (Daca) program, which allows people who were brought to the US as children without legal documents to temporarily get work visas and be protected from deportation.



Carbon capture is vital to meeting climate goals, scientists tell green critics

The scientists insisted that such schemes are vital weapons in the battle against global heating and warn that failure to set up ways to trap carbon dioxide and store it underground would make it almost impossible to hold net emissions to below zero by 2050.

Carbon capture and storage is going to be the only effective way we have in the short term to prevent our steel industry, cement manufacture and many other processes from continuing to pour emissions into the atmosphere,” said Professor Stuart Haszeldine, of Edinburgh University.

“If we are to have any hope of keeping global temperature [increases] down below 2 degrees C then we desperately need to develop ways to capture and store carbon dioxide.”



Why Donald Trump will never admit defeat

Judith Butler

Trump’s inability to acknowledge his election loss is related to his inability to acknowledge and mourn public losses from the pandemic, but also his destructive itinerary. If he were to have openly acknowledged his electoral loss, then he would be someone who loses. He is just not the kind of guy who loses, and if he does, then someone took what was rightfully his. But there is a further twist. The white supremacists who stormed the Capitol are also convinced not only that the elections were stolen, but their country as well, that they are being “replaced” by black and brown communities, by Jews, and their racism fights against the idea that they are being asked to lose their idea of white entitlement and supremacy.




Iran welcomes Qatar call to engage in diplomacy with Gulf states

Iran’s top diplomat Mohammad Javad Zarif welcomed Qatar’s call on Gulf states to engage in a dialogue with the Islamic Republic and to broker negotiations.

“As we have consistently emphasized, the solution to our challenges lies in collaboration to jointly form a ‘strong region’: peaceful, stable, prosperous & free from global or regional hegemony,” Zarif said on Wednesday on Twitter.



Israel issues tenders for 2,500 new settler homes: Watchdog

Israel has issued tenders for 2,500 new settler homes in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, a watchdog said on Wednesday, on the eve of Joe Biden’s swearing-in as US president.

On Sunday, Israel approved 780 new settler homes in the West Bank ahead of March elections, in which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to face a fierce challenge from right-wing and pro-settler candidate Gideon Saar.



Israeli tanks target Gaza Strip for second night

Israeli tank fire struck a number of sites in the Gaza Strip, including a residential home, in the second night of attacks on the coastal enclave.

Local Palestinian sources said there were no casualties from the Israeli artillery barrage, but material damage was done to a house located in the Maghazi refugee camp on Tuesday night.



Biden intel chief nominee vows to release Khashoggi murder report

President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee to be the next Director of National Intelligence has said she intends to release an unclassified report to the United States Congress on the assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

During a Senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday, Senator Ron Wyden told Avril Haines that she had an opportunity to “immediately turn the page on the excessive secrecy and lawlessness of the outgoing administration”.



Libya: UN chief urges foreign fighters to leave by Saturday

The UN chief urged the departure of all foreign fighters and mercenaries from Libya by Saturday as called for in the October 23 ceasefire agreement signed by the warring sides after years of fighting split the oil-rich North African nation in two.

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also urged the UN-recognised government that holds sway in the capital, Tripoli, in western Libya and the forces of renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar who runs most of the east and the south, “to maintain their resolve in reaching a lasting political solution to the conflict, resolving economic issues, and alleviating the humanitarian situation”.




Mexique : la relation entre « AMLO » et Biden s’annonce plus compliquée qu’avec Trump

Le projet de réforme migratoire du nouveau président américain était appelé de ses vœux par Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, mais de nombreux sujets de discorde séparent les deux hommes.

Par Frédéric Saliba

Pourtant, selon M. Castañeda, « “AMLO” aurait préféré que Trump gagne. Leurs tensions se limitaient à la migration clandestine et à la construction du mur entre les deux pays. Biden va lui imposer un agenda bilatéral plus large et bien plus complexe ». En tête, la coopération sécuritaire, dont l’horizon s’est obscurci depuis l’abandon polémique des poursuites, le 14 janvier, par le parquet mexicain, contre l’ancien ministre de la défense, Salvador Cienfuegos (2012-2018), accusé de narcotrafic par l’agence américaine antidrogue (DEA). Sous la pression de Mexico, le général avait été libéré mi-novembre 2020 par la justice américaine, puis rapatrié dans son pays pour y être mis en examen. Le parquet a justifié « un manque de preuves ». « AMLO » a même accusé la DEA d’avoir « fabriqué l’affaire ».



Emmanuel Macron veut « convaincre » Joe Biden de la pertinence de la stratégie française de défense

Lors de ses vœux aux armées, le 19 janvier, le chef de l’Etat a émis le souhait de revoir le nombre de militaires déployés au Sahel.

Par Elise Vincent

Ces scénarios devront tenir compte d’une éventuelle redéfinition de l’engagement américain en Afrique. Actuellement, les Etats-Unis sont indispensables à Barkhane, notamment en raison de leur soutien en matière de renseignement. Alors que les vœux du chef de l’Etat sont opportunément survenus la veille de la prise de fonctions du nouveau président Joe Biden, M. Macron a fait référence à cette collaboration, au Sahel comme sur d’autres théâtres, en insistant sur la nécessité de « convaincre [les Etats-Unis] de nos choix », « de leur pertinence », et ce « dans la durée ».



Les Etats-Unis accusent la Chine de commettre un « génocide » contre les Ouïgours, Pékin dénonce des « mensonges absurdes »

Le secrétaire d’Etat américain sortant, Mike Pompeo, a aussi évoqué des « crimes contre l’humanité » commis par les autorités chinoises contre cette minorité musulmane.

Le Monde avec AFP

Washington a aussi exhorté mardi la communauté internationale « à se joindre aux Etats-Unis » dans leur effort « pour que les responsables de ces atrocités rendent des comptes ». « Si le Parti communiste chinois est autorisé à commettre un génocide et des crimes contre l’humanité contre son propre peuple, on ne peut qu’imaginer ce qu’il aura le courage de faire au monde libre dans un avenir pas si lointain », a mis en garde celui qui vit ses dernières vingt-quatre heures en tant que chef de la diplomatie américaine.




As Donald Trump exits, QAnon takes hold in Germany

.The storming of the US Capitol illustrated just how dangerous a conspiracy theory can be. In Germany, QAnon is gaining momentum — and its most ardent followers are sticking with Donald Trump. DW investigates.



Joe Biden revertirá el primer día varias de las políticas estrella de Donald Trump

EE. UU. regresará a la OMS y al Acuerdo de París, suspenderá el veto a viajeros de países musulmanes, cancelará la obra del muro fronterizo con México y ofrecerá una regularización a los 'dreamers', entre otras medidas.



Europa ofrece refundar las relaciones con Estados Unidos

El presidente del Consejo Europeo, Charles Michel, propuso este miércoles (21.01.2021) a Joe Biden, que será investido hoy como presidente de Estados Unidos, un nuevo "pacto fundador" para las relaciones bilaterales en temas como paz, seguridad, prosperidad, libertad y derechos humanos, en beneficio de un "mundo mejor".



Honduras y la narcopolítica: nuevos alcances de la crisis institucional y humanitaria

 Presuntos vínculos con el narcotráfico dejan al presidente hondureño en una frágil posición, justo en año electoral y cuando su gran aliado, Donald Trump, deja la Casa Blanca. ¿Qué le espera al país centroamericano?

En medio de la criminalidad, la violencia y el narcotráfico, que no dan tregua, golpeado por dos huracanes, sufriendo los embates de la pandemia y con la reanudación de las caravanas de migrantes, Honduras comienza el año con una agravada crisis humanitaria e institucional, que empaña los festejos por el bicentenario de la independencia.




El primer Davos virtual pone la vista en Asia (y en Xi)

El Foro Económico Mundial alerta de la amenaza que supone la pandemia para las desigualdades



Bruselas se propone relanzar el euro ante la inestabilidad en Estados Unidos

La UE hace pública su estrategia para disputar la hegemonía del dólar el día antes de la investidura de Joe Biden

Bruselas se propone impulsar la autonomía financiera de la UE ante la inestabilidad política en Estados Unidos y los recelos que sigue despertando China. La Comisión Europea dio luz verde ayer a una nueva propuesta para disputar al dólar su hegemonía en los mercados financieros mundiales para corregir “las vulnerabilidades de un sistema financiero internacional” dominado por la divisa estadounidense. El Ejecutivo comunitario se propone avanzar en la unión bancaria y del mercado de capitales, aprovechar las emisiones masivas de bonos europeos y protegerse de la política de sanciones de Washington.

La comunicación aprobada ayer por la Comisión, además, señala otros dos grandes ámbitos también vinculados con el plan de recuperación en los que el euro puede dar la batalla: el Nuevo Pacto Verde, donde puede fomentar un mayor comercio de derechos de emisiones y crear un mercado de bonos verdes, y la agenda digital, donde espera poder plantar cara a las criptomonedas con el euro digital que estudia el BCE.




Jack Ma, Alibaba’s Billionaire Co-Founder, Resurfaces After Months of Lying Low

The appearance was his first since regulators began clamping down on his business empire

undefinedEmbattled billionaire Jack Ma made his first public appearance in nearly three months, speaking via a video link at a philanthropic event on Wednesday, easing speculation about his safety and whereabouts.



WHO Criticized for Poor Pandemic Response by International Panel

U.N. agency is hobbled by funding shortfalls and bureaucracy, says panel

The World Health Organization was poorly prepared to prevent a disease like Covid-19 from becoming a pandemic, and wasn’t adapted for a globalized era of easy travel and extensive trade, an international panel said.



U.S. Says China Is Committing Genocide Against Uighur Muslims

State Department cites imprisonment, torture and forced sterilization against minority group, accusations Beijing has denied

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration concluded that China has committed “genocide and crimes against humanity” against the Uighur ethnic group, delivering a forceful condemnation to Beijing over a mass repression campaign that has yet to prompt tough international action.



Iran Sanctions President Trump in Parting Shot at Departing Administration

Move citing involvement in terrorist and antihuman-rights actions aims to taunt Trump but will have little impact

LONDON—Iran sanctioned President Trump and nine other U.S. officials, in a parting shot against an outgoing administration that has pummeled the country and its top officials with sanctions.



Netflix Tops 200 Million Subscribers for the First Time

Streaming giant said it added a record 37 million subscribers in 2020

Netflix Inc. ended last year with more than 200 million subscribers, a milestone powered by consumers left homebound by the pandemic, eager for entertainment, and rising demand in international markets where the streaming giant has a head start over many rivals.




Big Oil Takes Unsteady Steps to Cut Transition Risk

For the least prepared in a low-carbon economy, the verdict is in.

Of the biggest U.S. oil and gas companies, EOG Resources Inc. is the least prepared for a low-carbon economy, according to BloombergNEF.



Oil Producers Face a Long Haul Back to Business as Usual

Forecasts show oil stockpiles won’t drain by the end of the year

This is no time for the world’s oil producers to start adding supplies to the global market if they want to drain a glut that built up because of Covid-19. That’s the conclusion that comes out of the latest monthly forecasts published by the world’s three major oil agencies — the International Energy Agency, the U.S. Energy Information Administration and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries — if producers hope to get global inventories back to pre-pandemic levels by the end of the year.



World’s Rich Fled Alibaba After Monopoly Probe, Citi Says

Wealthy investors rushed to offload stock in Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. after China began an investigation into alleged monopolistic practices at billionaire Jack Ma’s internet giant, according to Citigroup Inc.’s private bank.



Companies Are Buying Back Stock Again. Their Employees, Less So

In the first two weeks of the new year, a total of 1,000 insiders sold their own stock and 128 bought shares, leaving the sell-to-buy ratio poised for the highest monthly reading in data going back to 1988, according to Washington Service. Meanwhile, corporations announced $29 billion of buybacks over the stretch, up 46% from a year earlier, data compiled by Birinyi Associates show.



Intel Chairman Gets Medtronic Backing for $750 Million SPAC IPO

Compute Health Acquisition Corp., a blank-check company set up by Intel Corp. Chairman Omar Ishrak, filed for a $750 million initial public offering to raise funds for dealmaking in the health technology sector.



Amazon Fights EU for Allowing Separate Antitrust Sales Probe

Amazon.com Inc. is contesting a move by European Union antitrust regulators that allowed Italy to run a parallel investigation into concerns over how the e-commerce giant promotes sellers.



Google Sidelines Second Artificial Intelligence Researcher

Google has locked out artificial intelligence researcher Margaret Mitchell from its corporate systems, making her the second outspoken critic at the company to be sidelined. Mitchell was a vocal supporter of her colleague Timnit Gebru, who departed under acrimonious circumstances last month.



Trump Signs Order to Restrict Foreign Use of Cloud Companies

On his last full day in office, President Donald Trump signed an executive order the White House said was aimed at preventing foreign malicious cyber-actors from using U.S. online infrastructure to carry out their activities.




Los indultos de Trump: Steve Bannon, Lil Wayne y otras 71 personas

En el último día de su mandato, el presidente saliente Donald Trump indultó a 73 personas, incluyendo a su exconsejero Steve Bannon, condenado por defraudación a los ciudadanos que donaron dinero para construir un muro en la frontera con México. Sin embargo, no fue la única atribución que el magnate se tomó. También conmutó las sentencias de otras 70 personas.




Fracaso mundial ante el covid será pagado con vidas, advierte la OMS

"El mundo está al borde de un catastrófico fracaso moral, y el precio de este fracaso será pagado con vidas (...) en los países más pobres del mundo", afirmó el director general de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.




Gertz: a organismos internacionales, el caso Cienfuegos

Ciudad de México. Para el titular de la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR), Alejandro Gertz Manero, la acusación de la agencia antidrogas de Estados Unidos (DEA, por sus siglas en inglés) en contra del ex secretario de la Defensa Nacional Salvador Cienfuegos “evidentemente tenía un objetivo de escándalo”. No sólo eso. Considera que “estuvieron esperando con toda malicia para llevarse el prestigio del país y sus instituciones al demonio”.



Fallece Ismael, comandante del EZLN

San Cristóbal de Las Casas. El comandante del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN,) Ismael (Miguel López Hernández), falleció la madrugada de este martes, informaron diferentes fuentes.



Llega a México embarque de AstraZeneca para desarrollar vacuna

Al ratificar que este miércoles, a las 4:05 horas llegó un embarque del granel de AstraZeneca al país para envasar la vacuna contra Covid-19 en una planta en México, Hugo López-Gatell, subsecretario de Prevención y Promoción de la Salud, aclaró que la información presentada esta semana “fue malinterpretada” por varios medios de comunicación, y “no hay cancelación alguna de la segunda dosis” del biológico para personal médico.


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