Síntesis informativa - 13 de julio 2020


Case numbers in the U.S. are rising in all but a handful of states.

The U.S. outbreak — once centered in the densely packed northeastern hubs of New York and New Jersey — is now growing across 39 states, from the worsening hot spots in the South and West to those emerging in the Midwest. Restrictions on business operations, mass gatherings and mask-wearing have become debate fodder in an increasingly polarized election year. 



As Fauci becomes more vocal, Trump aides are moving to undercut him.

President Trump’s advisers undercut the nation’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, over the weekend, anonymously providing details to various news outlets about statements he had made early in the outbreak that they said were inaccurate. The move to treat Dr. Fauci as if he were a warring political rival comes as he has grown increasingly vocal in his concerns about the national surge in coronavirus cases. He has also noted his lack of access to Mr. Trump.



Inside the White House, a Gun Industry Lobbyist Delivers for His Former Patrons

The Trump administration lifted a ban on sales of silencers to private overseas buyers that was intended to protect U.S. troops from ambushes. The change was championed by a lawyer for the president who had worked for a firearms trade group.



How Russia Built a Channel to the Taliban, Once an Enemy

KABUL, Afghanistan — During one of the most violent stretches of fighting in northern Afghanistan, as the Taliban scored victories that had eluded them since the beginning of the conflict, the top American commander went public with a suspicion that had nagged for years: Russia was aiding the insurgents.



Taliban Stage a Major Attack, as Violence Intensifies in Northern Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan — The Taliban waged a sustained assault against the Afghan intelligence complex in the city of Aybak on Monday, part of a bloody wave of violence across the country’s north.




Trump calls on police to 'take a stronger stand' with 'Radical Left' Democratic city governments...meaning what, exactly?

US President Donald Trump has urged police officers across the country to fight back against the “disrespect” coming from the “Radical” Democrats running major cities. What exactly he meant was open to interpretation, as usu



Tit for tat: China blacklists US Senators Rubio, Cruz & other officials in response to sanctions over Xinjiang

Beijing has placed sanctions on several US officials, including hawkish Republican Party Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. China said the move was made in response to US sanctions over the treatment of Uyghurs by Beijing.



Watch military pilots test MOST ADVANCED version of Russian 'flying tank' Su-25, filmed in detail from cockpit

Russia is upgrading its fleet of Sukhoi Su-25 attack planes to further boost their survivability. The latest variant of the armored aircraft is shown in action in a video released by the Russian military.



Libya ceasefire now wouldn’t benefit Tripoli govt, Turkish FM says

Turkey dismissed prospects of any imminent ceasefire in Libya on Monday, saying any deal incorporating the existing frontlines would not benefit the Ankara-backed Government of National Accord (GNA). Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told state broadcaster TRT Haber that the coastal city of Sirte and Jufra air base need to be turned over to the GNA before it agrees to a ceasefire.




Libya's NOC accuses UAE of being behind oil blockade

Libya's National Oil Corp (NOC) has accused the United Arab Emirates of instructing eastern forces in Libya's civil war to reimpose a blockade of oil exports after the departure of the first tanker in six months.

The UAE, along with Russia and Egypt, supports the eastern-based self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA) of renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar, which on Saturday said the blockade would continue despite it having let a tanker loaded with oil from storage.



Explosion, fire on US navy ship at base in San Diego: 21 injured

An explosion on a United States Navy ship moored at a base in California set off a major fire on Sunday injuring 21 people - 17 of them sailors, according to the chief of naval operations.

The USS Bonhomme Richard, an amphibious assault vessel, was in port at its home base in San Diego for maintenance when the explosion took place at about 8.30am local time on Sunday (15:30 GMT).



Mexico coronavirus deaths surge to fourth highest in the world

Deaths in Mexico from the coronavirus pandemic have crossed 35,000, with the Latin American country overtaking Italy for the world's fourth-highest total deaths.

Mexico on Sunday recorded 276 additional deaths and 4,482 new infections to bring its coronavirus death toll to 35,006, with 299,750 confirmed cases, according to data collected by the Johns Hopkins University.



US court gives green light to first federal execution in 17 years

The first federal execution in the United States in 17 years looks set to go ahead on Monday after an appeals court overturned a lower court injunction, saying a lawsuit by the victims' family - which had put the execution on hold - had no legal standing.



Otros Medios

Erdogan: Turkey on path to ‘unstoppable power’ in region (Al Monitor)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has never been one for introspection or restraint in his declarations, but his recent statements display an outsized confidence, even by his standards.

In the next three years, Erdogan said, Turkey will be an unstoppable power in the region. Despite an exodus of foreign investment, as Mustafa Sonmez reports, the Turkish president sees opportunity in crisis: in COVID-19, Syria, Iraq and even in Libya and North Africa, where so far he seems to have gained an edge, for now, on rivals such as France, Egypt and the UAE.



UN deal to restart Syria cross-border aid not going far enough: Aid groups (Middle East Eye)

Aid organisations have welcomed the announcement that cross-border aid is set to resume into Syria, but have warned that the limited reopening will not go far enough to address the crisis in the country.

On Saturday, the UN Security Council passed a resolution to restart cross-border humanitarian aid to the northwest of the war-torn nation, but only after caving to Russian pressure to close one of two access points there.



Haftar's forces warn Libyan oil blockade will continue (Middle East Eye)

The UN-backed Libyan government's attempts to revive oil production could be thwarted by forces loyal to the rival military commander in eastern Libya, Khalifa Haftar, who warned they planed to continue an oil blockade.

Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA) have been blocking the production and export of oil since January, claiming they want a fair distribution of the oil revenues managed by the Tripoli-based and UN-endorsed Government of National Accord (GNA). 




L’Europe prise en étau dans la bataille du gaz entre Moscou et Washington

Les Etats-Unis pourraient voter un nouveau volet de sanctions contre le gazoduc Nord Stream 2 construit sous la mer Baltique, ce qui porterait un coup fatal au projet.

Thomas Wieder, Claire Gatinois, Benoît Vitkine et Nabil Wakim

De fait, l’Union se déchire entre les pays de l’ex-bloc soviétique, qui considèrent le gazoduc comme le cheval de Troie de la Russie et de ses visées expansionnistes, et ceux qui, à l’instar de l’Allemagne, le défendent. « Il ne s’agit pas d’être pour ou contre Nord Stream 2. Mais la décision revient aux Européens, et non à Washington. Il ne faut pas que l’Europe abdique », s’agace le député européen français Emmanuel Maurel, ex-PS élu sur la liste LFI aux élections européennes de 2019, qui a interpellé la Commission sur le sujet.



« Les industriels de la défense veulent tirer profit du plan de relance pour gonfler la production »

Dans sa chronique, Jean-Michel Bezat, journaliste au « Monde », analyse la situation du secteur de la défense en France à l’heure de la crise sanitaire et avant la mise en place, par le gouvernement Castex,d’un plan de relance.

Jean-Michel Bezat

Ce déploiement minimal, dicté par les contraintes sanitaires, fera faire quelques économies. Est-il le prélude à une période d’austérité pour les armées et l’industrie de défense, imposée cette fois par des impératifs financiers ? Avec ses priorités économiques et sociales, une récession de 10 % en 2020 et un déficit budgétaire de plus de 220 milliards d’euros, la France a-t-elle les moyens de ses ambitions : maintenir – seule en Europe après le Brexit – un « modèle d’armée complet », capable à la fois de se projeter hors des frontières, de lutter contre le terrorisme dans l’Hexagone et d’entretenir une coûteuse force de dissuasion nucléaire ?



Ouïgours : la Chine sanctionne à son tour des responsables américains

Washington avait annoncé jeudi refuser des visas à trois hauts responsables chinois accusés d’avoir orchestré la répression contre des musulmans ouïgours dans le Xinjiang.

En réaction, Pékin a donc décidé de sanctionner trois parlementaires républicains parmi les plus critiques du régime chinois : les sénateurs Marco Rubio et Ted Cruz, ancien candidat aux primaires présidentielles, et le représentant Chris Smith. Le responsable du département d’Etat chargé de la liberté religieuse, Sam Brownback, qui a le titre d’ambassadeur, est également sanctionné.



Hélène Conway-Mouret : «Donner à la défense européenne toute l’attention qui s’impose dans un contexte hautement dégradé»

Il est indispensable de ne pas baisser la garde alors que l’instabilité à la périphérie de l’Europe est aggravée par la crise sanitaire et que les Etats-unis se désengagent relève la sénatrice socialiste dans une tribune au « Monde » et six autres journaux européens signée par vingt et un parlementaires de divers pays de l’Union

Hélène Conway-Mouret

Troisièmement, les Etats-Unis, lourdement affectés par la crise, ont renoncé à tout leadership mondial et largement délaissé leurs alliés européens, confirmant une tendance de découplage croissant entre l’Europe et le continent Nord-américain. La doctrine America 1st fragilise les alliances. Quelle que soit la couleur de la prochaine administration, le recentrage américain sur des préoccupations nationales, pour des raisons économiques mais également d’ordre stratégique, semble être le scénario le plus probable.




En Bolivia crece el malestar social ante la crisis

Las movilizaciones en Bolivia volvieron a tomar impulso en Sica Sica, ubicada al sudeste de La Paz, a donde está previsto que los maestros en huelga lleguen este martes. La convocatoria se amplió cuando la Confederación Obrera Boliviana (COB) llamó a marchar en los nueve departamentos del país. También se integró la Federación Sindical de Trabajadores Mineros (FSTMB) histórica columna vertebral del movimiento gremial organizado. Todos unidos confluirán en la capital y varias ciudades más con demandas hacia el gobierno golpista de Jeanine Añez. Van desde los pedidos de renuncia a un par de ministros – el de Educación Víctor Hugo Cárdenas y el de Trabajo, Oscar Toto Mercado - hasta una política sanitaria de la que el régimen carece para enfrentar la pandemia. La dinámica del conflicto social empieza a notarse en las calles como en los días inmediatos posteriores a la asonada cívica y militar que terminó con la salida de Evo Morales hacia el exilio en México.



Bolsonaro infectado es el mayor vendedor de cloroquina

1. Al anochecer del viernes, se supo que en 24 horas Brasil tuvo 1.270 nuevas víctimas fatales de la covid-19. Casi 53 a cada hora. Casi una por minuto. Con eso, se superó la marca de las 70 mil muertes causadas por el coronavirus, y la marca del millón 800 mil infectados. Vale recordar: oficialmente, el primer caso de una víctima de la covid-19 registrado en Brasil ocurrió el 26 de febrero. El 19 de junio, es decir, pasados 114 días, se llegó al primer millón de infectados. Ahora, las proyecciones de investigadores, universidades y especialistas indican que entre martes y miércoles de esta semana llegaremos a dos millones de infectados y 80 mil muertos. En solamente 25 días se sumará otro millón de contaminados por el coronavirus, es decir, casi cinco veces más rápido.




El rey emérito Juan Carlos I está cada vez más contra las cuerdas

El presidente Pedro Sánchez aseguró que las informaciones que salieron a la luz pública esta semana son “inquietantes y perturbadoras” y propuso reformar la Constitución para evitar que un jefe de Estado –el rey– goce de inmunidad.




AL y el Caribe, la segunda región más afectada por Covid-19

París. América Latina y el Caribe se convirtió este lunes en la segunda región más afectada del mundo por el nuevo coronavirus en número de muertos detrás de Europa, donde el reconfinamiento de una zona de España debido a un repunte de casos quedó paralizado por la justicia.


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