Síntesis informativa - 2 de julio 2020



The U.S. economy added 4.8 million jobs last month, but new clouds are gathering

U.S. payrolls grew by 4.8 million in June, the Labor Department said Thursday. It was the second month of gains after a loss of more than 20 million in April, when the pandemic put a large swath of economic activity on ice. The unemployment rate fell to 11.1 percent, down from a peak of 14.7 percent in April but still higher than in any previous period since World War II.



Afghan Contractor Handed Out Russian Cash to Kill Americans, Officials Say

KABUL, Afghanistan — He was a lowly drug smuggler, neighbors and relatives say, then ventured into contracting, seeking a slice of the billions of dollars the U.S.-led coalition was funneling into construction projects in Afghanistan.



U.S. Commandos at Risk for Suicide: Is the Military Doing Enough?

An unreleased report commissioned by U.S. Special Operations Command found deficiencies in the military’s suicide-prevention programs for its elite troops.



U.K. Grants Asylum to Ex-Consulate Worker Who Told of Torture in China

Simon Cheng was held during the height of the Hong Kong protests last year, and his treatment highlighted concerns about China’s legal system.



U.K. Judge Denies Nicolás Maduro Access to Venezuelan Gold at Bank of England

LONDON — A British judge ruled on Thursday that President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela cannot access over $1 billion in gold in a Bank of England vault, on the basis that Britain does not recognize him as the leader of a country battered by economic sanctions and the coronavirus.




Turkey demands apology from France for warship incident amid heated dispute over Libya embargo violations

Ankara has called on France to apologize for an alleged naval altercation in the Mediterranean, claiming that Paris has falsely accused Turkey of preventing an inspection of a freighter destined for Libya.



Iran confirms mystery 'incident' damaged its major nuclear site in Natanz

Some damage was inflicted on a building currently under construction at a nuclear facility in Natanz, Iran's Atomic Energy Organization has reported. However, it said there's "no need to worry" about possible radiation release.



Palestinian rival factions Fatah & Hamas ‘to unite’ against Israel’s plans to annex West Bank areas

Palestinian rivals Fatah and Hamas have pledged a united campaign against Israel’s plans to annex territory in the occupied West Bank. The two factions made the statement in a rare joint press conference on Thursday.



Taiwan military conducts live-fire drills ‘to annihilate enemy on shore’

Taiwan’s armed forces carried out live-fire drills on its west coast on Thursday. The maneuvers came ahead of the main annual exercises, which will take place later this month.




Trump has 'gone awol' as president amid coronavirus pandemic, says ex-CIA director

Leon Panetta, who served in various capacities under nine US presidents, became the latest prominent public figure to accuse Trump of effectively surrendering to the virus and abandoning Americans to their fate, using the military jargon awol, meaning absent without leave.

“This is a major crisis,” Panetta told Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, noting that top infectious diseases expert Anthony Fauci has warned that America may hit 100,000 new cases a day, twice the current rate.

“But the president, rather than bringing together some kind of national strategy to confront this crisis, simply resorts to tweeting about vandalism and other things to kind of divert attention from the crisis that’s there.”



Critics say Russian vote that could allow Putin to rule until 2036 was rigged

The ad hoc vote, which did not fulfil legal criteria to be classed as a referendum, saw 77.92% of voters endorse constitutional amendments, with 21.26% against the changes, after all the ballots were counted. Turnout was nearly 68%, the election commission said.

The results will allow the Kremlin to say that a vast majority of Russians back Putin’s continued rule beyond 2024, which had until now marked the end of his fourth and final term as president. Ads for the vote on constitutional changes barely mentioned that it would reset term limits for Putin, whose ratings recently hit their lowest level in 20 years, according to some recent polling.

In a single vote, Russians also chose to support a package of amendments that include pension and minimum wage boosts, a modest reorganisation of government, a constitutional mention of “faith in God”, a ban on gay marriage, exhortations to preserve Russian language and history, and a ban on top officials holding dual citizenship.



Hong Kong protesters laying low following mass arrests

More than 370 people were arrested on Wednesday, including 10 under the new laws imposed directly by Beijing and without the involvement of Hong Kong’s semi autonomous legislature.

The swift use of the laws to crack down on protests appears to have had a chilling effect already, with social media and encrypted channels that usually buzzed with alerts for new demonstrations going conspicuously quiet and no protests planned for the coming days.




Ethiopia: Military deployed after more than 80 killed in protests

The military was deployed in the Ethiopian capital on Wednesday as armed gangs roamed neighbourhoods in a second day of unrest that claimed more than 80 lives.

Popular musician Haacaaluu Hundeessaa was shot dead on Monday in what police said was a targeted killing.



Saudi-led coalition hits Houthi-held areas in renewed air raids

Fighter jets belonging to a Saudi-led coalition battling Yemen's Houthi rebels have launched dozens of air raids on several Yemeni provinces, as the kingdom announced the start of a new military operation.

The Houthi-run Al Masirah Media Network reported air raids on the capital, Sanaa, as well as Marib, al-Jouf, al-Bayda, Hajjah and Saada provinces throughout Wednesday and into the night.



Myanmar: At least 113 die in jade mine landslide

A landslide at a jade mine in northern Myanmar has killed at least 113 people, officials say, warning the death toll was likely to rise further.

The incident took place early on Thursday in the jade-rich Hpakant area of Kachin state after a bout of heavy rainfall, the Myanmar Fire Services Department said on Facebook.



Russians clear way for Putin to extend his rule until 2036

Russians have granted President Vladimir Putin the right to stay in power until 2036 by voting overwhelmingly for constitutional changes that reset the clock on the longtime Russian leader's tenure to zero, but critics said the outcome was falsified on an industrial scale.



Gunmen kill 24 people in attack on Mexican drug rehab centre

At least 24 people were killed in an armed attack on a drug rehabilitation facility in the central Mexican city of Irapuato, Mexican police said on Wednesday, underlining the challenge the government has in fulfilling a pledge to stop gang violence.




Israël temporise sur l’annexion d’une partie de la Cisjordanie

Le premier ministre Nétanyahou attend un feu vert américain pour mettre à exécution son projet.

Louis Imbert

L’AP compte encore sur ses partenaires étrangers, notamment européens, pour dissuader Israël de sauter le pas. Mais elle ne mise pas grand-chose sur leurs éventuelles mesures de rétorsion. Mercredi, dans une tribune publiée en hébreu dans le quotidien Yedioth Ahronoth, le premier ministre britannique, Boris Johnson, n’en a pas fait mention, se contentant d’affirmer que Londres ne reconnaîtrait pas un tel geste unilatéral. Il rappelait qu’Israël risquait de mettre en danger « les progrès [qu’il] a réalisés dans l’amélioration de ses relations avec le monde musulman et arabe ».



Infiltrée par l’extrême droite, une unité d’élite de l’armée allemande est partiellement dissoute

La ministre de la défense, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, a dénoncé mercredi les « comportements extrémistes » d’un commando d’élite et suspendu provisoirement toutes les missions à l’étranger des forces spéciales.

Thomas Wieder

C’est une décision sans précédent en Allemagne. Pour la première fois depuis la création de la Bundeswehr, en 1955, une de ses unités va être partiellement dissoute, après que plusieurs de ses membres ont été identifiés comme proches de l’extrême droite. Pour l’image de l’armée allemande, l’affaire est d’autant plus embarrassante qu’elle concerne une de ses unités d’élite, le commando des forces spéciales (KSK), basé à Calw, en Forêt-Noire (Bade-Wurtemberg).



La trêve mondiale votée au Conseil de sécurité à l’épreuve de la Syrie

Une résolution appelant à une cessation des hostilités, au nom de la lutte contre le Covid-19, a été votée mercredi. Mais la question de l’aide humanitaire aux Syriens en détresse demeure entière.

Piotr Smolar y Carrie Nooten

Vladimir Poutine s’est entretenu par visioconférence mercredi avec ses homologues turc et iranien, Recep Tayyip Erdogan et Hassan Rohani. Ce rendez-vous est devenu régulier, reflétant davantage les nouveaux équilibres dans la région que l’émergence d’un nouveau cadre de résolution des conflits. Lancé en 2017, le format Astana devait servir à la fois à préserver le mirage d’une solution politique en Syrie sans le départ d’Assad et à accentuer la marginalisation américaine au Moyen Orient. Mais les décisions cruciales se prennent toujours en tête-à-tête. Le cessez-le-feu dans la région d’Idlib, annoncé par Moscou et Ankara le 5 mars, en a été la démonstration.




U.S. Adds 4.8 Million Jobs, Exceeding Forecast; Claims Elevated



Google, Facebook Would Face FTC Over Policies in Democratic Bill



Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Google CEOs to Testify in Congress



Facebook Shared User Data With Developers Longer Than Promised



India Bans TikTok and 58 Other Chinese Apps Citing Security Concerns



Jeff Bezos’s Wealth Soars to $171.6 Billion to Top Pre-Divorce Record




U.S. Seeks Large-Scale Expansion of Blood-Plasma Collection for Covid-19

Federal health officials ask nation’s blood banks to ramp up to meet increasing demand as coronavirus infections climb



Venezuelan Leader Maduro’s Claim for Gold Held in U.K. Is Rejected

Maduro regime said it intended to use bullion held at the Bank of England to finance coronavirus relief efforts



Russian Submarines Test NATO in Icy North Atlantic

Increased activity shows Moscow’s ability to undermine NATO’s reinforcement strategy that depends on fast U.S. troop deployment to defend European allies



Ecuador City Beat One of World’s Worst Outbreaks of Covid-19

Guayaquil has largely vanquished the new coronavirus after bodies were left on street corners in a crisis the country’s president said was ‘worse than war’


Big Oil’s Slippery Strategies for a Greener Future

However they tackle the energy transition, oil-and-gas supermajors risk wasting shareholder capital on projects that don’t pay back




Espionaje ilegal: Macri, preocupado por el avance de la causa

Aunque mantiene un espeso silencio ante las novedades judiciales, Mauricio Macri está cada vez más preocupado por la causa por espionaje ilegal. O al menos eso denotan las voces que lo rodean. "Vienen por él", "es un ataque a Macri", son algunas de las frases que se escuchan en su entorno con respecto a las detenciones y al allanamiento a su secretario Darío Nieto, al que también le negaron la eximición de prisión. El ex presidente ya está preparando una estrategia legal con su abogado Pablo Lanusse, aunque de momento no se encuentra imputado en la causa.



Israel pone en suspenso su cuestionado plan de anexión de los territorios palestinos 

En medio de un fuerte rechazo mundial, el cuestionado proyecto israelí para anexionar territorios palestinos de Cisjordania deberá esperar. Así lo aseguró el ministro de Cooperación Regional, Ofir Akunis, quien reconoció que todavía no se llegó a un acuerdo con el gobierno estadounidense para avanzar sobre el denominado "plan de paz" . Akunis confirmó de esta forma que el envío del proyecto de ley de anexión al Parlamento no tuvo lugar el miércoles tal como se había acordado entre los partidos de la coalición de gobierno que encabeza Netanyahu. 



México apuesta al T-MEC para salir de la crisis económica por el coronavirus

El gobierno de México celebró la puesta en marcha del Tratado entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá (TMEC). Se trata de un nuevo acuerdo de libre comercio firmado por los tres países de América del Norte. “Que entre en vigor este tratado, que nos pongamos de acuerdo para fortalecer las economías de América del Norte va a ser de mucha ayuda", dijo el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Además subrayó que su país cumplió en tiempo y forma con las reformas legislativas para ponerlo en marcha. Por su parte el Canciller Marcelo Ebrard dijo que el T-MEC dará certidumbre a la economía mexicana ante la crisis que dejó la pandemia.




‘CD recibió 300.000 dólares de un venezolano para campaña’: Petro

Gustavo Petro, quien enfrentó en 2018 en la segunda vuelta al presidente Iván Duque, anotó que el Centro Democrático violó la Constitución Nacional al recibir dineros extranjeros para la campaña electoral.



Justicia británica respalda a Guaidó en caso sobre oro venezolano

El Tribunal Supremo del Reino Unido le asestó este jueves un duro golpe al régimen de Nicolás Maduro, al negarle el acceso a más mil millones de dólares en lingotes de oro venezolano, que están depositados en las bóvedas del Banco de Inglaterra, en una batalla legal iniciada hace dos años.




Libera un juez federal a ‘El Mochomo’; la FGR lo recaptura

Ciudad de México. La Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) reaprehendió a José Ángel N, El Mochomo – líder de la organización delictiva Guerreros Unidos y quien es considerado uno de los más importantes involucrados en la desaparición de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa–, antes de que abandonara la zona aledaña al Centro Federal de Readaptación Social número uno de El Altiplano, en Almoloya de Juárez, estado de México.



Trump: el T-MEC es “mi triunfo político”; anuncia visita de AMLO

Nueva York. La entrada en vigor del tratado de libre comercio entre Estados Unidos, México y Canadá fue festejada como un triunfo político por Donald Trump, quien declaró que es el acuerdo comercial más grande, más justo y más balanceado jamás negociado, y anunció que para marcar este logro, le dará la bienvenida al presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador en la Casa Blanca el 8 de julio.



Republicanos dan la espalda al magnate

Jueves 2 de julio de 2020. Nueva York. El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, enfrenta una creciente ola de oposición no de sus contrincantes demócratas y el mosaico progresista, sino de influyentes grupos dentro de su propio Partido Republicano y un creciente desencanto entre sus bases, lo cual si persiste podría ser letal para sus ambiciones de relección.



En Colombia, 27 miembros del ELN se desmovilizan y entregan sus armas

Bogotá.  El alto comisionado de paz en Colombia, Miguel Ceballos, informó este miércoles que 27 miembros del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) se desmovilizaron en el occidente del país en una semana.

En total ya suman 47 guerrilleros en menos de dos meses, lo que analistas han interpretado como un posible gesto para llamar la atención del gobierno de Iván Duque y reiniciar los diálogos que están estancados.


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