Síntesis informativa - 25 de junio 2020


With Unemployment Offices Busy, Recovery Seems a ‘Long Haul’

As American businesses reopen in fits and starts — and anxiety over new coronavirus hot spots increases — state unemployment offices still have their hands full. Nearly 1.5 million workers filed new claims for state unemployment insurance last week, the Labor Department reported Thursday, the 14th week in a row that the figure has topped one million.



How the Virus Won

Invisible outbreaks sprang up everywhere. The United States ignored the warning signs. We analyzed travel patterns, hidden infections and genetic data to show how the epidemic spun out of control.



Tucson Police in Turmoil After Death of Latino Man in Custody

The police chief of Tucson, Ariz., offered to step down after the release of a video depicting the death of a handcuffed man. Three officers involved have already resigned.



Showing Strength With White Voters, Biden Builds Lead in Battleground States

A nine-point advantage across six key states, including leads of at least six points in each of them.



U.S. Used Missile With Long Blades to Kill Qaeda Leader in Syria

WASHINGTON — American Special Operations forces used a specially designed secret missile to kill the head of a Qaeda affiliate in Syria this month, dealing the terrorist group a serious blow with a weapon that combines medieval brutality with cutting-edge technology.




Japan scraps plans for US-made anti-missile sites, but mulls pre-emptive strike options instead

Tokyo has aborted plans to go ahead with the Aegis Ashore missile defense sites, having deemed them both unsafe and too costly. Its alternative to the defensive option is quite the opposite: striking enemy firing positions first.



Seoul & Washington ‘to push for diplomacy’ with Pyongyang as they mark 70th anniversary of Korean War start

South Korea and the United States have urged Pyongyang to implement the disarmament pledges it made in previous negotiations.



‘It’s a trap’: Russia doubts secrecy of talks with US after publication of data from closed meetings – deputy FM

Moscow cannot be certain that confidential talks with the Unites States will not become public, following publications of information from closed meetings, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Thursday.




How the US military has failed to address white supremacy in its ranks

A 2019 survey of readers of Military Times, an independent news outlet, found that more that 36% of active-duty troops surveyed said they had personally witnessed examples of white nationalism or ideological-driven racism within the ranks in recent months – a 14% increase from a similar survey the year before.

The US Department of Defense prohibited members of the military from “active participation” in white supremacist and other extremist groups since 1996, when decorated Gulf war veteran and white supremacist Timothy McVeigh carried out the Oklahoma City bombing. But “active” participation is still defined as attending rallies or fundraising for a racist group, not being a member, military officials testified in February.



Global report: WHO warns of global shortage of oxygen equipment

As 1 million new cases of coronavirus are confirmed worldwide per week, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that hospitals are facing a shortage in oxygen concentrators needed to support the breathing of Covid-19 patients suffering from respiratory distress.

“Many countries are now experiencing difficulties obtaining oxygen concentrators,” WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. “Demand is currently outstripping supply.”



Seasteading – a vanity project for the rich or the future of humanity?

“Coronavirus is an opportunity to show the world that what we’re building is actually going to be very useful in the future,” says Chad Elwartowski, in a recent video post from his beachside base in Panama. The Michigan-born software engineer turned bitcoin trader is a leading figure in the seasteading movement, a libertarian group dedicated to building independent floating cities on the high seas. Along with the bunker builders and survivalist preppers, their long-held ambitions have been bolstered by the current global pandemic. “No matter if you’re scared of the virus or the reaction to the virus,” he adds, “living out on the ocean will be helpful for these situations.”




UN, Arab League call on Israel to drop annexation plans

A "watershed moment" that will constitute a "most serious violation of international law" - that is how United Nations chief Antonio Guterres has described Israel's plans to annex parts of the occupied West Bank and Jordan Valley.

Addressing a virtual meeting of the UN Security Council on Wednesday, Guterres repeated a call for Israel to drop its United States-backed plans, which could be put in motion as soon as next week.



S Korea, US show united front 70 years after start of Korean War

South Korea and the United States on Thursday reaffirmed their commitment to defending "the hard-fought peace" on the divided peninsula as the allies marked the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War.



Trump, Polish president promise new defence cooperation in EU

Polish President Andrzej Duda on Wednesday became the first foreign leader to visit President Donald Trump since the coronavirus pandemic led to global lockdowns, and the two leaders said they looked forward to signing a defence cooperation agreement.

Duda's visit appeared aimed at boosting his re-election campaign - Poland's nationwide presidential vote is on Sunday. The nationalist Polish leader has emerged as one of Trump's preferred foreign partners. The two have met one-on-one at least five times.

A defence agreement would send more US troops to Poland, bolstering defence cooperation between the two NATO allies and acting as a further counterweight against Russian aggression.



Marathon vote on extending Putin's rule begins in Russia

Russians on Thursday will begin casting their ballots in a seven-day vote on sweeping reforms that could clear the way for President Vladimir Putin to remain in power until 2036 in an exercise that critics have called a constitutional coup.

The vote is taking place despite concerns in opposition circles over the safety of people voting amid the coronavirus pandemic, worries over voter fraud and criticism that Putin, 67, has already spent too long in power.




China-EU economic partnership to deepen as Germany leads EU

Relations between China and the European Union (EU) - which are both in support of a multilateral global trade system and in pursuit of economic recovery - will most likely improve to a new level during Germany's rotating presidency of the EU, experts said.

Germany will use its upcoming presidency of the EU to "steer the bloc towards a climate-friendly economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic," the country's environment minister said Tuesday, according to a Reuters report.

The strategy matches well with China's "New Infrastructure" drive -- including in 5G networks, Internet of Things, cloud computing, data center and electric cars -- to offset the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic and boost green growth. 



New US blacklist targeting Chinese firms is insane and ignorant: experts

The Trump administration has listed 20 companies that are allegedly owned or controlled by Chinese military, including China’s tech giant Huawei and Hikvision, according to a report from Reuters. The list may pave the way for US President Donald Trump’s further crackdown on Chinese companies amid his reelection campaign

Mei noted, stressing further that if the US intends to make up financial sanctions based on the reported list, it will force countries and regions to step away from dollar settlements. 




Les Etats-Unis renforcent leurs accusations contre Julian Assange

Le fondateur de WikiLeaks, actuellement toujours emprisonné à Londres, est poursuivi outre-Atlantique pour avoir diffusé des documents classifiés sur les activités militaires américaines en Afghanistan et en Irak.

Selon ces nouvelles accusations, Julian Assange aurait notamment conspiré avec des membres des groupes de hackeurs LulzSec et Anonymous. Il aurait également obtenu « un accès non autorisé au système informatique gouvernemental d’un pays de l’OTAN », selon le ministère.



En Libye, l’impuissance de l’Europe

Libye, nouvelle Syrie ? (4/6). L’Union européenne n’arrive guère à peser sur l’escalade d’un conflit libyen qui empiète pourtant directement sur ses intérêts stratégiques.

Jean-Pierre Stroobants

Dans l’immédiat, l’UE se limite donc à user de son coutumier « blaming and shaming » (« blâmer et faire honte ») et elle espère jouer les arbitres lors d’un retour à la table des négociations. M. Borrell aimerait, d’ici là, remédier au manque d’engagement concret de la plupart des pays membres dans Irini. Il croit possible d’en faire une mission réellement efficace, malgré les règles qui la corsètent : l’opération a permis d’effectuer jusqu’ici quelque 150 contrôles de l’embargo sur les armes et le pétrole, mais le mandat du Conseil de sécurité est restrictif. Les « hélages » – ou perquisitions – à laquelle les Européens procèdent consistent essentiellement en une collecte d’informations, transmises ensuite à l’ONU.



Le Japon infléchit sa position sur l’alliance de sécurité avec les Etats-Unis

Donald Trump souhaiterait que le Japon porte sa prise en charge des bases américaines sur son territoire à 8 milliards de dollars par an.

Philippe Mesmer

Pour son soixantième anniversaire, l’alliance militaire entre le Japon et les Etats-Unis traverse une phase délicate, marquée par des réticences nouvelles de l’Archipel à céder aux exigences américaines. Le ministre nippon de la défense, Taro Kono, a officialisé jeudi 25 juin l’annulation de la commande aux Etats-Unis de deux systèmes antimissiles Aegis Ashore, en raison d’un coût, qui a plus que doublé, à 4,15 milliards de dollars (3,7 milliards d’euros).



Guerre technologique : « Donald Trump joue sur le sentiment antichinois d’une partie de l’électorat »

La Maison Blanche a dressé une liste de vingt sociétés proches de l’Armée populaire de libération, destinée à être « un outil utile » avant de sceller tout partenariat avec de telles entités. Une nouvelle offensive du président américain, à moins de cinq mois de l’élection du 3 novembre, observe Jean-Michel Bezat, journaliste au « Monde ».

Juan-Michel Bezat

Heureuse « fuite » dans la presse, en pleine guerre commerciale et technologique entre les Etats-Unis et la Chine : l’agence Reuters a révélé, mercredi 24 juin, la liste de vingt sociétés proches de l’Armée populaire de libération. Dressée par la Maison Blanche, elle a été transmise au Congrès, qui pourrait voter de nouvelles sanctions. On y trouve des opérateurs de télécommunications (China Mobile, China Telecom), les poids lourds du nucléaire (CNNC et CGN), de la conquête spatiale, du ferroviaire (CRRC et CRCC) et de la construction navale, l’avionneur AVIC ou le groupe de reconnaissance numérique Hikvision. Et, sans surprise, l’équipementier télécoms Huawei, qui s’est toujours défendu de fournir des informations aux autorités de Pékin grâce à son réseau 5G.




Japan scraps US missile defense system

Tokyo has canceled deployment of the $4 billion Aegis Ashore US missile defense system approved in 2017. The government could not confirm that residential areas would not be affected by missile interceptors.



Donald Trump: US will 'probably' move some troops from Germany to Poland

President Trump reiterated his plan during a joint press conference with his Polish counterpart, Andrzej Duda, at the White House. Trump is annoyed over Germany's defense spending and its buying energy from Russia.

Asked how the decision would be viewed by the Kremlin, Trump said: "It sends a very strong signal to Russia, but I think a stronger signal sent to Russia is the fact that Germany is paying Russia billions of dollars to purchase energy from Russia through the pipeline."



Russians vote on constitutional changes

Russia is voting on changes that would allow President Vladimir Putin to stay in power until 2036. But what other changes are being proposed? Here is an overview

Putin is attempting to impose constitutional changes that would create an exception to existing rules and allow him to run for another two terms as president

All other candidates, however, would be limited to serving only two terms in total.

Russia is already home to a presidential system that gives the head of state far-reaching powers. But the proposed changes would grant even greater scope

In the future, international law will not be given priority in Russia — and not even applied in instances where the Russian Constitutional Court declares it to be in conflict with Russian law.



Wirecard files for insolvency after financial hole laid bare

German financial technology firm Wirecard announced Thursday it would file for insolvency amid an accounting scandal that led earlier this week to the arrest of its former CEO.

Markus Braun resigned as CEO on Friday after the company could not find roughly €1.9 billion ($2.1 billion) that appeared in its accounts. Braun later turned himself in to prosecutors after Wirecard concluded that the money probably never existed.




México redobla su cruzada contra la evasión fiscal

Tras estrechar el cerco sobre las multinacionales, la agencia tributaria persigue ahora al negocio fraudulento de las facturas falsas, que ha provocado un agujero de 2.500 millones de dólares



La violación de una niña indígena por un grupo de militares conmociona Colombia

La Fiscalía investiga a ocho soldados mientras el presidente Iván Duque invoca la recién aprobada cadena perpetua para agresores de menores



La covid-19 se propaga entre los indígenas brasileños y amenaza a los pueblos aislados

El coronavirus ha causado la muerte de al menos 346 personas de estas comunidades, que se enfrentan a la propagación de la enfermedad por la minería ilegal que invade sus territorios

El Comité por la Vida y Memoria indígena, compuesto por diversas asociaciones, como la APIB, contabiliza 7.704 infectados de 103 pueblos diferentes.



Bayer acepta pagar 11.000 millones de dólares a las víctimas del herbicida Roundup en Estados Unidos

El gigante alemán intenta cerrar definitivamente decenas de miles de demandas por el pesticida de Monsanto, sin reconocer que provoque cáncer



El sueño del tren de la selva cargado de soja

Sinop, ciudad brasileña, encarna el deseo de prosperidad de la agroindustria sobre la Amazonía. Sobre todo ahora que una línea férrea de mercancías pretende catapultar las exportaciones a China, el gran consumidor de soja y carne del país sudamericano

lo que está por venir parece que será todavía peor: datos preliminares indican que de enero a abril la deforestación amazónica aumentó un 55%, mientras la extensión de selva arrasada en 12 meses rozaría los 12.000 kilómetros cuadrados. 

Se trata de una cuestión estratégica que gana importancia por la escalada entre Estados Unidos y China, país que quisiera reducir drásticamente sus compras de soja y carne de cerdo procedentes del país norteamericano.



Medio millar de personalidades y organizaciones llaman a defender la democracia frente al autoritarismo

Los firmantes denuncian que "regímenes autoritarios" están endureciendo el control político sin la supervisión parlamentaria



EE UU amenaza con nuevos aranceles a productos de España, Francia, Reino Unido y Alemania

El Departamento de Comercio estudia imponer gravámenes por un importe de 2.750 millones de euros




Colombia: revelaciones de la mayor matanza de presos 

A tres meses de la mayor matanza de presos en la historia de Colombia, persisten algunos interrogantes frente al lento avance de la justicia. Todo había empezado como una jornada de protesta en más de diez penales del país para exigir mejores condiciones sanitarias frente a la pandemia de coronavirus, que por entonces daba sus primeros pasos en la región. Aquel 21 de marzo, la situación se desmadró en la hacinada cárcel Modelo de Bogotá. Allí el motín se prolongó por diez horas, hasta que los guardias del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario (INPEC) lograron retomar el control. El trágico saldo fue de 24 presos muertos y 84 heridos. 



Acusado de desviar fondos públicos, Flavio Bolsonaro declarará ante la Policía de Río

La nueva defensa del senador e hijo del presidente de Brasil, Flavio Bolsonaro, reveló que se presentará ante la Polícia de Río, donde es investigado por formar parte de un aceitado esquema de desvío de salarios de funcionarios en su paso como diputado estadual. Asesor parlamentario de Flavio y sindicado como el "cajero" dentro de esa trama de corrupción, Fabricio Queiroz fue detenido el jueves pasado en la localidad de Atibaia, al interior de San Pablo. Queiroz permanecía escondido en la residencia del no menos polémico Frederick Wassef, el abogado que hasta hace pocos días defendía a Flavio. La acusación por lavado de dinero constituye un nuevo dolor de cabeza para el clan Bolsonaro, que acumula reveses judiciales en medio de una inestabilidad política cada vez más profunda que amenaza con llevarse puesto al mandatario brasileño.



Noam Chomsky calificó a Donald Trump como "el peor criminal de la historia"

Noam Chomsky redobló sus críticas a Donald Trump "Esto suena fuerte, pero es cierto: es el peor criminal de la historia, sin lugar a dudas. Nunca ha habido una figura en la historia política que se haya dedicado tan apasionadamente a destruir los proyectos para la vida humana organizada en la tierra en el futuro cercano”, afirmó el reconocido intelectual y lingüista.




EE. UU. lanza alerta por expansión territorial del Eln hacia Venezuela

La guerrilla colombiana del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (Eln) se ha expandido tanto en Colombia como en Venezuela, donde se benefician de la colaboración y permisividad del régimen de Nicolás Maduro.

Esa es una de las conclusiones del reporte anual sobre terrorismo correspondiente al año 2019, que acaba de publicar el Departamento de Estado de EE. UU.




López Obrador, listo a reunirse con Trump

Jueves 25 de junio de 2020. Aunque no hay una fecha convenida, el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador expresó ayer su disposición de viajar a Washington los primeros días de julio para reunirse con su par estadunidense, Donald Trump, en el contexto de la entrada en vigor del tratado comercial con Estados Unidos y Canadá.



SCJN analizará recurso contra mega granja de cerdos en Yucatán

Ciudad de México. La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) aceptó ejercer su facultad de atracción sobre un amparo promovido en contra de una mega granja de cerdos que se construye en el poblado de Homún, Yucatán, y cuyo funcionamiento amenaza contaminar el Anillo de Cenotes, donde se abastece de agua el 60 por ciento de la población del estado.



EU formula nuevas acusaciones contra Julian Assange, fundador de WikiLeaks

Washington. El fundador de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, intentó reclutar hackers en conferencias de Europa y Asia para que suministraran información confidencial a su sitio web, incluyendo secretos militares, según una nueva acusación formal anunciada por el Departamento de Justicia el miércoles.



Sanciona EU a los capitanes iraníes que llevaron gasolina a Venezuela

Washington. Estados Unidos sancionó el miércoles a los capitanes de los cinco barcos que Irán usó recientemente para entregar gasolina a Venezuela, en una nueva medida de presión contra el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro que Washington considera ilegítimo.


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