Síntesis informativa - 4 de abril 2019


A.I. and Privacy Concerns Get White House to Embrace Global Cooperation

Two hallmarks of American economic policy under President Trump are a reflexive aversion for regulation and go-it-alone nationalism.

But in technology policy, that stance is changing.

In September, the Trump administration abandoned its hands-off approach and began working closely with the 36-nation Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to create international guidelines for the design and use of artificial intelligence.

The administration has also started to discuss a new law to protect privacy in the digital age, seeking consensus domestically and common ground internationally. It has fielded more than 200 public-comment filings from advocacy groups, corporations and individuals.


A.I. Experts Question Amazon’s Facial-Recognition Technology

SAN FRANCISCO — At least 25 prominent artificial-intelligence researchers, including experts at Google, Facebook, Microsoft and a recent winner of the prestigious Turing Award, have signed a letter calling on Amazon to stop selling its facial-recognition technology to law enforcement agencies because it is biased against women and people of color.

The letter, which was publicly released Wednesday, reflects growing concern in academia and the tech industry that bias in facial-recognition technology is a systemic problem. Some researchers — and even some companies — are arguing the technology cannot be properly controlled without government regulation.

Amazon sells a product called Rekognition through its cloud-computing division, Amazon Web Services. The company said last year that early customers included the Orlando Police Department in Florida and the Washington County Sheriff’s Office in Oregon.


More Than 60 Dead in Burkina Faso Violence

More than 60 people have been killed in tit-for-tat clashes between communities in northern Burkina Faso in recent days, the government said on Wednesday, the latest in a bout of inter-communal violence afflicting West Africa’s Sahel region.

Burkina Faso and neighboring Mali have seen a spike in ethnic clashes fueled by Islamist militants as they seek to extend their influence over the Sahel, an arid region between Africa’s northern Sahara and its southern savannas.

Islamist attacks have risen in recent months, and the violence has reignited longstanding tensions between communities as certain groups are blamed for collaborating with the jihadists.



Germany defensive on NATO, points to existing spending plans

German ministers pushed back on criticism from the US over Berlin's defense budget. Despite emphasizing the importance of the military alliance, German lawmakers only narrowly passed a motion on strengthening NATO.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas sought to brush off doubts from the United States over Germany's commitment to NATOon Thursday, saying that Berlin is "determined to fulfil our commitments."

"We will do our part to ensure that NATO can meet all the challenges of the future," Maas said in Washington ahead of a meeting of NATO foreign ministers.

Back in Berlin, Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen repeated the government's pledge to spend more on defense, albeit in smaller increments than Washington would like.


Los 70 años de la OTAN

El 4 de abril de 1949, 12 estados europeos y los Estados Unidos fundaron la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte. Hoy crecen las dudas sobre el futuro de la alianza militar.

La Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte fue concebida para "mantener a la Unión Soviética fuera, a los estadounidenses dentro y a los alemanes abajo", dijo Lord Hastings Ismay, el primer secretario general de la OTAN. Eso fue justo después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en un momento en que la Unión Soviética controlaba toda la mitad oriental de Europa -incluida Alemania Oriental- y los estadounidenses estaban considerando de nuevo si debían dejar a Europa a su suerte, lo que probablemente habría significado una influencia soviética aún mayor.

En su cumbre de 2014, los líderes de los países de la OTAN acordaron destinar el 2% de su PIB nacional al gasto en Defensa para 2024. En 2018, Estados Unidos gastó el 3,39%, mientras solo unos pocos miembros europeos de la OTAN habían alcanzado el objetivo del 2%.

Alemania gastó solo el 1,23%. Merkel ha prometido un 1,5% para 2024; Trump sigue exigiendo "al menos" ese 2%. Los socialdemócratas (SPD), los socios menores de la coalición de gobierno de Merkel, han frenado el gasto en Defensa. El portavoz de política exterior del SPD, Nils Schmid, ha advertido de una fetichización del umbral del 2%. "Lo que importa es que aumentemos nuestras capacidades militares, y eso es lo que estamos haciendo", explica en entrevista con DW. La disputa está lejos de terminar.


México: "Heckler & Koch daba dinero a los generales para que miraran a otro lado"

La sentencia contra Heckler & Koch por sus ventas ilegales de armas a México “es una señal de esperanza porque estamos acostumbrados a que los casos permanezcan impunes”, dijo Santiago Aguirre, director del Centro ProDH.

El fabricante Heckler & Koch fue condenado por el Tribunal Regional de Stuttgart a pagar una multa de 3,7 millones de euros a fines de febrero. Dos exempleados fueron condenados a penas de libertad condicional. Otros tres acusados fueron absueltos por falta de pruebas.



OTAN, lejos de buscar "nueva carrera armamentista" con Rusia: Stoltenberg

WASHINGTON, 3 abr (Xinhua) -- El secretario general de la OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, dijo hoy que la alianza militar no desea una "nueva carrera armamentista" con Rusia y exhortó a Moscú a seguir cumpliendo con un histórico tratado para el control de armas.

"No queremos una nueva carrera armamentista, no queremos una nueva Guerra Fría", dijo Stoltenberg durante una reunión conjunta del Congreso de Estados Unidos, uno de los eventos principales de su visita a Washington para celebrar el 70° aniversario de la alianza.

El jefe de la OTAN habló mucho sobre Rusia en su discurso y exhortó al país a seguir cumpliendo con el Tratado de Fuerzas Nucleares de Alcance Intermedio (INF), un acuerdo firmado por Washington y Moscú hace más de tres décadas para frenar la carrera armamentista.


Pence advierte a Turquía contra compra de sistema ruso de defensa aérea

WASHINGTON, 3 abr (Xinhua) -- El vicepresidente estadounidense, Mike Pence, advirtió este miércoles a Turquía contra la compra del sistema ruso de misiles de defensa aérea S-400, pese a la firme posición de Ankara sobre el acuerdo.

"Turquía tiene que elegir", manifestó Pence en un evento en Washington para celebrar el 70º aniversario de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN).

"¿Quiere seguir siendo un socio crítico en la alianza militar más exitosa en la historia del mundo? ¿O quiere arriesgar la seguridad de esa relación tomando decisiones imprudentes que socavan nuestra alianza?", agregó Pence.

Las duras palabras del vicepresidente estadounidense llegan después de que Turquía insistiera hoy en cumplir el acuerdo con Rusia, lo que ha mostrado una seria fricción entre los dos aliados de la OTAN.


Presidente de Irán acusa a EEUU de bloquear ayuda internacional para víctimas de inundaciones

TEHERAN, 3 abr (Xinhua) -- El presidente de Irán, Hassan Rouhani, dijo hoy que Estados Unidos ha bloqueado la asistencia internacional para las víctimas iraníes de las recientes inundaciones mortales.

Es un crimen de Estados Unidos bloquear la distribución de ayuda extranjera a la Sociedad de la Media Luna Roja iraní, declaró Rouhani, citado por la agencia oficial de noticias IRNA.

El mandatario instó a la cancillería iraní a que demande a Estados Unidos por el crimen.


Primer ministro de Israel vuela a Moscú para encontrarse con Putin

JERUSALEN, 4 abr (Xinhua) -- El primer ministro israelí, Benjamin Netanyahu, viajó el jueves a Moscú para reunirse con el presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin.

Antes de su partida aseguró en declaraciones oficiales que discutiría con el líder ruso acerca de la situación en Siria y la coordinación continua y especial entre los ejércitos de ambos países en el país del oeste asiático.

Israel y Rusia coordinan sus movimientos armados en Siria para evitar enfrentamientos. Las fuerzas rusas pelean junto con las del presidente Bashar al-Assad y las fuerzas aéreas de Israel llevaron a cabo cientos de ataques aéreos a objetivos de Hezbolá e Irán.



UN chief 'deeply concerned' by military escalation in Libya

Antonio Guterres's warning comes after skirmish reported near Tripoli as Haftar's LNA heads west to battle 'terrorists'.

The oil-rich country, which has been in turmoil since the NATO-backed removal of its long-time ruler Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, has at least two rival administrations: the internationally recognised government based in Tripoli, headed by Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj; and another in the eastern city of Tobruk, which is allied with renegade General Khalifa Haftar.

Tensions rose on Wednesday after eastern forces loyal to Haftar said they had moved towards the western part of the country, prompting the Tripoli-based government to declare a military alert.


Turkey defiant as US threatens Ankara over Russian S-400 missiles

US VP Mike Pence describes the Russian-Turkish deal as 'deeply troubling' and says it 'poses great danger to NATO'.

Speaking at a NATO 70th anniversary event in Brussels, Pence said Turkey risks expulsion from the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme, which could cripple Turkish manufacturers who are making parts for the aircraft. And he raised the possibility of much broader repercussions.

However, so far, Turkish pilots continue to train on the aircraft at Luke Air Force Base, outside Phoenix, Arizona. Pentagon leaders say there is still hope for some type of negotiated settlement.


India partially bans civilian movement on Kashmir highway

Regional leaders say the move to shut the vital road twice a week is inspired by 'Israel's lockdown of Gaza'.

Rifat Fareed.- Authorities have announced that an arterial highway in Indian-administered Kashmir will be closed to civilian movement twice a week to facilitate the movement of army convoys in the region.

The civilian population, as well as regional mainstream leaders, have said that India was "importing Israeli policies to turn Kashmir into Gaza", referring to the Israeli policy of barring Palestinians from using many roads due to security reasons.

"This is the only road link that connects Kashmir to the outside world. This is completely choking the freedom of movement for 70 lakh [7 million] residents. It will restrict people from going to jobs. It will halt business activities. How will patients move? It is an attempt to terrorise the population," Faisal said.



Maduro places troops on high alert, accuses US of rehearsing new form of warfare in Venezuela

Venezuela’s military has been placed on alert to pre-empt potential ‘unconventional’ warfare tactics by the US, which aims to overthrow the government with attacks on public services, President Nicolas Maduro has announced.

“Venezuela is demonstrating to the world that it is a testing ground for new cybernetic, electromagnetic war weapons and a new war strategy, which is not the direct invasion or bombing by missiles, but the bombing of vital public services,” Maduro said, admitting that, with rolling blackouts, the situation in the country remains “serious.”


‘US must choose between Turkey and terrorists’: Ankara slaps Pence with counter-ultimatum

Turkey’s vice president said his US counterpart must choose between an alliance with a loyal NATO partner or siding with terrorists, after Mike Pence issued an ultimatum for Ankara to pick its F-35 jets over Russian S-400 systems.

“The United States must choose. Does it want to remain Turkey’s ally or risk our friendship by joining forces with terrorists to undermine its NATO ally’s defense against its enemies?” Vice President Fuat Oktay tweeted, in response to Mike Pence’s demands. Earlier on Wednesday, the US second-in-command demanded that Ankara “choose” whether it wants to remain a “critical”NATO partner or jeopardize its alliance membership by “reckless decisions” such as the purchase the Russian S-400 air defense systems.


Massacre in Mali: Are US & French anti-terror operations fueling ethnic tensions? (VIDEO)

A brutal massacre in central Mali which killed 160 people, including children, has raised concerns that US and French anti-terrorism operations in the African nation are inflaming ethnic tensions.

Last month, an ethnic militia composed of Dogon hunters is suspected of massacring a village in central Mali, killing 160 men, women and children. The villagers were targeted for being part of the Fulani ethnic group, which has been accused of supporting Al-Qaeda. French President Emmanuel Macron has promised to carry out an “uncompromising” fight against terrorism in Mali, but many fear that the foreign troops are actually inflaming ethnic strife.


Billions in US funds & equipment lost to ‘out of control’ corruption in Afghanistan

A lack of accountability breeds corruption in Afghanistan but money is still funneled into the country, as a fall of its government would become a geopolitical disaster for the US, former Pentagon official Michael Maloof told RT.

Some seven billion dollars’ worth of equipment was stolen from Camp Kearney base in Paktika province in the east of the country, after it was handed to the Afghan forces by the US in 2014, provincial governor Mujib Rahman Samkanai toldlocal media. The looters, he claimed, were “former governors, commanders, mayors, directors, parliament members.” 

“It’s been an ongoing problem for years, in which billions of dollars, not only in military but in foreign aid, have been lost due to corruption in Afghanistan,” Maloof explained to RT. “It’s out of control. There’ve been a lot of efforts to try and stem this corruption, but it’s actually part of the culture [among the country’s elites].”



Cabello: Levantamiento de la inmunidad a Guaidó permite cursos de investigaciones criminales

Diosdado Cabello, presidente de la ANC, dijo que Guaidó permanece bajo investigaciones por sus acciones iniciadas el 23 de enero que suscitaron hechos violentos en el país, pronunciamientos de gobiernos extranjeros y el congelamiento de activos, considerados delitos graves contra el orden constitucional.

Otras investigaciones vinculan al golpista con la usurpación de funciones y acciones con estados extranjeros en perjuicio del pueblo de Venezuela y sus bienes públicos, luego de autoproclamarse presidente encargado con el respaldo inmediato de Estados Unidos, acto calificado por Caracas de un golpe de Estado en desarrollo.

Otras pesquisas lo vinculan a una célula terrorista capturada por los órganos de seguridad, así como a una trama de corrupción dirigida a robar fondos del Ejecutivo con cifras cercanas a mil millones de dólares.


Argelia: Consejo Constitucional aprueba vacante del puesto de Presidente de la República

Bouteflika informó el martes al Consejo Constitucional de su decisión de renunciar y notificó formalmente al Consejo la decisión de finalizar su período.

Por su parte, el jefe de gabinete del ejército argelino, Kaid Saleh, dijo en un comunicado después de la reunión de emergencia que se debe encontrar una solución para salir de la crisis y que no hay espacio para perder más tiempo. Explicó que la aplicación de la solución constitucional y los artículos 7, 8 y 102 de la Constitución deben ser de inmediato.


Tipo de contenido geopolítica