Síntesis informativa - 11 de febrero 2019


U.S. and South Korea Sign Deal on Shared Defense Costs

SEOUL, South Korea — Washington and Seoul on Sunday signed an agreement on how to share the cost of the American military presence in South Korea, resolving a dispute between the allies before President Trump’s meeting this month with Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader.

But the one-year deal only temporarily addresses an issue that has become particularly contentious under Mr. Trump, who has insisted that South Korea and other allies shoulder more of the cost of maintaining American bases on their soil.


Thousands Protest in Spain Against Catalonia Talks

MADRID — Tens of thousands of protesters on Sunday called for the ouster of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of Spain and denounced his proposal for talks to try to ease the tensions around the simmering secessionist conflict in Catalonia.

The demonstration — held on one of the main squares of Madrid and convened by right-leaning parties under the slogan “For a united Spain, elections now!” — was the largest against Mr. Sánchez since his minority Socialist government took office in June.

The government’s proposal last Tuesday to appoint a rapporteur in talks among political parties to address the Catalan independence crisis has galvanized the opposition, which deems it a betrayal and a surrender to pressure from Catalan separatists.


U.S. Airstrikes Said to Kill at Least 10 Civilians in Afghanistan

KABUL — At least 10 civilians were killed and several others were wounded over the weekend during American airstrikes in southern Afghanistan, local officials and residents in Helmand Province said on Sunday.

Two residents of the Sangin district of Helmand said eight members of a single family were killed by airstrikes in one house and two more in a nearby structure, among them women and children. Mohammad Hasim Alokozai, a member of Parliament from Helmand, put the death toll higher, saying in an interview that 14 civilians were killed and six wounded in the two houses.

A local resident, Aslam Khan, said the home of his brother, Assti Khan, in the Sangin district, was fired upon by a helicopter when he switched on a flashlight to find his shoes. The shots killed Assti Khan’s 10-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter and wounded his wife and 18-year-old daughter, his brother said in a telephone interview.


Iraq Rebuffs U.S. Demands to Stop Buying Energy From Iran

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is pressuring Iraq to stop buying energy from its neighbor and sole foreign supplier, Iran, in what has become a major point of conflict between Washington and Baghdad.

Iraqi leaders, fearing that a further shortfall in power would lead to mass protests and political instability in their electricity-starved country, are pushing back on the demand, which is rooted in President Trump’s sanctions against Iran.

The dispute has frayed American diplomacy with Baghdad as Iraq tries to steady itself after the United States military withdrawal in 2011 and the campaign against the Islamic Stat



Jitters mount as second US shutdown looms after talks stall over border wall

Leaders from both main parties sitting on a 17-strong negotiating panel must reach a deal over the disputed border security issue by Monday if there is to be time for Congress to pass legislation and Trump to sign it before the latest deadline of 15 February. Should they fail to reach agreement within hours, federal agencies, already exhausted after the 35-day shutdown that ended last month having impacted 800,000 federal employees, will yet again start to close from Friday at midnight.


Brexit: May has ruled out Corbyn's customs union plan – No 10

Theresa May is to update MPs on her Brexit progress on Tuesday, a day earlier than previously announced, No 10 has said, while stressing the prime minister had completely ruled out Jeremy Corbyn’s proposal of a departure deal involving customs union membership.

“We are absolutely clear on this: we’re not considering Jeremy Corbyn’s customs proposals; we’re not considering any proposals to remain in the customs union. We must have our own, independent trade policy,” May’s spokesman said.


What is the Green New Deal and how would it benefit society?

The proposal outlines the broad principles of a plan simultaneously to fight inequity and tackle climate change. It does not contain policy details or advocate for specific ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But with a broad brush it aims to make the US carbon-neutral – net zero carbon emissions – in 10 years.


Plummeting insect numbers 'threaten collapse of nature'

The world’s insects are hurtling down the path to extinction, threatening a “catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems”, according to the first global scientific review.

More than 40% of insect species are declining and a third are endangered, the analysis found. The rate of extinction is eight times faster than that of mammals, birds and reptiles. The total mass of insects is falling by a precipitous 2.5% a year, according to the best data available, suggesting they could vanish within a century.

The analysis, published in the journal Biological Conservation, says intensive agriculture is the main driver of the declines, particularly the heavy use of pesticides. Urbanisation and climate change are also significant factors.

Enlace al informe: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0006320718313636



Mike Pompeo comienza visita oficial por Europa Central

El objetivo del secretario de Estado es crear alianzas para contrarrestar la influencia china y rusa en la región.

El secretario de Estado norteamericano, Mike Pompeo, comenzó este lunes (11.02.2019) un recorrido de cinco días por Europa. Sus objetivos estarán centrados en reforzar las alianzas con los estados europeos para intentar contrarrestar la creciente influencia que tienen en la región Rusia y China.

La primera parada de Pompeo es Hungría, luego llegará a Eslovaquia, Polonia -donde participará en una conferencia sobre Oriente Próximo organizada por el Gobierno estadounidense-, Bélgica e Islandia.


Maduro inicia ejercicios militares con la consigna de sacar a Trump de Venezuela

La nueva aparición del presidente venezolano junto a las Fuerzas Armadas coincide con la celebración de la creación de la primera Constitución republicana del país sudamericano.

El presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, inició este domingo 10 de febrero una serie de ejercicios militares que se extenderán hasta el viernes (15.02.2019). El comienzo de esta actividad castrense estuvo marcada por las palabras pronunciadas por el mandatario que apuntaron al actuar estadounidense. De esta forma, Maduro aprovechó la ocasión para gritar "fuera" a Donald Trump, por considerar que este pretende intervenir en el país sudamericano.

En los ejercicios militares, que coinciden con las celebraciones por el Bicentenario del Congreso de Angostura, en el que se creó la primera Constitución republicana para Venezuela. Nicolás Maduro señaló "que no nos amenace Donald Trump. Fuera Donald Trump de Venezuela, fuera sus amenazas, aquí hay fuerza armada y aquí hay pueblo para defender el honor, la dignidad y el decoro de una patria que tiene más de 200 años luchando", dijo Maduro en el estado de Miranda, cercano a Caracas.


Misiles, el arma más poderosa de Irán

Los misiles iraníes marcan la agenda noticiosa por estos días. Sin un acuerdo a gran escala es difícil que Teherán renuncie a su principal defensa militar, opina Rainer Hermann, del "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung".

El planeta entero se ve inquieto por la cancelación del tratado INF para el uso de misiles de mediano alcance firmado hace treinta años por Estados Unidos y Rusia. El objetivo de ese acuerdo era evitar ataques con misiles nucleares de medio alcance. Sin embargo, varios países de Medio Oriente están preocupados por otro peligro que se cierne sobre ellos: los misiles balísticos de la República Islámica de Irán.


Australia signs major submarine deal with France

Australian officials have pledged to buy 12 attack submarines from France's Naval Group in Canberra's biggest ever defense procurement project. Experts fear the subs will be too expensive and do "far too little."

Representatives of France and Australia signed off on a record-breaking submarine deal in Canberra on Monday after nearly two years of frustrating talks.

In the document, Australia commits to paying 50 billion Australian dollars ($35.5 billion/€31.4 billion) to France's state-backed Naval Group for 12 new military submarines. The vessels are part of Australia's plan to boost its power in the Asia-Pacific region, where strategic interests of China, the US, and other nations collide.

The new Shortfin Barracuda submarines will be conventionally powered, using a combination of electric and diesel engines. Their design, however, will be based on Naval Group's nuclear Barracuda model.



Presidente iraní afirma que su pueblo se unirá para afrontar retos creados por EEUU

TEHERAN, 11 feb (Xinhua) -- El presidente iraní, Hassan Rouhani, afirmó hoy que su pueblo se unirá para hacer frente a los problemas creados por potencias como Estados Unidos.

Irán no permitirá a Estados Unidos lograr sus objetivos a través de la imposición de sanciones contra el país y la creación de desafíos para Irán en la región, dijo Rouhani durante un concurrido mitin en la plaza Azadi en Teherán, capital de Irán, con motivo del 40º aniversario de la Revolución Islámica.

Por otro lado, Rouhani afirmó que el apoyo de su país a algunas naciones de la región ha ayudado a abortar los complots de los enemigos. "Con el apoyo de Irán a Siria, Irak, Líbano, Palestina y Yemen, los enemigos no pudieron tener éxito en sus complots", dijo.


Retirada de EEUU de Siria será probablemente en semanas, dice alto mando militar

WASHINGTON, 10 feb (Xinhua) -- El general estadounidense Joseph Votel, a cargo de las operaciones militares en Medio Oriente y Afganistán, aseguró que su país comenzará con probabilidad a retirar a sus tropas de Siria en una semanas, informó la prensa local.

Votel, comandante en jefe del Mando Central de Estados Unidos, hizo estos comentarios en declaraciones a los medios a bordo del avión militar que lo llevaba a la región.


Rusia completa prueba de misiles embarcados de defensa aérea Poliment-Redut

MOSCÚ, 11 feb (Xinhua) -- El Ejército ruso anunció este lunes que había completado la prueba de su sistema embarcado de misiles de defensa aérea Poliment-Redut.

En una entrevista con el diario "Krasnaya Zvesda", el comandante en jefe de la Armada rusa, Vladimir Korolev, explicó que este sistema para fragatas, de la serie Proyecto 22350, puede alcanzar objetivos aéreos ubicados en un radio de hasta 150 kilómetros y una altura de hasta 30 kilómetros.

En noviembre, el ministro de Defensa ruso, Sergei Shoigu, anunció que se habían lanzado más de 10 Poliment-Redut contra diferentes blancos durante los ensayos estatales de la Flota Septentrional.


Presidente de Comisión de UA ensalza asociación entre UA y China

ADDIS ABEBA, 10 feb (Xinhua) -- Moussa Faki Mahamat, presidente de la Comisión de la Unión Africana (UA), ensalzó la asociación entre el bloque panafricano de 55 miembros y China en distintos ámbitos.

El presidente de la Comisión de la UA hizo los comentarios hoy en la inauguración de la 32ª cumbre de la UA en Addis Abeba, capital de Etiopía, a la que asistieron líderes africanos, diplomáticos extranjeros y otras personalidades.



Australia called to act against Chinese detention of Uighurs

Activists urge the government to help in the release of Australian Uighurs held in China's Xinjiang region.

Max Walden

Members of the Uighur Muslim community in Australia are renewing calls for action from the government amid reports that a number of Australian permanent residents are effectively trapped in China's Xinjiang province.

Australia has joined the US, Canada and other Western countries in calling for China to end its mass internment of Uighurs. Nevertheless, rights activists say the response from Western governments has been inadequate.


Acting Pentagon chief makes unannounced Afghanistan trip

Patrick Shanahan to meet President Ashraf Ghani whose government was not part of talks between US and Taliban officials.

The acting Pentagon chief said Washington has important security interests in the region and wanted to hear from the commanders on the ground.

Shanahan replaced Jim Mattis, who quit in December over policy differences with US President Donald Trump

The Taliban has refused to negotiate directly with Ghani's government, calling it a "puppet" of the West. But Ghani's allies in Washington insist Afghans should lead the peace process.


US, Russia present rival UN draft resolutions on Venezuela

As US and Russia compete within UN on backing opposing factions, another colonel shifts side in support of Guaido.

The US draft resolution calls for international aid deliveries and presidential elections in Venezuela while stressing "deep concern with the violence and excessive use of force by Venezuelan security forces against unarmed, peaceful protesters".

In response, Moscow came up with an alternative resolution, expressing its concern for Venezuela's territorial integrity and political independence.

The Russian draft criticises any "attempts to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of Venezuela".



Cuerpo de la Guardia Revolucionaria Islámica iraní rechaza negociar su capacidad misilística

El Cuerpo de la Guardia Revolucionaria Islámica iraní confirmó seguir con su estrategia destinada desarrollar la capacidad misilística, a fin de "mejorar la capacidad de disuasión de Irán y ayudar al frente de resistencia y satisfacer las necesidades de la nación".


Hizbullah celebra firme oposición a EE.UU. en su deseo de influir en el nuevo ejecutivo libanés

Qaouk destacó el alcance de una decisión contraria a los deseos de EE.UU. de evitar que el Partido de Dios asumiera cargos importantes en el recién instalado ejecutivo.

Indicó que Washington no esperaba que la posición nacional unificada rechazara el veto estadounidense.


Tipo de contenido geopolítica