Síntesis informativa - 6 de octubre 2020


Trump Live Updates: Trump, Back at the White House, Continues to Downplay Virus

Public health experts had hoped that Mr. Trump, chastened by his own infection and alarmed by the cases that have erupted among his staff members, would act decisively to persuade his supporters that wearing masks and social distancing were essential public health safeguards. Instead, the president has continued his year-long pattern of downplaying the deadly threat.

Síntesis informativa - 6 de octubre 2020


Trump Live Updates: Trump, Back at the White House, Continues to Downplay Virus

Public health experts had hoped that Mr. Trump, chastened by his own infection and alarmed by the cases that have erupted among his staff members, would act decisively to persuade his supporters that wearing masks and social distancing were essential public health safeguards. Instead, the president has continued his year-long pattern of downplaying the deadly threat.

Síntesis informativa - 5 de octubre 2020


As Trump Seeks to Project Strength, Doctors Disclose Alarming Episodes

WASHINGTON — President Trump sought to dispel any perception of weakness on Sunday with a surprise and seemingly risky outing from his hospital bed to greet supporters even as his doctors once again rewrote the official narrative of his illness by acknowledging two alarming episodes they had previously not disclosed.

Síntesis informativa - 1 de octubre 2020


Trump Renews Fears of Voter Intimidation as G.O.P. Poll Watchers Mobilize

The group of Trump campaign officials came carrying cellphone cameras and a determination to help the president’s re-election efforts in Philadelphia. But they were asked to leave the city’s newly opened satellite election offices on Tuesday after being told local election laws did not permit them to monitor voters coming to request and complete absentee ballots.

Síntesis informativa - 30 de septiembre 2020


With Cross Talk, Lies and Mockery, Trump Tramples Decorum in Debate With Biden

WASHINGTON — The first presidential debate between President Trump and Joseph R. Biden Jr. unraveled into an ugly melee Tuesday, as Mr. Trump hectored and interrupted Mr. Biden nearly every time he spoke and the former vice president denounced the president as a “clown” and told him to “shut up.”

El Tren Maya y el rompecabezas del Sureste

Con el anuncio del Tren Maya procesos que ya empezaban a ser muy preocupantes para la vida de las poblaciones de la península se han incrementado. Con su posible construcción seguramente se provocará una enorme tensión y los daños actuales, que todavía podrían ser remediados, llegarán a catastróficos niveles de irreversibilidad. Todo esto ocurre justo en este momento en que el cambio climático amenaza a la península, la cual ha perdido buena parte de sus arrecifes y manglares, y ha quedado desprotegida ante eventos naturales como los que este cambio está provocando.