Síntesis informativa - 15 de febrero 2019


Snap Election in Spain Is Set for April

MADRID — Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of Spain on Friday called a snap general election in April, opening a new chapter of national turmoil as the territorial conflict over Catalonia continues to weigh on the country’s politics.

The announcement from Mr. Sánchez came two days after his minority Socialist government suffered a major defeat in Parliament, when opposition lawmakers banded together with Mr. Sánchez’s erstwhile Catalan allies to reject his budget plan.

Mr. Sánchez unexpectedly took office in June, but he was in a weakened state from the start because his Socialist Party held less than one quarter of the seats in Parliament.


China and U.S. to Continue Trade Talks Next Week

BEIJING — Talks between the United States and China to end their trade war will continue in Washington next week, officials from both countries said on Friday, hours after high-level negotiations between American and Chinese diplomats ended in Beijing.

While the White House described “progress” in the talks, many issues remain unresolved and the discussions will continue as both sides try to reach an agreement ahead of President Trump’s March 2 deadline. Mr. Trump has threatened to raise tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods if a deal cannot be reached by that date, though he suggested earlier this week that he would push the deadline back if there were progress in the talks.


Afghan War Casualty Report: Feb. 8-14

At least 78 pro-government forces and 23 civilians were killed in Afghanistan during the past week. The deadliest attack took place in the area of Sorkhsang in Arghandab District, Zabul Province, where 14 police officers were killed and four others were wounded in Taliban assaults on three outposts. Two outposts collapsed to the Taliban during the fighting. The Times also confirmed six incidents in Takhar Province, in Northern Afghanistan, a number of which were tied to an offensive launched by security forces to clear the Taliban in Dasht-e-Qala District this week. In Helmand, at least 10 civilians were killed by American airstrikes in Sangin District, among them women and children. 

Venezuela’s Top Diplomat Enlists Support From Dozens of Nations to Counter U.S.

UNITED NATIONS — Venezuela’s foreign minister said Thursday that a new coalition of nations would fight what he called an illicit, American-led effort to topple his government, and he accused the United States of using sanctions and emergency aid as political weapons against Venezuelans.

“We all have the right to live without the threat of use of force and without application of illegal, coercive unilateral measures,” the foreign minister, Jorge Arreaza, told reporters at the United Nations’ headquarters in New York.

He described American-led actions as violations of United Nations Charter provisions that forbid threats or interference in a member’s internal affairs.

“We are an important group of countries who are sure that the majority of the members of this organization share the same interests,” Mr. Arreaza said, reading a statement outside the Security Council chambers.


Why Elliott Abrams and Ilhan Omar Tangled Over U.S. Foreign Policy

In a tense exchange at a hearing on Wednesday, one of the newest members of Congress, Representative Ilhan Omar, confronted Elliott Abrams, a Trump administration official, over his role in foreign policy scandals decades ago, including the Iran-contra affair and the United States’ support of brutal leaders abroad.

Mr. Abrams, who served in top State Department positions under President Ronald Reagan and has remained part of the Washington foreign policy establishment, was appointed last month to be the Trump administration’s envoy to Venezuela, where a dispute is raging over control of the nation’s presidency. Last month, the United States weighed in, recognizing the opposition leader Juan Guaidó as part of a campaign by the Trump administration to oust President Nicolás Maduro.


Trump Plans National Emergency to Build Border Wall as Congress Passes Spending Bill

WASHINGTON — President Trump will declare a national emergency as early as Friday to bypass Congress and build his long-promised wall along the nation’s southwestern border even as he agreed to sign a spending package that does not finance it, White House officials said Thursday.

The announcement came just minutes before voting began on the spending measure, which then cleared both houses, ending a two-month war of attrition that closed much of the federal government for 35 days and threatened a second shutdown on Friday. The Senate passed it 83 to 16, and the House followed later in the evening, 300 to 128.

But if he declares a national emergency to access billions of dollars for his wall, Mr. Trump could instigate a constitutional clash over who controls the federal purse and test the bounds of presidential authority in a time of divided government. Democrats and some Republicans instantly condemned the move, with some vowing to challenge it through legislation and lawsuits.



Trump to declare national emergency to free up billions for border wall

Donald Trump’s emergency declaration would hand him about $8 billion to build his wall on the US-Mexico border.

That’s $1.375 billion approved by Congress for fences along 55 miles of the Texas border, plus another $6.5 billion he intends to spend without Congressional approval, according to the Washington Post.


Brexit deal can still be voted through, Theresa May will tell EU leaders

May is likely to head to Brussels next week after another crushing defeat in parliament inflicted by Eurosceptic backbenchers, as well as speaking to more EU leaders over the weekend.


Pro-Israel donors spent over $22m on lobbying and contributions in 2018

Pro-Israel groups and individuals also contributed just under $15m to USpoliticians’ campaigns during the 2018 cycle, the highest amount since the 1990 cycle. The J Street Pac, a progressive, pro-Israel lobby that advocates for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, contributed the most at $4.03m. The nonpartisan NorPAC contributed $1.1m, while the Republican Jewish Coalition contributed about $502,000.

The pro-Israel lobby’s contributions reach a majority of US politicians. In 2018, it spent money on 269 representatives’ and 57 senators’ campaigns, and gave to Democrats at a two to one ratio.



Kremlin califica de "mafiosa" la legislación estadounidense contra proyectos energéticos rusos

MOSCU, 15 feb (Xinhua) -- El intento de congresistas estadounidenses de imponer sanciones sobre proyectos energéticos y bancos rusos es de caracter "mafioso", afirmó este jueves el portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov.

"Esta política a veces roza lo mafioso. Me refiero a varias provisiones del proyecto de ley destinado a impedir varios proyectos energéticos de empresas rusas, socavar las actividades de bancos rusos con la participación estatal", dijo Peskov, citado por la agencia de noticias rusa TASS.

Los congresistas norteamericanos propusieron el miércoles un nuevo proyecto de ley para introducir sanciones más severas contra Rusia, debido a su supuesta intromisión en las elecciones estadounidenses del 2016 y las recientes acciones contra Ucrania.


Diferencias entre UE y EEUU sobre acuerdo nuclear iraní podrían ser sobre métodos, dice canciller polaco

VARSOVIA, 14 feb (Xinhua) -- El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Polonia, Jacek Czaputowicz, dijo hoy durante una conferencia de prensa sobre Medio Oriente que las diferencias entre la Unión Europea (UE) y Estados Unidos respecto al acuerdo nuclear de Irán podrían ser por los métodos, y pidió acciones transatlánticas conjuntas.

"Las diferencias entre nosotros podrían ser por los métodos", dijo Czaputowicz, mientras se dirigía al secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Mike Pompeo, quien copresidió la ceremonia de inauguración de la conferencia junto con Czaputowicz.

"La Unión Europea cree que mantener el carácter pacífico del programa nuclear iraní requiere seguir adelante con el Plan de Acción Integral Conjunto (PAIC). Estados Unidos abandonó este acuerdo e impuso sanciones", explicó Czaputowicz.


Israel y EEUU concluyen ejercicio militar conjunto en medio de tensiones regionales

JERUSALEN, 14 feb (Xinhua) -- Los ejércitos israelí y estadounidense concluyeron hoy un ejercicio conjunto que simuló la defensa de Israel durante un ataque con misiles tierra-tierra, informó hoy el ejército israelí.

El ejercicio Juniper Falcon 19 se realizó del 10 al 14 de febrero e involucró al Comando Europeo de Estados Unidos y a las Fuerzas de Defensa Israelíes (FDI).

De acuerdo con una declaración del ejército israelí, más de 300 soldados estadounidenses participaron en el ejercicio junto con alrededor de 400 soldados de las FDI.


Corea del Sur y RPDC celebran conversaciones en oficina de enlace intercoreana

SEUL, 15 feb (Xinhua) -- Corea del Sur y la República Popular Democrática de Corea (RPDC) celebraron el viernes conversaciones en la oficina de enlace intercoreana en la ciudad fronteriza de Kaesong, en la RPDC, informó el Ministerio de Unificación surcoreano, citado por la prensa local.

A la reunión asistieron el viceministro de Unificación surcoreano, Chun Hae-sung, y Hwang Chung Song, subjefe de la oficina de enlace por parte de la RPDC.

La oficina se abrió el pasado septiembre para acoger, en cualquier momento, los contactos entre las dos Coreas.

Durante la reunión, Chun y Hwang discutieron asuntos como la celebración conjunta del centésimo aniversario del movimiento de independencia del 1 de marzo de 1919 contra el régimen colonial japonés.



India warns Pakistan of 'strong response' for Kashmir attack

India summons Pakistani envoy as Narendra Modi vows to exact 'heavy price' over deadly attack in Kashmir.

Pakistan has denied any involvement and warned India against linking it to the attack, but Arun Jaitley, India's foreign minister, said there was "incontrovertible evidence" that Islamabad had a "direct hand in this gruesome attack".

The separatist armed struggle in Kashmir has waxed and waned since the late 1980s, but began to pick up in the last five years as a new generation of rebels took up arms against New Delhi's rule. Most Kashmiris support the rebels' demand that the territory be united under Pakistani rule or as an independent country. 

The White House urged Pakistan in a statement "to end immediately the support and safe haven provided to all terrorist groups operating on its soil".

The attack strengthens US resolve to step up counterterrorism cooperation with India, it said.


Trump to declare emergency, sign spending bill: White House

White House says Trump will sign bill to keep gov't open, but will also declare national emergency to build border wall.

She has not said if House Democrats would legally challenge the president. But Pelosi did say if Trump invoked an emergency declaration it should be met with "great unease and dismay" as an overreach of executive authority. 


Haiti's president addresses nation amid violent protests

President Jovenel Moise defies protesters, says he will not 'give country up to armed groups and drug traffickers'.

"Why are people so angry? A lot of it has to do with the PetroCaribe scandal where billions of dollars in money that was allocated for social development projects is simply unaccounted for. So, not only are Haitians calling for the resignation of the president, saying that they have zero confidence left in the government, what they are asking is where that money went," he said.

Moise's flagship project was Agritrans, a firm running a banana plantation that sits on over 1,000 hectares of land it was granted tax-free access to.

After a heady launch in 2014, the company was dogged by questions about the plantation's financing, which opponents of the president are now using to stoke speculation about corruption.

The government had given Agritrans a $6m loan in 2015, and undisclosed investors are said to have put in $10m.


Dubai airport disrupted after reported drone sightings

Flights were briefly halted at Dubai International Airport, which handled nearly 90 million passengers last year.

Drones have become a major issue for the aviation industry after more than 1,000 flights were grounded or diverted over three days before Christmas in the UK following reports of drone sightings near London's Gatwick Airport.

Police and airport authorities believed that the drones, which were spotted near the airfield more than 50 times over a 24-hour period, were being flown in a deliberate act to disrupt the airport.



Cuba advierte sobre movimiento de fuerzas militares de EE.UU. en el Caribe

Según el documento, entre el 6 y el 10 de febrero se realizaron vuelos de aviones de transporte militar hacia el Aeropuerto Rafael Miranda, en Puerto Rico; la Base Aérea de San Isidro, en República Dominicana, y hacia otras islas caribeñas con bases militares estadounidenses donde operan fuerzas de operaciones especiales y de la Infantería de Marina "que se utilizan para acciones encubiertas, incluso contra líderes de otros países".

El pasado miércoles, el presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, manifestó durante una reunión con su par colombiano, Iván Duque, que Nicolás Maduro "debe dejar que la ayuda [humanitaria] entre en el país", y consideró que el gobernante venezolano "está cometiendo un terrible error al no permitir que eso suceda". Además, Trump reafirmó que estudia "todas las opciones" sobre la "crisis en Venezuela".


Preservar la unidad, soberanía e independencia de Siria, acuerdan en Cumbre de Sochi

La declaración final del encuentro, renueva el rechazo de los tres países a todos los intentos de crear nuevas realidades sobre el terreno bajo el pretexto de luchar contra el terrorismo así como sus determinación de afrontar los planes encaminados a socavar la unidad territorial y soberanía de Siria, reportó la agencia SANA.


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