Síntesis informativa - 11 de diciembre 2018


With Brexit Deal in Peril, Theresa May Scrambles to Save It

LONDON — After an embarrassing setback in Parliament, Prime Minister Theresa May toured European capitals on Tuesday, meeting with leaders and looking for some way to shore up support back home for her imperiled agreement on Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union.

British lawmakers had been scheduled to vote on the agreement on Tuesday, but after a debate in which it came under attack not only from the opposition but also from many members of her own Conservative Party, Mrs. May delayed the vote on Monday, acknowledging that her plans had faced defeat “by a significant margin.”

Her retreat undermined the tenuous hold on power by a prime minister whose opponents, both inside and outside her party, have been speaking openly about trying to topple her. It also left Britain’s exit from the European Union, or Brexit, in limbo, with lawmakers and analysts alike saying it was anyone’s guess what would happen next.


Attacks Across Afghanistan Leave at Least 30 Dead

KABUL, Afghanistan — At least 12 people were killed on the outskirts of Kabul on Tuesday when explosives in a vehicle detonated near a convoy of security forces, Afghan officials said, and at least 12 others were wounded.

It was the deadliest of several violent attacks across Afghanistan on Tuesday that left a total of more than 30 dead, most of them members of security forces.

Basir Mujahid, a spokesman for the Kabul police, said four of those killed in the attack on the convoy were security officers and eight were civilians. “Two women and a child were among the victims,” he said.


A Tragedy in Yemen, Made in America

Just before midnight, a businessman named Rabee’a was on the phone, trying to calm his friend down. Rabee’a owned a drill rig, and his friend had heard stories from elsewhere in Yemen about jets bombing well sites. It was Sept. 10, 2016, a year and a half into the war between the Saudis and the Houthi rebels. But to Rabee’a, it was a war happening over the horizon, out of sight. He was unbothered. That kind of thing wouldn’t happen in a poor place like this one, a district called Arhab that, though deep in rebel territory, was home to nothing and no one of interest to a fighter jet.

Besides, things like airstrikes didn’t happen to people like him. Rabee’a was a charitable man from a privileged family — a little self-satisfied, perhaps, but he had enjoyed good fortune for much of his life, and that wasn’t about to change. Despite a mischievous grin, he was a godly man, a good man, and finding water in poor places for poor people had become his calling; he even forgave debts when his customers couldn’t pay. His big heart, he was certain, had locked in his good luck. “I’m doing a good, legitimate business!” he said. “Those jets have no quarrel with a man on the road to God!”

He hung up. It was a peaceful night. There was electricity in the air. Behind him, people were celebrating, and they were celebrating him, really.


Unrest in France Hinders Macron’s Push to Revive Economy

PARIS — The need to accelerate growth has long been visible in almost every corner of the French economy, from dreary unemployment offices packed with jobseekers to businesses whose financially stretched customers struggle to make do.

President Emmanuel Macron came into office pledging to change all thatby improving the country’s long-term prospects. But his halting response to a month of violent demonstrations by the so-called Yellow Vest movement over social inequality has clouded his efforts for a revival.

Four weekends of mass protests in Paris and in towns and villages across France have hampered economic activity while hurting the country’s image with investors, the government said Monday.


Five Marines Declared Dead After Aviation Disaster

TOKYO — Five United States Marines were declared dead on Tuesday, six days after they went missing when two aircraft crashed off the coast of Japan during a routine training exercise.

The deaths follow a growing number of recent American military accidents, including two deadly collisions involving American warships in 2017, and will likely sharpen the spotlight on the country’s military operations in Asia.

After a search and rescue operation that spanned more than 800 hours and covered 35,000 square miles of ocean, the bodies of the five missing Marines have yet to be recovered.



IMF warns storm clouds are gathering for next financial crisis

The storm clouds of the next global financial crisis are gathering despite the world financial system being unprepared for the next downturn, the deputy head of the International Monetary Fund has warned.

David Lipton, the first deputy managing director of the IMF, said that “crisis prevention is incomplete” more than a decade on from the last meltdown in the global banking system.


Gilets jaunes protests continue despite Macron concessions

Macron gave a prerecorded televised speech on Monday watched by more than 23 million people in which he announced major steps to address concerns that people in France could not make ends meet.

The minimum wage will increase by €100 a month from January, he said, and a planned tax on pensions under €2,000 a month would be cancelled.

Blockades continued on roads from Brittany to the south of France on Monday night and Tuesday morning. One group even bricked up the entrance of the local government office in Mont-de-Marsan in south-west France shortly after Macron’s speech.

High-school and university students also continued their blockades and strikes over school and university reforms on Tuesday.


Colombia journalism project aims to bring untold stories of war to light

Colombia 2020, launched in early 2016 with funding from the European Union, aims not only to report on the transition from war to peace, but to educate a nation on what led its citizens to kill each other for generations.



Irán confirma prueba reciente de misil balístico

El Cuerpo de los Guardianes de la Revolución de Irán confirmó que llevó a cabo recientemente "una importante prueba" con misiles balísticos, que fue denunciada a principios de mes por Estados Unidos.

La reacción de los estadounidenses muestra que esta prueba fue tan importante para ellos que les hizo protestar", dijo el comandante de la fuerza Aeroespacial de los Guardianes, Amir Alí Hayizadeh, citado por la agencia local Fars.

"Llevamos a cabo nuestras pruebas de misiles y esa reciente prueba fue importante", subrayó el comandante, quien detalló que Irán realiza "más de 40 o 50 pruebas" de misiles al año.


Mayores exportadores de armas en 2017

Una vez más, las empresas occidentales dominan la lista anual de los 100 mayores fabricantes de armas. Estados Unidos fue el mayor exportador de armamento en 2017 y está a la cabeza con un 57% de la venta mundial de armas. Lo siguen los fabricantes europeos, con Rusia quitando el segundo puesto a Reino Unido y Francia en el cuarto.



Comandante militar de Irán descarta conversaciones con EEUU

TEHERAN, 11 dic (Xinhua) -- Las presiones de Estados Unidos no pueden hacer que Irán regrese a la mesa de negociación para abordar los problemas existentes, dijo hoy el comandante en jefe de los Cuerpos de la Guardia Revolucionaria Islámica (CGRI) de Irán, Mohammad Ali Jafari.

"La idea de que Teherán acordará negociar con Washington en medio de sus presiones es una ilusión", dijo, informó la agencia de noticias Tasnim.


Grupo de aviones militares rusos aterriza en Venezuela

MOSCU, 11 dic (Xinhua) -- Un grupo de cuatro aeronaves militares rusas aterrizó en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Maiquetia Simón Bolívar de Venezuela, informó este martes el Ministerio de Defensa ruso.

La cuadrilla incluyó dos portadores de misiles estratégicos Tu-160, un avión de carga pesada de transporte militar An-124, y un avión de largo alcance IL-62 de las Fuerzas Aeroespaciales de Rusia, anunció un comunicado.

El equipo cubrió una distancia de más de 10.000 kilómetros, afirmó el ministerio, agregando que en ciertas partes de la ruta, fueron escoltados por cazas F-16 de la Fuerza Aérea noruega.


Trump aprueba estrategia para combatir terrorismo de armas de destrucción masiva

WASHINGTON, 10 dic (Xinhua) -- El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, aprobó este lunes la Estrategia Nacional para Combatir el Terrorismo de las Armas de Destrucción Masiva, para prevenir que los grupos extremistas ataquen a EEUU con ese tipo de armas.

Según un comunicado divulgado por la Casa Blanca, la nueva estrategia marca un "paso decisivo" de Trump para hacer frente a las citadas amenazas, destacando "la urgencia de apartar armas químicas, biológicas, radiológicas y nucleares del alcance de las personas más peligrosas del mundo".



Former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh blocked from entering US

State department says Jammeh and members of his immediate family are ineligible to enter the United States.

Jammeh ruled the tiny West African country for two decades. He lost a democratic election to Adama Barrow in December 2016.

However, Jammeh refused to step down, which prompted a military threat by the African Union and the West African regional body ECOWAS. He fled to Equatorial Guinea in January 2017.


Nine killed in Congo's troubled eastern region of Beni

Assailants were suspected members of the ADF, an armed group blamed for hundreds of killings since 2014.

The ADF is a group that arose in western Uganda in 1995 under the leadership of Jamil Mukulu, a Christian-turned-Muslim.

Forced out of Uganda, it operates in the border area in the DRC's North Kivu province, an area where other armed groups are also active.



Pentagon accounting ‘error’: US taxpayer foots fuel bill for Saudi jets pounding Yemen (VIDEO)

The Pentagon has acknowledged that the Department of Defense “failed to charge the Saudi-led coalition adequately for fuel and refueling services” as Gulf state warplanes rained bombs on Yemen. The size of the “error” naturally compounded over the more than three years that the US offered its services, resulting in an unpaid invoice that likely totals tens of millions of dollars.

While the US halted its refueling support in mid-November as a result of the growing outcry over Saudi human rights abuses, the Pentagon’s glaring accounting screw-up is par for the course, investigative journalist David Lindorff told RT.


Spot on: Russia to track future US missiles with upgraded over-the-horizon radar

In response to US plans to pull out of the INF Treaty and the active development of its hypersonic technology, Russia is building a network of radar stations best suited to detect missile launches from afar.

Russia is seeking to install Container-type over-the-horizon (OTH) radar stations along its borders. The move will substantially boost Moscow's capabilities to monitor airspace and detect missile launches, particularly in case of hypersonic projectiles. An OTH radar employs completely different technology, compared with conventional radar installations that only provide "line-of-sight" coverage limited to a range of dozens or hundreds of kilometers at best. Russian researchers had to develop new equipment and processing algorithms to compensate for the interference caused by Sun's radiation in the ionosphere. It takes sophisticated mathematical algorithms to isolate relevant targets and, and more so to determine their velocity and direction based on the Doppler shift.

The space component of the ICBM launch early-warning system is pretty good at detecting launches from US soil. But it is not capable of getting the coordinates for targets. By 2018, the Container system was significantly improved. In early December, the Ministry of Defense announced that upgraded OTH radar is now on trial duty in Russia's Mordovia region. In six months, it is expected to be fully operational and enter regular service.

Russia's eastern over-the-horizon monitoring hub is supposed to be built in the next two years. A location to deploy the Container radar has already been scouted and chosen in the town of Zeya, Amur Oblast. The military is already producing the necessary equipment. This new Container radar station will monitor the Pacific region from Kamchatka to New Zealand and China. It will cover the airspace down to just above water, which will enhance our capabilities to detect missiles destroyers and aircraft carrier strike groups. The new Container radar is capable of detecting and tracking over 5,000 air targets simultaneously. It can also track a small plane right on the runway, or detect launch and track the warhead of short or intermediate range ballistic missiles, which have smaller radar cross-sections than their intercontinental cousins.


Moscow ready to release correspondence with US on alleged Russian election meddling

Russia is prepared to declassify all correspondences with the US related to alleged meddling in the American presidential election in 2016, according to a senior official of the Cyber Threats Response Center.

“We are ready to make public all correspondence if the US side gives its consent to it,” Nikolai Murashov, deputy director of the FSB-run CTRC, told reporters on Tuesday. These files are now classified, he said. Washington’s cooperation in probing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) hacking attacks was limited, the official said. Moscow had only received a number of messages “containing technical information about the hack,” Murashov explained.

The US, for its part, is reluctant to collaborate with Russia on ensuring the security of cyberspace, he said, adding Washington “unilaterally blocked” bilateral efforts. Almost two years ago, the DNC case spearheaded claims that the Kremlin had a hand in the 2016 election – an allegation that Moscow has called ‘ridiculous'.



Rusia envía dos bombarderos TU-160 a Venezuela

10 de diciembre.- Dos bombarderos estratégicos TU-160, un avión de transporte AN-124 y un avión de largo alcance Il-62 volaron desde Rusia al Aeropuerto Internacional de Maiquetía, en Venezuela, informó en un comunicado el Departamento de Información y Comunicaciones del Ministerio de Defensa de la nación euroasiática.


China y EE.UU. intentan fin de guerra comercial

El viceprimer ministro Liu He -jefe del equipo local- analizó el tema en una conversación telefónica con el secretario estadounidense del Tesoro, Steven Mnuchin; y el representante de Comercio, Robert Lighthizer, indicó un breve comunicado oficial.


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